“ Get up

Lin Xuan finally dismisses the nobles who wanted to make friends with him. When he comes back, he notices that Liu Ruyi is still kneeling on the ground at this time. He doesn't mean to get up, so he says.

"Yes, sir!"

Liu Ruyi just got up, and then stood beside Lin Xuan in silence. It seemed that he really accepted his fate. He didn't want to fight any more!

Originally, her greatest reliance was zuixianlou. Now even the headmaster Liu of zuixianlou is respectful to Lin Xuan. As an actress, she dare not be rude to Lin Xuan!

Although Liu Ruyi has never practiced, because she is good at zuixianlou, she also knows something about the friars. She often hears some interesting stories from the people at this drinking party!

Among them, she has heard about the title of Da Jiao disciple more than once!

Naturally understand the meaning of this, think a lot in my mind, some trance!

Just when Liu Ruyi was thinking about how Lin Xuan would arrange her, Lin Xuan suddenly said again, "I have already said that if you want to leave, you can help yourself!"


Hearing the words, Liu Ruyi's face shows a trace of shock. She thought that Lin Xuan must take her as a servant so painstakingly, but she didn't expect that Lin Xuan didn't care at all.

That indifferent expression never seems to be fake, Liu Ruyi heart some surprise, he actually agreed to let me go?

"Go ahead!"

Until Lin Xuan waved his hand again, a Hun did not care about the appearance, Liu Ruyi finally decided to come down, his face showed excited look!

For many years, she has been trying to regain her freedom, but she has never been able to do so. Unexpectedly, she has achieved her wish under the circumstances of today's misfortune. It's hard to hide her joy!

"Thank you for your help... Thank you for your help!"

With a plop, I saw Liu Ruyi kneeling in front of Lin Xuan again. Only this time, it was from the heart!

"No need!"

Lin Xuan shakes his head. He looks at the stairs, still thinking about why Shen MuQing hasn't come for such a long time. Does he want to stand him up?

For Lin Xuan, no Protoss blood or servant system is the most important!

At present, the most important thing for Lin Xuan is to get the basic array pattern method from Shen MuQing, so that he can really become an array master.

You know, from the underground mausoleum, Lin Xuan realized that the array played an important role. If he could master it, he could use more means!

What's more, Lin Xuan couldn't understand it at all, let alone understand it. As long as he could master tens of thousands of basic array symbols, he could combine and arrange them according to the basic array symbols, and outline the original runes recorded in the towering atlas. In this way, he could understand the meaning of the original runes!

After thanking Liu Ruyi, Liu Ruyi gets up and just wants to walk away, but suddenly he has a meal at his feet, and the joy on his face disappears in a flash

She suddenly remembered that she had no parents and relatives since childhood, and even had no home. In the past, zuixianlou was barely half of her home, but now, this home has not wanted her!

"Where can a man like me... Go?"

Liu Ruyi seems to understand something, and suddenly he smiles miserably.

"If I leave zuixianlou, what will happen to me as a blind actor?"

It should be noted that her beauty is unique in the eyes of others. Before, no one coveted her beauty, but with zuixianlou as the backstage, many people did not dare to do anything too much to her!

"I have a bad disease and I don't know which day I will die. Can I really end my life like this?"

Liu Ruyi was stunned. Her face was a little reluctant. But as she said, she was blind and helpless. What else could she do?

At this time, a bold idea suddenly brewed in her heart

"Why... I can only be a performer of one generation?"

"If I can also walk into the path of practice like a young master... Maybe my disease will be cured..."

This idea is not bold. Liu Ruyi was determined not to have such a fantasy before

What qualification does she have as an actress who plays the piano and sings in zuixianlou?

In terms of beauty, the actress in zuixianlou is better than her. She's still half blind... It's absolutely impossible!

However, because of Lin Xuangang's promise, Liu Ruyi wakes up like a dream!

But at this time, Lin Xuan suddenly turned his head in surprise, looked at Liu Ruyi behind him and said, "why don't you go? Aren't you afraid I'll change my mind? "

"Young master... Ruyi is now a young master. Naturally, he has to serve him. He will go wherever he goes. How can he abandon him?"

Liu Ruyi's face was a little nervous and her voice trembled.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan laughed and joked: "what's the matter? Didn't you hate me so much just now? Why are you so kind now? "

"Ruyi is originally an actor. Since he has been allowed by Master Liu to serve the young master, the young master will be Ruyi's master. How can any servant not please the master?"

Liu Ruyi seems to have completely put down her dignity in her heart. In order to cater to Lin Xuan, she does not hesitate to flatter him personally.

"Ha ha ha, I don't think you know where to go!"

Lin Xuan laughs and exposes Liu Ruyi's caution.

"Where can't I get the world's largest?"

Then, Lin Xuan shook his head and turned around, deliberately not looking at the expression on Liu Ruyi's face behind him!

"Young master... Young master, do you want to drive Ruyi away?"

Liu Ruyi's face became more and more frightened, and her voice trembled. She was afraid that Lin XuanZhen would not care about her. In addition to staying in zuixianlou to be a miserable actress, she would not be able to turn over.

"No, if you follow me, you can. Oh, by the way, will you warm the bed?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and turned his head again!

However, Liu Ruyi was completely confused by this, and could not speak for a long time!

Although Liu Ruyi can't see Lin Xuan's expression at the moment, he can detect the meaning of ridicule from the laughter!

Almost instantly, her pretty face was covered with rosy clouds, red to the ears

But Lin Xuan didn't plan to forgive her easily. Who let Liu Ruyi promise to be Lin Xuan's servant quickly at the beginning? He had to embarrass him!

Now is the time to revenge, but Lin Xuan is the most vengeful!

"Will it or not?"

"Yes or no, you have something to say?"

Lin Xuan has enough cheek to ask twice in a row. But Liu Ruyi is on pins and needles and wants to run away

Her blushing goose face was full of shyness. In such an age when etiquette was greater than heaven, this was a bit too much in private, let alone in front of others!

Liu Ruyi wants to say that she won't, but she's afraid that when she finishes, she'll annoy Lin Xuan and ruin her future

In the heart struggles, incomparably tangles!

Lin Xuan waved his hand and sighed: "forget it, you'd better go..."

He is bullying others. He is half blind and can't see the banter on his lips. In this way, he teases Liu Ruyi!

I thought Liu Ruyi would be ashamed and leave in anger, but Lin Xuan didn't expect that at this time, an urgent voice interrupted: "wait a minute, young master... I..."

"What are you doing?" Lin Xuan eyebrows pick, smile more and more rich, face unexpectedly with some expectations.

Liu Ruyi lowered her head slightly like a quail. Her white fingers tightly grasped her clothes. She seemed extremely nervous and coy. Her face was full of peach blossoms, bright and ready to drop. She trembled: "I will..."

Most of all, the tenderness of the bow, like a water lotus, is more than the shame of the cool wind

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