However, even if Lin Xuan knew what Ruyi girl thought, he would not care at all, and would not explain anything. His character is so!

At present, Lin Xuan's eyes are extremely cold, and the invisible momentum gushes from his body. Not to mention the weak Ruyi girl, Shen Yan is also extremely surprised!

He also felt a bit suffocated, as if he was facing a human like wild animal about to wake up!

"Am I wrong... Can this attitude be love at first sight? Hiss... Brother Xuanmu doesn't want to forcibly rob this Ruyi girl, does he

Thinking of this, Shen Yan immediately stood up and whispered in Lin Xuan's ear: "brother Xuanmu... Don't act rashly... This Zuixian building has a huge history. Even my Shen family should be afraid of it..."

However, Lin Xuan seemed to be in a state, and said directly: "today, I must take this man as a servant, and no one can stop him!"

Smell speech, Shen Yan bitter astringent smile, secretly annoyed just now of small Si really special not long eye, must arrange them in this broken room, if arrange to other room, maybe not so many broken things!

Why don't you be angry that Lin Xuan doesn't obey the rules? Hehe, the disciple of the great sect is the imperial order of walking. Who dares to provoke him?

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. As long as you promise to be my servant, I'll cure your eyes and let you see the light again. You don't have to endure such pain any more!"

Well, it's delicious!

Lin Xuan finally let go, because he saw the woman's expression was very determined, as if if if he continued to force, this Ruyi girl would want to die!

"Young master... Please don't embarrass me... I won't follow you..."

However, perhaps because Lin Xuan used the wrong way at the beginning, his sister didn't believe him at all, and his voice trembled.

"I don't mean you any harm. Don't be so afraid of me. I've always been trustworthy. I promise you that as long as I promise to be my servant, I will cure your eyes, even if you stay here!"

Lin Xuan relaxed the conditions again, but he was also very helpless. He knew that he had used soft at the beginning, but he didn't expect that this woman was not a greedy person!

Think about it, too. How can the protoss blood lineage recognized by the system be secular!

What's more, the reason why he said this is that there is no regulation in the system. In the future, he must take his servant with him. As long as Ruyi girl agrees to be his servant, this task will be completed!

But what makes Lin Xuan feel helpless is that even if his conditions have been relaxed to this point, Ruyi still refuses and doesn't believe him at all!


If you can't be soft, you can only be hard all the way!

Lin Xuan suddenly stood up, and the blood in his body surged rapidly, roaring and roaring. His spiritual power surged like the tide, which made his whole person look very sacred!

That kind of all the way out of the invincible momentum naturally revealed, shocked the whole Zuixian building!

"What happened?"

"What's the matter? I feel a strong fluctuation..."

"It's from room No.3 on the third floor!"

While others were taking photos of the power, in the wing room, the woman, who had been shaking, felt a kind of tremor from her soul, as if she had seen a God. She was extremely scared!

Just a moment later, Lin Xuan gathered his momentum. Just now, he just wanted to scare the girl and let her know her strength. He didn't really want to let her die

"Maybe the protoss blood is not as fragile as I think, maybe..."

Lin Xuan thought casually in his heart, but said with no expression on his face: "I'll ask you again, are you willing to be my servant?"

"No... I don't want to..." I saw Ruyi girl clenching her teeth and shaking all over, but her decisive words were extremely clear!

Lin Xuan was speechless. With a thump in his heart, he said to himself, "I'm not going to screw up, am I?"

"Yes... The protoss blood race, the master of endless years ago, I can't make her yield by doing this, and even stimulate the power of blood in her body..."

Lin Xuan suddenly sensed that the eyes of Ruyi girl in front of her were covered by gauze. It seemed that there was something strange in her eyes. She was extremely hot


A shrill and painful scream came from Ruyi girl's mouth. This time, even if she didn't face the beam, her eyes were burning like fire!

"Is it true that the ancient Protoss blood in the body is reviving?"

Lin Xuan had never heard of any Protoss before. He didn't know half of them. It all depended on guessing!

But for a moment, there was still a burning flame in Ruyi's eyes, and she fell to the ground in pain. Her pretty face was full of ferocious expression, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her whole body was shaking!

There are even a lot of people according to the movement here, curious to come here to wait and see!

Shen Yan didn't know what to do, and she regretted why she chose such a room

But at this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly felt that this was an opportunity for himself

Even though it was shameful, Lin Xuan didn't care so much. He was afraid that Ruyi would revive her blood and make his servant system fall short!

"Why can't you choose to believe me... Such pain will accompany you all your life... Are you really willing?"

"Do you really want to be a singer in this Zuixian building all your life?"

"As long as you promise now, I will not only save you, but also completely cure your eyes, and even pass on the Dharma to you, so that you can enter the road of practice!"

"Afterwards, you can stay in the Zuixian building or go anywhere you want. I will never stop you..."

"What I want is just a word from you. Tell me... You have decided to serve me as the Lord and be my servant..."

Lin Xuan looked at the woman who was rolling on the ground with a cold face!


"You know, this strange disease has been with you for so many years, but it has never killed you. It's just that the pain of bone erosion will last forever. You know better than me what it means..."

Lin Xuan was also a little impatient. How could this woman not enter? He would not do anything. He was just a servant in name, and would not restrict her freedom

No matter how bad he is, can he be more insecure than staying in such a place as zuixianlou

"What is your purpose..."

However, at this moment, the woman in Qingshan who was crying in pain finally opened her mouth and asked intermittently.

"My purpose has nothing to do with you, but it must go through you. I promise that what I just said is true. I will cure your eyes and give you freedom."

"How can I trust you..."

"How dare you gamble once?"

Lin Xuan finally got rid of the feeling of indifference and oppression. Instead, he looked at Ruyi girl sincerely

In the short breath, the burning feeling in her eyes is still heating up. She has already shed two lines of bright red blood and tears

Ruyi girl seems to have made some decision. She tries to endure the pain and says intermittently: "I... I wish Liu Ruyi... I wish to be a master..."

At the next moment, Liu Ruyi seemed to be in a state of collapse. His face was extremely pale, and there was a faint smile between his lips and teeth. He said in a low voice, "young master, are you satisfied?"

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