Lin Xuan was sitting not far away, and his ear power was excellent. Although Shen Yan's voice was not big, it was clearly heard by Lin Xuan!

After hearing this, Lin Xuan was also very moved. He shook his head and laughed. He said to himself, "I can be the pride of others one day... And still under such circumstances, I don't know what to think if Shen Yan knows my true identity in the future?"

"I have been in trouble with the five elements view's disciples!"

Shen Yan saw the power of Lin Xuan at the moment, and wanted to write down these big words on his face. He was more respectful to Lin Xuan!

It's like when Lin Xuan boasted in his previous life that he once played a profession and knew a well-known top rich second generation. It seems that he has a lot of face when he talks about it!

But from Lin Xuan's point of view, he was as young and frivolous as Shen Yan!

How about others? They have a fart relationship with you. They are not really close friends. They can't help you!

It's not as good as strengthening yourself. Only in this way can we succeed

Just go far!

Lin Xuan did not pay more attention, but put his eyes back on the stage of life and death!

At this time, a slightly fat young man jumped down from the stand, his eyes cold and said: "Zhao 3000, don't be crazy, I'll cure you!"

"Ha ha, Hong Tian, remember the agreement you and I made. If you are defeated by me, you can't pester Mu Qing any more!"

Zhao three thousand laugh, not afraid, just mentioned the agreement between the two!

"Hum, Zhao 3000, don't forget that if you lose to me, you can't pester Mu Qing either!"

Hong Tian is also cold hum a, tone Sen cold way.

At this time, the stand immediately issued ambiguous hiss, someone joked: "these two people usually quarrel with each other, caused by the storm, has always been a big fun for me to fall Phoenix City, but I didn't expect to break up today!"

"Ah, yes, it won't be so easy to see a play in the future!"

"Shen MuQing is worthy of being one of the best beauties in Luohuang city. She has attracted them to the stage of life and death. It's really a disaster for beauty!"

However, after a few words of ridicule, the topic was deviated, attracting more people to join in!

"Haha, what beauty is in trouble? Shen MuQing's cultivation is no longer under these two people. His talent is amazing. Although she is a female, she is said to be the most talented person in Shen family!"

"What? It's impossible. Not to say that Shen Yan, the second son of Shen family, is the pride of the thirteen in the first list of Luohuang city. Shen MuQing, the eldest son of Shen family, is the inner son of qixuezong. He has a bright future. How can Shen MuQing be compared with him

"Ha ha, you don't say that the eldest son of the Shen family is now more than 30 years old, but Shen MuQing is only in his prime of life!"

"Yes, at that time, the eldest son of Shen family just broke into the realm of spirit, and Shen MuQing not only practiced three years later than him, but now he is the third stage of spirit cultivation!"

"On weekdays, although she doesn't show mountains and water, her real strength is to win the top three seats in the young generation of luohuangcheng!"

"Haha, it's still a conservative estimate. Although this woman has never done it in front of outsiders, it's said that when she was a spiritual person with her second brother Shen Yan, she often played with each other for a long time!"

"And Shen Yan has never won a match. I heard that she was abused miserably!"

"What? Is it all true? "

"That's not true. This girl is not an underground mortal. I'm afraid she won't be the phoenix of nine days in the future. That's why Zhao 3000 and Hong Tian are trying their best to please and pursue her!"


Lin Xuan smell speech, also some surprised to see his side Shen Yan, he just saw Lin Xuan didn't go back, then took the initiative to sit over, in order to show close!

"Cough, brother Xuanmu, don't listen to their nonsense. How can it be, don't you?"

Seeing this, Shen Yan immediately wants to find a crack to drill in. Facing Lin Xuan's sharp eyes, he also looks left and right!

How clever Lin Xuan was. Seeing his shriveled appearance, he immediately realized that what he had just said was true!

"Didn't your sister come today?"

Naturally, Lin Xuan would not expose him and changed the topic.

"Three younger sister's arrogant people don't come to see their jokes. I'm afraid she is practicing in the family when she has time. I've told brother Xuanmu that my three younger sister doesn't like these two people at all. She just wants to get rid of them!"

Shen Yan saw Lin Xuan did not continue to ask, immediately relieved, slowly relaxed.

"Ha ha, that's it!"

Lin Xuan laughs and is intrigued by the girl of this day!

"The time of peach and plum among the nearby people just now is the time of double ten years, which means twenty years old. The spirit of twenty years old has three sections. It's really evil!"

Lin Xuan can't help but praise her. Besides, this woman doesn't look like an Zihao. She's a silver wax spear head. She doesn't look good!

She is a person who can abuse Shen Yan when she is in the spirit.

And the most amazing thing is that Shen Yan is still wandering in the spirit, but others have been promoted to the spirit of three, this gap is too obvious!

"Ha ha, listen to them say so, I have a doubt, don't know how old your sister began to practice?"

Lin Xuan has a wonderful way.

At this time, Shen Yan looked around, nodded to Lin Xuan, sighed: "this is the secret of my Shen family, but since brother Xuanmu asked, I have nothing to say!"

Then, he talked endlessly, and Lin Xuan was fascinated.

"My three younger sisters are really different from ordinary people, and even very strange. This is because my three younger sisters were tested for their talent by the family elders when they were young, but the result can only be described as ordinary!"

"According to the old man, my third sister has exhausted all her resources in her life, that is to say, she will not be able to enter the peak of spiritual cultivation."

"Afterwards, my Shen family didn't expect too much from my third sister. After all, my third sister is the little princess of the Shen family, and there is no shortage of cultivation resources. Moreover, because she grew up lovely and intelligent, she is loved by the elders and often taught them."

"However, my third sister, liberty, only likes piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She doesn't like practice. She can't even get started!"

"This is really bad for the elders in the family. After all, if the third sister doesn't practice, she will be a mortal in this life. Even if she has a magic medicine to continue her life, she will not be able to live a hundred years old."

"But there's no way. The elders can't bear to blame the third sister. They can only let it go. At that time, they just thought, ah, let the third sister be Princess Taiping all her life. That's what she wanted!"

"Since then, no one has forced my third sister to practice, but she has lived in peace for some time!"

"But it didn't last long. She had a serious illness when she was 14 years old. Because she was a mortal, she couldn't be spared from the common love."

"But it's reasonable to say that the Shen family has such a panacea. It must be that the medicine can get rid of the disease and prolong life. But it's strange that the third sister's illness is not only not getting better, but also aggravating, and there is a risk of death!"

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