His eyes were full of malice and resentment, hoping to kill Lin Xuan!

However, I have no intention to dream!

Lin Xuan sighed, he did not expect his hand, can let this an Zihao suffer this kind of blow, however, he does not feel that he did wrong!

As Shen Yan said, all the bitter consequences are his own fault!

Looking at the figure who was completely mad, Lin Xuan had no pity in his heart. His voice was like thunder, and he said: "long arm fist!"

Then, he mobilized the spiritual power in his body, whistling and turning himself into a shadow, not waiting to die!

But suddenly block in front of an Zihao's body, heavily brandish a thunder fist!


Bright blood blooms in the air. At the moment when an Zihao and Lin Xuan meet, they can't withstand the huge impact and concussion. From the palm of their hands, their bones are completely cracked, and even their internal organs have suffered heavy damage again, which makes an Zihao feel compelled to vomit blood!


Once again, without dignity, he was swept by Lin Xuan like the wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and fell heavily on the ground, like a dead dog. It was hard to get up for a long time!

Lin Xuan turned around calmly and said with disdain: "waste is waste, and it will never grow!"

If Lin Xuan were to be replaced, he would never make enemies everywhere, nor would he attack like crazy even if he knew he could not fight. For Lin Xuan, he would not be frightened by the momentum at all, but could find more weaknesses!

Smell speech, that crawls on the ground of thin youth body moved, want to struggle to get up, but because the left hand bone is broken, let him easily support body!

"Where are you from?"

An Zihao seems to have accepted his fate. The seemingly weak figure in front of him is a mountain he can hardly cross!

He clenched his teeth and forced himself to get up from the ground. He was very hoarse!

"Hey, hey, you just want to know the origin of brother Xuanmu?"

Lin Xuan ignored a loser, but Shen Yan would never miss such an opportunity to humiliate his opponent. With a smile, he continued to ask Lin Xuan's advice and said, "brother Xuanmu, can I say it?"

"It's all right!"

Lin Xuan shakes his head. Naturally, he knows what Shen Yan wants to say. He wants Shen Yan to make his "identity" public. In this way, he can get enough attention and fame in Luohuang city!

Just now, Lin Xuan had a plan to earn Lingshi in his heart!

Sure enough, seeing that Lin Xuan didn't disagree, Shen Yan immediately said with a smile: "since brother Xuanmu agreed, I might as well tell you now that brother Xuanmu is the direct disciple of the five elements view. He is a person with the greatest talent, far from being a frog in the well like you to match him!"

"Hey, hey, you lost in brother Xuanmu's hand. In fact, it's not unfair at all!"

Shen Yan has some influence in Luohuang city. Almost none of the younger generation in Luohuang city doesn't know him. Even some older people have heard of his name as the second son of the Shen family!

So his words shocked countless people immediately, and it was almost difficult to generate doubt in his heart!

After all, it was the second son of the Shen family who said this, and Lin Xuan's strength was strong enough. With the help of people's brain, he immediately had the following exclamation!

"I see... It's not that an Zihao is too weak, but that brother Xuanmu is too strong!"

"He's from the five elements view... He's still a direct disciple. That's the fifth superpower in Qingzhou Prefecture. We can't underestimate him!"

"Yes, only the five elements view and other holy places can cultivate such talents as brother Xuanmu. The five elements view really deserves its reputation!"

"I'm afraid it's hard to find a rival among the peers in Qingzhou Prefecture. An Zihao is not wronged at all for losing!"

At this time, some people who settled down and jumped to the stage of life and death, but they did not dare to act on Lin Xuan. If they directly attacked Lin Xuan in public, it would surely spread to the "five elements view"!

At that time, if the "five elements view" is angry, even if the an family is a big family in Luohuang City, it's useless to have a master of spirit in the family. It's not so bad!

They picked up an Zihao and left the arena, losing face!

And Lin Xuan also calculated this point formally, the hand just so mercilessly!

This fearless style is even more shocking. There is no doubt about his "identity"!

After all, if a normal person pretends to be a disciple of the five elements view, he will not dare to make it public!

But Lin xuanjian is very outspoken. This is the normal performance of his disciples. It can be said that his performance is more real than real!

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that in this life, I still have the talent to be an actor!"

Lin Xuan chuckled and whispered!

Immediately, he left the platform of life and death, arched his hand to the former Zhao 3000 Gong, and said with a smile: "it's delayed Mr. Zhao a little time, please Haihan!"

"Ha ha ha, what did brother Xuanmu say? I Zhao was lucky to watch brother Xuanmu's first battle and benefited a lot. I wish brother Xuanmu could continue to show some tricks on the court!"

Zhao changed his former appearance. Facing Lin Xuan, he had already removed his rebellious color. Instead, he regarded Lin Xuan as a person of the same level as him, and even his identity was still above him, which meant to please and make friends with him!

In the face of Zhao 3000's deliberate friendship, Lin Xuan didn't make a statement at the first time. Instead, he said with a smile: "ha ha, Mr. Zhao really offended me. However, this is why I inadvertently robbed Mr. Zhao of the limelight. Now, naturally, I want to return the limelight to Mr. Zhao!"

"Mr. Zhao, the person you are waiting for has arrived. Let's go to the first World War. Let's have a look at Mr. Zhao!"

"Haha, needless to say, I bet on Mr. Zhao in the gambling house. Mr. Zhao doesn't want me to lose."

"I'm here to wait for the good news of Mr. Zhao, waiting for Mr. Zhao to come back after winning!"

With that, Lin Xuan sat next to Zhao 3000. His face pretended to be aloof and implied that Zhao 3000 was qualified to make friends with him only if he won!

What a great man Zhao 3000 was, Lin Xuan's hint was clear, and he said with a smile: "haha, that Hongtian is just a waste. I won him, but it's not easy to catch him!"

"I, Zhao, naturally won't let brother Xuanmu bet on the wrong treasure. I'm sure I'll make a lot of money!"

Lin Xuan nodded, knew that Zhao 3000 understood his meaning, and said with a smile, "OK, then I wish Mr. Zhao success and return!"

The next moment, Zhao three thousand looked up at the sky and laughed. Then he jumped down and jumped onto the huge platform of life and death. He looked at one place in his eyes and said, "Hong Tian, since you're here, don't dawdle. When you're settled, I'll have a good life to entertain brother Xuanmu!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people turned their eyes to Lin Xuan. Some of them said in a low voice: "what kind of luck has Zhao 3000 gone? He has a friendship with the direct disciple of the five elements view. If he can make friends with the five elements view properly in the future, who else can compete with his Zhao family in Luohuang city?"

"Yes, yes, just now I wanted to make friends with brother Xuanmu, but because of my face, I didn't move rashly, but I didn't want to be pulled out of the top!"

"Hey, hey, what's the friendship between Zhao 3000 and brother Xuanmu? I lived and died with brother Xuanmu and crossed the Jedi!"

At this time, Shen Yan said with a smile!

It seems that people just react to this. If they are close to each other, it must be that Shen Yan and Lin Xuan are more familiar!

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