However, at this time, there is a bearded man laughing out of the crowd, many people see this, have to make way, with a look of awe!

"Ha ha ha, that's ridiculous. Who are you? I am the actor of zuixianlou. You can take it if you want? "

Qiu Xu had a stern look and a sneer on his mouth.

"Master Liu..."

"This incident shocked Master Liu..."

"There's a lot to see!"

At the moment, seeing the comers, many young masters who often roam in zuixianlou all recognize the people. They smile and watch the play quietly.

Although Liu Ruyi can't see things with her eyes, she has been used to distinguish them with her ears for many years. At the moment, she hears Qiu Xu's voice and kneels nervously on the ground. Her arrogance disappears instantly!

"Master Liu... I..."

Liu Ruyi looks frightened and wants to say something, but he is suddenly interrupted by a hearty laugh.

"Ha ha, it turns out that it's Master Liu of zuixianlou. He's just Xuanmu, the inner disciple of the five elements temple, on the Luming mountain."

With a smile on his face, Lin Xuan reported to his family directly. This move has been tried repeatedly. In order to be more realistic, Lin Xuan also secretly learned more about the five elements view!

The so-called Luming mountain is where the five elements view lies, aloof from the world!

"What... You are from Luming mountain?"

Smell speech, Qiu Xu big man suddenly a surprised, brow a frown, immediately look to the side that report to him little Si, harm he hurried up, but did not know the identity of this noble man, really hateful!

"Not bad!"

Lin Xuan is calm, and his face is handsome. He stands up in a long robe, and he has some worldly temperament!

What's more, there are very few people who dare to pretend to be the children of Da Jiao, because if Da Jiao knows that there are thieves out there to ruin their reputation, they will never die!

"Excuse me, I didn't know you were here. I've offended you so much. I hope you'll forget the past!"

Originally, Qiu Xu, who was just like a hero in the grass, resolutely chose to admit counsels, with a kind smile on his face.

"Ha ha, it's easy to say. After all, I broke the rules. I'm very grateful for Master Liu's generosity."

"However, my ancestors taught me from childhood that we people in the five elements view must speak and practice. We should not let people underestimate our five elements view."

"Therefore, since I have promised Liu Ruyi, I will fulfill my promise!"

"I hope master Liu can promise me to redeem Miss Liu so as to fulfill the promise just now!"

With a smile on his face and a smile in his heart, Lin Xuan said to himself, "my own face may not be big enough. It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's bragging. If I blow a bull's-eye, I'll live together."

Sure enough, all the people whispered and wondered who Lin Xuan's ancestor was. As for the redemption of an actor, it was nothing in their eyes!

"Da Jiao's disciples are really extraordinary... There is a family ancestor on them... Who is an expert in the five elements temple?"

"Haha, the elder who can represent the five elements view must be one of them, and any elder of the great religion is absolutely a great person, and he must be a well-known master of spirit Master!"

"It's very true that although all the major families in Luohuang city have Lingshi masters, they are all low-level cultivation. You should know that the later we practice, the more difficult it is. It takes a long time to move forward..."

"Yes, my grandfather has been wandering in the third section of Lingshi for more than a few decades now. It is not until recently that he has reached a further threshold..."

"Well, you look familiar. Isn't he the third young master of Chu family?"

"Haha, it's me!"

"Brother Chu has a good family background. He is also a dragon and Phoenix among the people. We must have a few drinks with brother Chu later..."

All of a sudden, the voice that originally talked about Lin Xuan seemed to deviate. On the contrary, many people complimented a noble young man in gorgeous clothes in the crowd!

Lingshi San Duan is the top fighting force in Luohuang city. Chu San Shao's words are to climb up the pole and show off his family!

And indeed, as he would like, many CHILDES all cast kind eyes on him!

However, Qiu Xu was not disturbed by the laughter of others. He was curious and a little awed. He asked Lin Xuan, "since the young master opened his mouth, I will never refuse to drink in the immortal Pavilion. However, I have always admired all the distinguished people in the five elements temple. I don't know who the father of the young master is? Isn't it the old man who has already become famous? "

Smell speech, although Lin Xuan face smile unchanged, but in the heart has already scolded people!

There are so many things about Master Liu in zuixianlou. He asked him such details. It's a rhythm to show off!

While Lin Xuan was smiling, Shen Yan stood up and said to Qiu Xu: "I don't know something about Master Liu. When brother Xuanmu was going down the mountain for training, his family ancestors said that it's impossible to say his family ancestors' names after he went down the mountain. The reason must be clear to manager Liu..."

"Oh? How could it be? "

After all, it's also reasonable for those high-ranking people to be indifferent to fame and wealth.

"Hey, Master Liu, I will cheat you. In a word, brother Xuanmu is the legitimate son of the five elements temple. You must not neglect zuixianlou!"

Shen Yan, with a smile, looks like only he knows the inside story, which makes many people feel unbearable and curious.

"I don't dare to neglect you. Ha ha, I didn't know that Mr. Xuanmu was here today. I've been there before. The cost of Mr. Xuanmu today is on my head!"

"You must have fun with Mr. Xuanmu!"

After saying that, Qiu Xu turned his head to Liu Ruyi, who was still kneeling on one side, and said, "Ruyi, you will follow Mr. Xuanmu and serve him well. Don't be rude!"

Hearing this, Liu Ruyi's body moved and her fingers on her dress trembled slightly. She wanted to refuse, but she seemed to think of Qiu Xu's horror, so she nodded and whispered: "yes... Ruyi... Ruyi knows!"

"Ha ha, that's good. I won't disturb you here. Don't you serve for you soon?"

The big man with Qiuxu knows how to advance and retreat very well. At this moment, he should have forced himself to stay and make friends with Lin xuanpan, but he is afraid of getting Lin Xuan's antipathy, so he has to leave first. As long as Lin Xuan is stabilized, there will be plenty of opportunities to make friends later!

It's just... This big man with Qiuxu never thought that he would never see a man named Xuanmu in the future

"After today, I'm afraid that my identity as a disciple of the five elements temple will be thoroughly spread... Luohuang city is not too far away from Luming mountain, only less than ten thousand miles away..."

"I'll be there five days without sleep... And although the news is delayed, it's still half a month at most. It's bound to reach Luming mountain!"

"If there is a real disciple of the five elements, I will be exposed."

"No, no... I don't have much time left. It seems that the plan really needs to be carried out ahead of time!"

After Qiu Xu left, Lin Xuan was surrounded by a group of proud nobles. He couldn't get away, so he had to smile, and his mind was full of thoughts!

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