Ten mile plum garden, if there is no danger that exists all the time, is really a wonderful place to enjoy.

Lin Xuan walked out of Meiyuan all the way. Now it was sunrise in the East. In order to break through the battle, he spent a whole day!

At this time, the eastern morning glow reflects the clear sky, and the golden light spreads all over the world, which is extremely gorgeous!

This world is a fairyland with aura. It is far from comparable to the air quality of previous blue stars. The view above is clearly visible.

This is also one of the wonders of this world. When Lin Xuangang came to this world, he looked up at the distant sky and felt boundless emotion in his heart!

In addition, if according to the previous normal alternation of day and night, it should be six hours of day and six hours of night!

But this world is different. There are nine hours in the day, and the remaining three hours are night. But even night is full of stars, as bright as day!

It can almost be said that there is no pure night. When he first came here, Lin Xuan was still thinking about how plants should grow and whether human beings could adapt according to the previous theories

Later, after living in this world for a period of time, he never thought so. The rich aura in the world is the nutrient of all things, which is one of the reasons why this place is full of ancient trees and grass!

He was in a mysterious world. He wanted to explain it with the theory of previous life. I have to say that it's so lovely in retrospect!

Looking back, Lin Xuan finally came to the edge of the plum garden. In the distance, Shen Yan was waiting at the exit. Seeing Lin Xuan coming, he immediately comforted him and said, "brother Xuanmu, don't be discouraged. My three younger sisters are really gifted in the array. Even the elders of the Shen family have to break into the array for two days, or even lose in the seventh array!"

"Brother Xuanmu, even if you give up, it's rare for you to come out intact. If brother Xuanmu really wants to meet my third sister, I can help you find a way again. Don't worry!"

Looking at Shen Yan's face, Lin Xuan laughed. He didn't explain anything. Instead, he said, "brother Shen, I heard you said earlier that zuixianlou is the first restaurant in Luohuang city. The wine and food are not ordinary, but they are greedy. Let's go. It's my treat, but I have to trouble brother Shen to lead the way."

Originally, Shen Yan thought that Lin Xuan would be depressed if he failed to enter the battle, but he did not expect that Lin Xuan not only had no sorrow on his face, but also was full of joy.

"Brother Xuanmu is really a great man. He is worthy of being a disciple of the great religion. His ability of calming Qi is extraordinary!"

Shen Yan looks at Lin Xuan, who is calm and calm.

"Well, brother Xuanmu is frustrated after all today. I'm afraid I'll pour out my sorrow with wine. I, Shen Yan, will give my life to accompany a gentleman today!"

Thinking about it in his heart, Shen Yan opened his mouth and said, "brother Xuanmu, you've come all the way here. How can you say that you're all guests? There's no reason to let the guests treat you. Don't worry, brother Xuanmu's expenses today are all on my head!"

Hearing this, Shen Yan laughed. He nodded his head and said, "since brother Shen said so, I can't refuse. Thank you for your hospitality!"

But Lin Xuan heard that the cost of zuixianlou was amazing, and it often cost thousands of spirit stones. It was also a big expense for him. Since someone was willing to pay for him, there was no reason to refuse!

"Hey hey, spend brother's money and soak other people's younger sister. If brother Shen comes back later, I don't know what expression it will be. I'm really looking forward to it!"

Lin Xuan secretly smiles, walks side by side with Shen Yan, leaves Shen's house, and walks towards Zuixian building under the guidance of Shen Yan!

Zuixianlou is located in the most prosperous area of the city. When Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan came to zuixianlou, they saw an endless stream of distinguished nobles chatting with each other and coming here together.

Lin Xuan looked up and saw that the Zuixian building had three floors in total. It was made of pure red ancient wood. It was antique, with carved beams and painted buildings. It was incomparable in style.

On the plaque in front of the gate, there are three powerful characters, named zuixianlou!

"Brother Xuanmu, this is zuixianlou!"

Beside, Shen Yan points to the mahogany building in front of him with a smile.

Lin Xuan nodded and walked leisurely across the low threshold. Then he saw a group of singing girls in colorful clothes singing and dancing in the hall on the first floor. The beautiful string sounds like the sound of nature.

Singer dancing enchanting body, graceful, colorful skirt floating, quite eye-catching!

At this time, a sharp eyed green boy came to me and said respectfully, "are you two reserved seats?"


Shen Yan shook his head. Seeing this, the green boy suddenly understood and said respectfully, "please follow me to the third floor."

Lin Xuan and Shen Yan looked at each other, and then followed him to the third floor!

Different from the noise on the first floor and the second floor, the third floor is really quiet in the noise. It is divided into more than ten elegant and gorgeous rooms, each with its door wide open!

Lin Xuan subconsciously looked inside, and then he saw that there were huge screens in the rows of rooms. The colors were different, and there was a faint sound of laughter between men and women.

"Two young masters, please follow me."

That green skin small Si once again guides some, lead two people to a slightly bigger wing room in front of two humanitarians: "two CHILDES, please!"

With that, the boy bent down and stretched out his arm, respectful and incomparable.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan can probably guess that it must be because the green boy recognized Shen Yan, so he directly arranged a good room for them.

In the face of Qingpi's behavior, Shen Yan also felt that he had a lot of face. He laughed and said: "brother Xuanmu, please

Lin Xuan nodded and walked into the room. The green boy pushed open the screen. There was a table of Eight Immortals in it. In the corner not far away, a woman with white cloth covering her eyes stroked the strings.

"You two, I don't know what to eat?"

Qingpi asked again.

"A pot of qiongxian wine, and then give you all the famous Longfeng Baozhi soup, Dixian beggar chicken, Taiji Xiaoshan catfish, hongnv fresh meatballs and so on!"

Shen Yan is obviously often here, even don't need to see the menu, then all the signs in Zuixian building said.

The young man immediately nodded his head, flattered and said: "listen to some songs, you two young masters. This Ruyi girl is a famous singer in zuixianlou. She sings a good song... Ruyi girl, you can't neglect you two young masters!"

When the boy left, the girl who covered her eyes in the corner would smile and look forward to saying: "I don't know what song you want to listen to?"

But Lin Xuan didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he said curiously, "Miss Ruyi, what's wrong with your eyes?"

"Please take care of me. My eye is a young disease. After I had a serious illness when I was six years old, I can't see the light any more. If I meet the light, it will hurt like a needle. If it's serious, there will be blood flowing down."

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