Seeing this, Lin Xuan's heart sank down, but he didn't give up. Instead, he said again, "Miss Shen, listen to this couplet again!"

"The king of heaven and the tiger of earth!"

However, as Lin Xuan opened her mouth, the girl Shen in front of her was completely confused. Her face seemed to be full of question marks. She didn't understand what Lin Xuan said!


"What kind of couplet is that?"

This sentence, Shen MuQing endure very hard, but in the end, because of good education, did not say such vulgar words!

When Lin Xuan saw Shen MuQing's posture, he couldn't say what his feelings were, but he was also relieved!

In the imagination, the scene of the villagers meeting the villagers didn't happen. Lin Xuan could basically confirm that the woman in front of him really didn't understand what he was saying and could not do it.

"Sure enough, I think too much!"

Lin Xuan laughed at himself and thought to himself.

"Are you kidding me?"

The next moment, although Shen MuQing did not curse, but still very angry!

However, Lin Xuan had a different feeling in his eyes. He said to himself, "sure enough, every smile and frown of this beauty is like a drunken old man!"

Then Lin Xuan laughed, pretended that nothing had happened, and continued: "please don't blame me, Miss Shen. These two sentences are from ancient books, and I haven't understood them yet. I think they are also profound. Miss Shen doesn't know why“

"In addition, I want to invite Miss Shen to have a talk in zuixianlou, and I want to ask her about the way of array pattern!"

Hearing this, Shen MuQing, who was still a little angry, restrained her expression, moved in her heart and said: "Oh? It turns out that you are also immersed in the array pattern. No wonder you can break the array so quickly

Shen MuQing felt that she finally understood Lin Xuan's secret, but even so, she also felt that Lin Xuan was extraordinary, and her cultivation was so low, but she could show the power far beyond the realm, which was very mysterious!

Lin Xuan was embarrassed to ask this question. It was only just now that he had made great progress to say that he was immersed in the way of array pattern!

The reason why Lin Xuangang was able to break the triple killing array so quickly was that just after he stepped out of the fourth array, a prompt came to his mind!

"Congratulations on the host's successful understanding of the towering atlas rubbings (1 / 3000)!"

And then, the original fuzzy mysterious symbols in Lin Xuan's mind showed a state of pure brightness. The first mysterious little word as thin as a mosquito in the Sky Atlas was remembered by him and magnified many times in his mind!

Lin Xuan then tested it and found that he could completely outline the first obscure symbol, and even better understand the function of the symbol!

"The door

This first symbol, in Lin Xuan's understanding, is similar to the meaning of the door. Although it is incomplete, just using the spirit power to outline this symbol in the void can affect the whole array!

The main idea of the explanation given by the system is that you can open a door with the help of the original rune. No matter where you are, you can open the door and leave!

This is the information Lin Xuan got from his mind after learning the symbol.

Then, in his mind is the information about the towering atlas, which is as good as he expected. This towering atlas actually records the array pattern!

But this mysterious symbol is different from the common patterns. It can be said that it is the most primitive and the oldest. Even if it doesn't need to be burned and painted in the void, it has great power!

Even more vividly, the 3000 tiny mysterious symbols recorded in this towering atlas are the closest to the origin of world rules!

But because these mysterious symbols are too obscure to understand, only great power can understand them. After a long time, these most primitive symbols containing mysterious power have been divided into many more simple and easy to understand basic patterns.

That is to say, in the basic array pattern, these differentiated patterns need to be combined with each other to give full play to the power of the original Rune!

From ancient times to the present, in order to better understand it, all the mages of the past dynasties have to abandon the most primitive patterns and practice the basic patterns of the concise version!

Gradually, these primitive runes have been buried in the years, few people can understand.

According to the common sense, it is impossible for Lin Xuan to understand this kind of primitive rune, but I don't know if it's the reason why he felt something. It actually inspired the system and made him really understand a primitive Rune!

However, according to the systematic explanation in my mind, the first Rune with the meaning of "door" can not completely open a door. It also needs other combinations of original runes, because the rules involved in opening a door do not only involve one original Rune!

But even so, the original rune is of great use to Lin Xuan. Although it can't directly open a complete door, it can affect the stability of the array. It still has the power of "door" rules, which is equivalent to creating a weakness or gap for the array!

Therefore, when Lin Xuan understood the function of the original rune, he easily broke the following triple killing array!

"Exactly. I heard from brother Shen that Miss Shen had a high understanding of the array. I'm here to pay a visit!"

Even if Lin Xuan didn't understand or even read the most basic tens of thousands of patterns, it didn't prevent him from blowing out Niubi first!

When Shen MuQing is fooled, won't there be the basic pattern?

With this idea in mind, Lin Xuan was afraid that Shen MuQing didn't pay attention to his understanding of the array, so he continued: "don't Miss Shen want to know why I can get out of trouble so quickly?"

Sure enough, the front is as plain as water, and there is some curiosity at this time.

Shen MuQing felt that he had seen a lot of outstanding people in the world, but Lin Xuan and others made him confused and puzzled!

"Since it's the way to exchange patterns, Mu Qing will never be absent. You can go ahead and wait for me to change my clothes, and then you'll arrive!"

Shen MuQing smiles, as if surprised by time, which makes Lin Xuan move again and his eyelids jump wildly.

"Cough... OK, I'll wait for Miss Shen in Zuixian building!"

Lin Xuan coughed, covered up his action just now, and said goodbye to Shen MuQing first!

But as he turned around, Shen MuQing seemed to suddenly think of something. He said with a smile, "wait a minute, young master. MuQing suddenly remembered that he hasn't asked for your name yet?"

"Oh, down in the woods... Dark wood!"

Lin Xuan is a little lost in the face of such a beautiful woman. He almost says his real name and tries to remedy it.

Seeing Lin Xuan's embarrassment, Shen MuQing smiles. It seems that all the plum blossoms in the garden are eclipsed. She can be called a disaster beauty!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was embarrassed to stay any longer. He wanted to leave in a hurry, but he subconsciously stopped and turned to Shen MuQing and said, "Miss Shen, I don't know how to solve this array?"

Hearing this, Shen MuQing chuckled. I don't know when another hairpin appeared in the jade finger, but this time, it was silver.

Shen MuQing put the hairpin in the center of the array plate, then gently moved it. It seemed that she was rearranging the array patterns. After counting the breath, she put away the array plate in her hand, stretched out a gesture and said, "master Lin, the array has been solved, please go ahead!"

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