"The difference between the divine pattern and the spiritual pattern is that the divine pattern can live forever in the world, just like the strange divine pattern encountered in the underground mausoleum that day. Even in the past thousands of years, it has never disappeared!"

"Generally speaking, the spirit pattern is as long as half a year or as short as ten days, and the spirit pattern engraved in the treasure material will disappear. It depends on the quality of the treasure material selected to carry the spirit pattern. If it is high-grade terrace treasure material, such as star stone, fire agate, Daluo silver essence, immortal blue gold and so on, it can survive for a longer time!"

"But this kind of precious material of terraces can't be engraved with spirit patterns at all. It's a waste of money!"

Shen Yan's family is a big family in Luohuang city. There are many secret books in the family, and the basic array pattern method makes Lin Xuan extremely surprised!

However, after hearing Shen Yan's words, Lin Xuan still had some doubts and said, "does this pattern have to be engraved on the precious material? I remember that in the underground mausoleum, what we stepped on was just ordinary bluestone, there was no unusual place! "

"The reason why Shenwen is called Shenwen is that it has no roots in the power of the spirit. It can be engraved without using precious materials. There are even array masters who can wield a brush in the void, and the recorded array is extremely rebellious!"

"Moreover, this array of patterns is the true solution of the ancient great power of perceiving the road of heaven and earth. Even a painting without spiritual power, just the combination and sequence of several mysterious symbols, can mobilize the power of heaven and earth in the void, but the power is extremely small!"

Shen Yan has a sister who is proficient in array pattern. She also has a good understanding of the way of array pattern, which makes Lin Xuanmao suddenly open up!

"The mysterious symbols recorded in the towering atlas should be the so-called array patterns, which are even more mysterious and obscure than those encountered in the underground mausoleum at the beginning. I often have remembered the outline of some symbols, but after closing the atlas, my mind seems to lose memory, and I can't remember them!"

"I haven't tried to draw gourd and ladle before, but the lines outlined are quite different from those recorded in the catalogue. There is no response at all!"

"What's more, I can't understand it at all. I have no way to get started. Now I think that these patterns are very advanced symbols. Even if I want to practice, I have to start from the basics. Only when I enter the gate can I understand the mysterious patterns on them!"

Lin Xuan said to himself in his heart that he wanted to see Shen MuQing more and more. If he got some advice, maybe he could step into the way of array pattern!

Although Lin Xuan is a pharmacist now, he yearns for the mysterious way of array pattern!

"If I can really build it in the future, I can use the array to kill the enemy. It's too useful!"

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan made up his mind and said to Shen Yan, "brother Shen, I'm really curious about your sister. I'd like to invite brother Shen to introduce me to you."

"That's all. As brother Xuanmu said, I'll try my best. If my third sister doesn't see you at that time, I really have no choice but to ask brother Xuanmu to break into the battle by himself!"

Shen Yan scratched his head and sighed!

At this time, the battle on the field suddenly stopped, only to see that Hong Tian was born in a small family, lack of foundation, was Zhao 3000 heavy hit, heavily fell to the ground!

So far, this jealous drama has come to an end!

"Ha ha, as expected." Lin Xuan got up, shook his head and chuckled.

"Brother Xuanmu really has a good eye. Now we can earn some spirit stones!"

Shen Yan is also happy to smile, the income of two thousand five spirit stone, even if it is minus some fees, is also a lot of extra money!

"Let's go. I can't wait to see your sister!"

Lin Xuan turned his head and thought that he had forgotten to drink with Zhao 3000 just now. He planned to leave directly.

The fight under the stage, Lin Xuan from the very beginning to see a few eyes has been clear, there is no bright spot to speak of, that Zhao three thousand strength he also weigh out, and anzihao difference is not too much!

Such a person is no match for that strange woman of Shen family. Lin Xuan is too lazy to waste his time making friends with him. It's useless!

"Ah? I'm leaving now? "

Shen Yan didn't react. He thought Lin Xuan would say hello to Zhao 3000, but he didn't expect to leave without saying a word!

He subconsciously looked at the stage of life and death, only to see Zhao Sanqian's high spirited humiliation of Hong Tian, the loser, let him abide by the oath, don't disturb Shen MuQing!

Then, Shen Yan thought back and left the arena with Lin Xuan!

Among them, Lin Xuan is very eye-catching. Many people deliberately make way for him after they see him, and their eyes are full of fear!

It's really amazing that Lin Xuan was so aggressive before!

And after seeing two people leave, many expensive CHILDES who used to sit on the bleachers also got up and shook their heads and said, "it's boring. Let's go, too!"

"Extremely is extremely is, saw that after with an Zihao's duel, I only then discovered that this Zhao 3000 and Hong Tian vie for love and jealousy's duel is also too uninteresting!"

"Hey, hey, don't say that. Although there are pearls and jade in front, young master Zhao is also an outstanding genius in Luohuang city!"


On the stage of life and death, he wanted to brush a wave of existence in front of the many proud sons of Luohuang city. As a result, he found that he had not finished the match, and these people left one by one!

It's too embarrassing, isn't it?

"Well, where's brother Xuanmu? Isn't that right? "

Zhao 3000 also wanted to make friends with Lin Xuan. Looking back, he found that there was no more of him in the stands. He immediately wondered!

"Ha ha, that's the first one to go!"

At this time, a young man with Zhu Yu around his waist smiles at Zhao 3000. He also gets up and leaves!

"Brother Xuanmu didn't wait for me..."

After hearing this, Zhao felt that he could be regarded as a hero in Luohuang city. Even if Lin Xuan was a direct disciple of the five elements concept, he should not be so flattering, should he?

At this time, the young man with Zhu Yu seemed to hear Zhao 3000's words. He stopped, looked back and said, "even anzihao said that he would fight. Does brother Zhao think he is more noble than anzihao?"

In Luohuang City, the power of settling down is above the Zhao family!

Although the young man didn't say it clearly, he also implied it clearly: "you are a smelly brother. Why do people want to kill you? I didn't see that an Zihao was beaten up. Did an family dare not fart?"

If he said this, he would offend others to death. The young man held back his thoughts, only asked a rhetorical question, and then left calmly!

But Zhao 3000 was not a fool. Naturally, he recognized the implication of the young man's words and immediately said, "Damn, let's wait and see!"

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