"Di, the minion system has been activated. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first minion, Liu Ruyi, the protoss blood descendant."

"Drop, the fetter has been completed. The current fetter value is 1 / 100. The host can check the fetter value with the servant at any time. The higher the fetter value, the higher the loyalty!"

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task and gaining 500000 experience points. The current upgrade experience is 700000 / 3.2 million!"

"Di, congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting a special reward: Protoss awakening method."

"Protoss awakening method: Awakening the protoss blood."

"However, every Protoss blood descendant is cursed by the unknown, so that they can no longer awaken their blood, and can no longer reproduce their glory. The ancient Protoss is gradually declining, and there is no news of it any more. They are lost in the long history."

A series of system prompt sound makes Lin Xuan's face show happy color. Sure enough, as long as Liu Ruyi's own recognition, it is to complete the task!

"The fetter value is easy to understand. It can be regarded as loyalty value. Well, the deeper the fetter, the higher the fetter value. However, the system does not say how to improve the fetter value..."

"Oh, by the way... What kind of fetter value can I improve? Anyway, when the task is completed and the reward is obtained, what should I do?"

"Eh... The divine awakening method... Oh, I seem to understand that the reason why Liu Ruyi's eyes can't touch the light is a curse in her blood..."

"Just now, stimulated by me, the instinct in her body made her wake up, but because of the curse, she couldn't wake up successfully..."

"That's about it!"

Lin Xuan cleared his mind for a moment. Then he thought of the secrets mentioned in the system. He shook his head and laughed. He said in his heart: "as for the protoss, or the collapse of the divine court, it's none of my business. I'm not even a spirit..."

However, at this moment, Liu Ruyi gave him a miserable smile and said, "young master, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied... Very satisfied..." Lin Xuan's face was full of smile, and even said.

Half a million experience points, with a beautiful servant. What's not satisfied!


Free you?

What did you say? I forgot!


But soon, Lin Xuan began to smile. He meant what he said!

He stretched out his hand, and suddenly a huge and soft spiritual power gushed out of his hand, gently lifting Liu Ruyi from the ground!

Then, the most pure spiritual power in his body slowly flows into Liu Ruyi's body. From the bottom to the top, a series of pure spiritual power swim in her body.

A little bit, into Liu Ruyi burning eyes, such as warm spring, washing the fire in the eyes, or should say, to the Yang!

At this moment, Lin Xuanxin realized that the so-called curse of the protoss blood was related to the Qi of the highest Yang!

The light... Is the light of the sun, and it is also the most Yang and hard air in the world. If Liu Ruyi's eyes come into contact with the light, they will burn and feel extremely painful!

But strangely, no matter how strong the burning feeling is, the fragile eyes seem to have no other change except pain!

Lin Xuan couldn't find the answer to this question!

But as he kept turning his own spiritual power into a clear spring, Liu Ruyi's eyes were flushed with the fiery Qi of the highest Yang, and he finally put out the fire of the highest Yang.

"In this world, only a very few people can control their own spiritual power to materialize. Who is this man in front of us? He has such high attainments. He can not only have the ability to materialize spiritual power, but also control it so precisely... He can save people in this way..."

"Isn't this the disciple who defeated an Zihao in the martial arts arena yesterday?"

"What, a great disciple?"

"Yes, this man is a direct disciple of the five elements temple. He came down the mountain for training this time!"

"No wonder it's reasonable to have such attainments for the children of the great religion."

At the time of Lin Xuan's rescue, many young friars in Luohuang city came to their wing room, and many people's eyes showed a kind smile!

This is the imperial order of the great religion. To a certain extent, in this remote place, it is more useful than the imperial order!

After all, the great religion is rooted in Qingzhou Prefecture, but the center of the imperial court is millions of miles away!

Finally, Lin Xuan takes back his spiritual power and puts Liu Ruyi down. Even he has to admit that the curse is too terrible to get rid of!

This short two quarter hours of treatment, even more tired than his day and night of war!

Because the control of spiritual power needs spiritual power, especially this kind of extremely fine control, I'm afraid only Lin Xuan, who can't eliminate the mysterious Sutra, can do it. If he is not careful, the spiritual power will go away!

In an ordinary person's body, Lin Xuan's spiritual power is so pure and domineering. If he loses control, even if Liu Ruyi is a descendant of the protoss, he will die!

That's why he was so tired, and his face was a little bit depressed!

This can't be alleviated by abundant spiritual energy. It needs long practice!

"Ah... Now my mental power is too weak. I must upgrade. After I am promoted to a spiritual person, my mental power will be transformed!"

Lin Xuan didn't dare to think of such a thing as gathering spirits and wandering thousands of miles. It was only when he was promoted to the realm of spiritual master. At present, he was far from that realm!

Only when you have great mental power, you can better control the spiritual power in your body, so that when you use your spiritual skills, your power will be doubled!

If it is said that the spiritual realm focuses on spiritual power, which is hardware, then the spiritual power required for spiritual promotion is software!

Only when the software and hardware are all ready, can we really jump out of the novice village and successfully condense the spirit. At that time, it can be regarded as the category of the mortal!

Thinking about this, Lin Xuan's ear suddenly heard a light voice: "thank you for your help..."

This time, Liu Ruyi felt that he was right. Originally, there was no cure for the stubborn disease, but now he was cured by Lin Xuan in this way!

Although it's only temporary, it's just a glimmer of hope in Liu Ruyi's heart!

The way she looked at Lin Xuan was a little complicated. In fact, if she was sick, it was all because of Lin Xuan!

But in the end, he saved himself!

The only change is that, inexplicably, she became the servant of the Xuanmu childe from the actor of zuixianlou

However, Liu Ruyi was thinking that although she agreed to be Lin Xuan's servant, would zuixianlou agree?

Lin Xuan didn't think as much as Liu Ruyi. He said with a smile, "although I'm not a good man, I absolutely mean what I say. Since I promise you to follow your decision, I will follow your decision!"

"If you want to leave zuixianlou, leave zuixianlou."

"If you want to follow me, you can follow me."

"Or wherever you want to go, I will not stop you!"

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