Shen Yan doesn't know the whisper in Lin Xuan's heart. He only knows that he used to do so many bad things, but now the third sister doesn't trust him!

"Brother Xuanmu... You see... I have nothing to do!"

Shen Yan shakes the jade card and says to Lin Xuan helplessly.

"It's OK. You said that as long as you pass through the plum garden, you can see a real person. So what if I do it?"

Lin Xuan laughs. He doesn't believe that a wizard who has just started the third section of the spirit can arrange any powerful array.

"Brother Xuanmu... You have to think twice. Well, I'd better think about something. This ten mile plum garden is like a forbidden area in my Shen family. I dare not intrude. If I'm not careful, I'll be lost or even in danger!"

Shen Yan reminds Lin Xuan that he should not be impulsive!

"Well, then I ask you, is this array in the plum garden the main attack?"

Lin Xuan nodded and knew that he could not rush into the battle even if he did. He still had to listen to Shen Yan's opinion first!

"That's not true, but there are many kinds of array in the plum garden. There are also killing array carved by my three younger sisters, and she is the only one in the family who can solve it..."

"My three younger sisters have a strange temperament. If the family is OK, she will rescue people by mistake. But if she hates people and doesn't want to see them, she will really stand by and do nothing..."

"Before, Zhao 3000 and Hong Tian were refused to stay outside the plum garden more than once. They did not agree and broke through the array, but none of them broke through. They almost fell into the array. It was the old family who forced the three younger sisters to let them out when the situation was bad..."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately understood, this Shen Mu Qing is really not simple!

Not only did he not fall in cultivation, but he also practiced the array mage. It seems that he has made a small achievement. Zhao 3000 and others who can be trapped almost fell into it. They must be at least the array to deal with the second section of the spirit!

"What's more, maybe it's only the first array, and there are three or four sections to deal with the spirit behind it, which may not be impossible!"

"However, as far as her realm is concerned, it's no longer easy to arrange the array that goes up again!"

Lin Xuan thought to himself that he didn't want to be sent out by others. That's too shameful!

"This is the highest array in the plum garden. What level of master have you been trapped in?"

To be on the safe side, Lin Xuan asked again.

"The fourth section of the spirit is the old Shen Hua clan that brother Xuanmu once met. He was invited by his third sister to test the array. He broke through the six fold array in a row, but failed in the seventh fold array because of his lack of strength."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately murmurs a way: "the physical strength does not support?"

"However, according to the old Shen Hua, if he has enough spiritual power in his body, give him a little more time, he can break the seventh array!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded, which was similar to what he had guessed. This woman really set up a number of arrays. The harder she went, the harder it was!

"In that case, I can't have a try!"

Lin Xuan, the old Shen Hua, once met him. Although he had never met him, he felt that if they were fighting, he could run away even if he couldn't fight!

If the other side pursues deeply, they can kill each other alive!

Compared with today, Lin Xuan's recovery speed in spiritual power is terrible. In addition, he is in the plum garden with dense spiritual power, so he can be invincible by nature!

"Brother Xuanmu... If you insist on this, if you think it's impossible, you'd better go back first. If not, with the temperament of the third sister, it's really possible that you can't save yourself from death!"

See Lin Xuan make up his mind, Shen Yan is not good to persuade, but remind way.

"Don't worry."

Lin Xuan nodded. He looked at the plum garden in front of him and walked forward calmly!

For him, it's not easy to meet an array master. If he can get some advice or get the basic array pattern method, maybe he will be able to understand the mysterious symbols on the towering atlas by then!

"Before, I had the feeling that the reason why the system didn't respond to the towering atlas was that I didn't meet the standard for studying and understanding!"

"What's more, Shen MuQing is really like a fellow townsman. If it's true, it's a real shock!"

For various reasons, Lin Xuan had no choice but to break into the battle.

And as he stepped into the plum garden, suddenly it seemed to penetrate a layer of water curtain, the things in front of him changed, and the plum trees in front of him shifted!

"It's no illusion!"

Lin Xuan subconsciously looked back and found that even after Shen Yan disappeared!

"I should have entered the array, but this should be the first array. It's not too dangerous, but it may make people lost!"

Lin Xuan guessed that he had also encountered a maze in the black iron Hall of the underground mausoleum. The maze was not arranged by the original owner of the mausoleum. Because it was not extraordinary enough, it was far more terrible than the real arrangement in the mausoleum!

But then, without further exploration, he hurried back, which was a puzzle.

As he thought about it, Lin Xuan walked cautiously towards the deep of the plum garden, but he always felt that every time he looked back, he could see that the plum tree seemed to have some traces of displacement!

"I always feel that this array is better than the maze I met at the beginning. It's really arranged by a person with three sections of spirit?"

Lin Xuan had a secret way in his heart. As expected, he seemed to have lost his way. After a few steps, he found that he didn't know when to return to the original origin!

"Haha, fortunately, the old Shen Hua clan once said in public the way to break the maze, but I remember it!"

"Every maze has its eyes. As long as the eyes are destroyed, the maze will be broken."

Lin Xuan whispered, patiently continued to walk again, this time, he was more attentive than just now, walking slowly, eyes bright Zhan!

Half an hour later, Lin Xuan finally found a suspicious plum tree. He clapped it with one hand and roared like a light curtain. Lin Xuan cracked the array and returned to the original plum garden!

At this time, when he looked back, he finally found Shen Yan's figure. He was waiting outside the plum garden.

"Ha ha ha, brother Xuanmu is really good. He broke the first array so quickly. Congratulations

Shen Yan laughs and seems to be happy for Lin Xuan.

"Brother Shen, what did you see just now?"

Lin Xuan is a little curious. Can Shen Yan see himself when he is lost!

"Brother Xuanmu has been circling a plum tree for half an hour. Ha ha ha!"

Shen Yan laughs wildly and looks funny!

Smell speech, Lin Xuan is also some embarrassed, did not expect to be like this!

"It turns out that all the other plum trees I saw just now are fake. Only the one I hit with my hand is real!"

After the light curtain broke out, he saw a tree in front of him, which was patted by him, and there were red flowers on the ground!

At this moment, Lin xuanruo stares at the plum tree in front of him thoughtfully, and seems to grasp the solution to the maze!

"Brother Shen, watch it. I'll fight again!"

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