Lin Xuan and Shen Yan come out of the gambling house with a spirit contract, and then they go directly to the Shen family under the guidance of Shen Yan.

The Shen family is located in one of the very special areas in Luohuang city. There are branches of spiritual vein underground. Compared with the ordinary boundary, the spiritual spirit is more rich, which is helpful to practice.

If the location in the city is taken as the criterion, it is in the south of the city.

Along the way, the city of Luohuang is crowded with people, a prosperous scene.

When Lin Xuan came to the front of Shen's house, he realized what Luohuang city is. It's no better than the bird of Lin's house in Tianxing city. There are so many people in front of Shen's house, waiting in front of Shen's house one by one, chatting idly.

"These are the people who adore my three younger sisters in the city. Some of them are from big families, but they are not liked by my three younger sisters. They are not allowed to enter the gate!"

"But these people are so persistent that they often stay in front of my Shen family, hoping to see my third sister!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was also helpless. He didn't expect that there were so many pursuers in front of the door besides Zhao 3000 and Hong Tian

"What a beautiful woman she is, and how she can fascinate people like this?"

Lin Xuan is more and more curious!

Naturally, the two of them would not be stopped. They were different from ordinary people. Even some members of the Shen family heard that Lin Xuan came from the "five elements view" and they came here in person to greet him.

"It's really useful to be a disciple of the great religion."

Lin Xuan felt funny in his heart. No wonder so many people want to enter the great religion, especially the first transcendent force in Qingzhou Prefecture - qixuezong!

"Brother Xuanmu, in front of me is the plum garden where my three younger sisters live. I'll call her out now."

Shen Yan takes Lin Xuan to the back mountain of Shen's family. The so-called back mountain is not a mountain at all, but a small hill.

Plum trees are planted all around the mountain. They extend to the most central part of the mountain, so they are planted in the place where the branches of the spiritual vein are located. This plum garden is full of aura, and Lin Xuan just sniffs it. He feels his blood is gushing. This place is really a holy land of practice, just like a fairyland!

"It's no wonder that it's reasonable to practice in such a place as Lingqi, get twice the result with half the effort, and make such great progress."

Lin Xuan thought of the cultivation of Shen MuQing, who he had never met before. He felt that only the Shen family could do it!

Moreover, it's early spring. On the vigorous plum trees, the red plum trees are as cool as catkins in the sky, which are extremely pink and tender. On the petals, there are dewdrops with aura, which are quite natural.

Even before he stepped into the plum garden, Lin Xuan felt the fragrance coming and pouring into his nose, which made him intoxicated.

"Because of its aura, the plum blossoms in this world are far more gorgeous and charming than those seen in previous lives, with a strong fragrance."

Lin Xuan's heart moved, and he recalled that the plum tree he saw when he was on a hike in his previous life was very different from what he saw today!

"Moreover, the seasons in this world are quite different from those in previous lives. Although they are 12 months in the same year, there are only three seasons in each year!

"Spring, autumn and winter!"

There is no summer in this world, which is the answer Lin Xuan got from the book.

Each season is divided into four months, three seasons are also twelve months!

Spring is from April to July, autumn is from August to November, and winter is from December to march!

This is the early spring of April, and the day of qixuezong's opening the mountain gate is in the early autumn. There are still four months left!

Lin Xuan came back and was curious to see that Shen Yan took out a piece of jade from his arms, which was shining and shining. There were strange patterns on it, like array patterns, but it was far less obscure than that in the towering atlas!

"Brother Shen, what is it?"

Lin Xuan asked curiously.

"Ha ha, brother Xuanmu, you are so stupid to practice in seclusion. You don't even know this thing. It's called Chuanyin. Originally, only the great disciples like brother Xuanmu could hold it. It was refined by the master of array!"

"It contains a small array. There are two jade cards, one for my daughter and the other for my mother. My third sister has a master card in her hand. As long as I push the note, I can pass the message, and the third sister who holds the master card will know it!"

"Haha, this thing was made by the third sister herself in private. It took several pieces of warm jade as big as a washbasin to make the only pieces of musical notes!"

"Moreover, this note is only the lowest level note, the farthest distance is ten li. If it is more than ten li, the master card will not be able to sense it!"

Shen Yanxi Zizi said, will hand the jade card to Lin Xuan in front of, for him to play!

To tell the truth, Lin Xuan really felt that he was going to be exposed more than once, but Shen Yan didn't doubt his identity at all!

"It seems that the shock left to him by the white jade tripod is still there. If it wasn't for the white jade tripod, Shen Yan would have doubted me for a long time. He didn't even hear of passing notes!"

Lin Xuan sighed in his heart. He felt that he was too difficult. He had been in Tianxing city before, and he didn't know anything!

"The sage said yes, it's better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books!"

Lin Xuan shook his head and had to prevaricate: "brother Shen doesn't know how strict my grandfather was. He has urged me to practice and refine alchemy since I was a child. Besides, he knows little about it."

Shen Yan nodded to understand, and said, "I'm the same. But unfortunately, my talent is limited. It's not as good as one tenth of brother Xuanmu!"

"Brother Shen, I don't know how to use this note?"

Lin Xuan curiously took the jade card to weigh and play for a while, but he did not dare to use it casually, for fear of destroying such treasures!

"It's just like the fruit machine of the previous life. It's the flesh of other people's heart. I'd better not play around!"

Hearing the speech, Shen Yan laughed, took the jade card and said to Lin Xuan, "it's very easy to use this note. Brother Xuanmu, you should watch it!"

Shen Yan put some pure spiritual power into the note, and the small sound transmission array inside it was pushed to light up the green light!

Then Shen Yan put the jade card in front of her lips and whispered, "third sister, I have a good friend from the" five elements view "who wants me to introduce you and meet you!"

"My good friend is not inferior to you. If you communicate with each other more, you will surely get something!"

Then, as Shen Yan's words fell, I saw the ripples on the blue jade plate.

It wasn't long before I saw a woman's sweet and clear voice like a nightingale when she passed the note. Her tone was a little impatient and she said, "don't let your friends disturb me!"

"Third sister... My good friend is not Meng Lang before, but a real genius. You'd better come out and see him!" Shen Yan seems to be a little afraid of her sister. She speaks in a very careful voice!

"Hum, you didn't say that once, but you sold me every time. If you said no, you just didn't see me!"

In the transmission, it looks like a girl's anger. It has a beautiful voice and a unique flavor.

Then, Shen Yan wanted to say something more, but she didn't expect that the woman opposite had already cut off contact, and the ripples on the blue jade plate were also collected!

"Lying trough, this thing is really magical. If you take it to another world, you can apply for a patent properly, just like a mobile phone!"

Seeing this, Lin Xuan didn't feel angry about being rejected. Instead, he swallowed his saliva and salivated for Shen Yan's jade medal!

"I must be a pattern master. It's more fun than an alchemist!"

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