Lin Xuan touched his nose. He restrained his smile and looked at the woman in front of him with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"After that, the arduous task of warming my bed will be handed over to you."

Stunned, Lin Xuan finally opened his mouth, and a smile reappeared on his face.

As soon as the words came out, Shen Yan felt a little blushed, and said in her heart, "brother Xuanmu is too embarrassed. This kind of private words can be said in front of me. How can it be embarrassing for someone to feel like a girl?"

And Liu Ruyi's face is more scarlet, but it seems that he has just crossed the threshold in his heart, so at this time, he doesn't feel that it's too difficult to agree to Lin Xuan's request!

"It's... Childe!" he whispered

However, before Liu Ruyi's voice came down, Lin Xuan's heart began to jump wildly, and an ominous premonition appeared!

As the words fell, he suddenly looked constipated. He was depressed and didn't understand that his request was so embarrassing that Liu Ruyi would agree

Get it!

This is a complete collapse of the play, want to drive people are unable to drive away!

Lin Xuan's heart is gloomy, and make complaints about himself.

In fact, his intention is not so. He just wants to make Liu Ruyi leave in a funny way, because he is a fake now. According to Lin Xuan's next plan, he wants to change his face and run!

Otherwise, the five elements view will know that he pretends to be a disciple of the great religion. I'm afraid he doesn't want to chase him all over the world!

In the future, he pats his ass and runs away. Liu Ruyi is a well-known servant. If he stays in Luohuang City, I'm afraid he will end up miserable

But now that Liu Ruyi is willing to follow him, he is also an extremely mysterious Protoss of blood origin. There are many mysteries about him, and he doesn't want to be violent and drive people away.

"Well, since you are willing to stay, you can serve me by my side."

In the end, Lin Xuan let go, no longer joking, rarely serious.

"Yes, thank you for taking in Ruyi. Ruyi will serve you with all her heart."

When Liu Ruyi heard this, she had a happy smile on her shy face.

She was still young, and now she was in a hurry and couldn't wait to say: "young master... Young master said earlier that if I agreed to follow young master, young master would teach me the way of practice... But really?"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan heart finally understand Liu Ruyi's plan, originally not because he is handsome, but because of this ah!

Lin Xuan didn't hesitate. At the same time, he had an idea in his heart: "the blood of the protoss must be extraordinary... If he really breaks the curse and devotes himself to practice, he may not be able to achieve the highest in the future!"

You know, although this race seems to be the same as the human race, it is full of divine blood. It used to be the ruler of the earth. It can explain the problem and is extremely powerful!

Maybe I can be his helper in the future!

As soon as he read this, Lin Xuan faced up to him and said, "since a gentleman's word comes out, it's hard to catch up. He will never cheat you."

"Yes... Thank you for your help!"

Liu Ruyi's expression could not hide the joy and excitement.

"You'd better step back first. Well, there's no need to sing the song. I'll wait for a guest here. I don't like to disturb you!"

Lin Xuan waved his hand and said.

Hearing the speech, Liu Ruyi stepped down and stood quietly in the corner, scrupulously abiding by the duty of a servant.

And Shen Yan just opens his mouth, but he doesn't mention Liu Ruyi. It's Lin Xuan's private affair. He can't talk about it!

"Oh? Brother Xuanmu, wait for someone else? Why didn't I hear from brother Xuanmu? "

No wonder Shen Yan was puzzled. They came all the way, and they never met anyone else. They didn't hear Lin Xuan say who they were waiting for!

"Ha ha, don't worry, brother Shen. You'll know later. Calculate the time. It should be coming too!"

It took half an hour for Shen MuQing to stir up trouble just now. Although Shen MuQing was a step behind him, he should be here soon!

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, he heard a little fellow outside the door respectfully report: "two young masters, there is a noble man downstairs who claims to have an appointment with young master Xuanmu. I don't know if it is true?"

"That man is a woman?"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan answers a way.

"What the young master said is not bad. The comer is a very beautiful woman, which is rare in the world!"

The young man has been wandering around the zuixianlou and other places all the year round. Of course, he has seen a lot of gorgeous people. But the girl downstairs has made him crazy and dull!

"Ha ha, that's right!"

"Yes, just a moment, gentlemen. I'll invite you here now!"

"Ha ha, no need. I'd better invite you in person."

Lin Xuan shook his head and stood up. He wanted to ask others for advice. Naturally, he could not be arrogant and arrogant!

"Brother Shen, don't you wonder who I'm waiting for? You'll know if you go to meet with me!"

There was a faint smile on his face, which made Shen Yan confused!

"In that case, brother Xuanmu, please

Shen Yan also stands up and nods.

Later, Lin Xuan was not coy. He walked directly in front of him and leisurely walked down the stairs.

Before they got to the first floor, they heard the cry from the first floor!

"That woman is very beautiful. She is like a fairy coming out of a painting. Who is the noble lady? Why have I never seen her before?"

"Yes, this girl should only be in the sky. How many times can we hear about her in the world?"

"The sage said," I don't know where I'm going. I'm going deep. No, I think that woman is the one I am destined to love in my life

"Hey, brother Xu, I've seen a lot of thick skinned people, but it's the first time I've seen someone like you who is thicker than the city wall and deeper than the sea!"

"It's true that everyone in Luohuang city is qualified to say this, but your surname Xu is not qualified. Who doesn't know that you can even rob other people's maids in the street. We are ashamed of you!"

"So you are the best of the scum, the scum of the best!"


When Lin Xuan and Shen Yan came down and heard these words, they almost burst out laughing. For the first time, Lin Xuan found that all the dandies in this world are of three, six and nine grades!

From time to time in the mouth to say amazing words, as if the previous life of the storyteller, very funny.

However, as he came, the people who noticed in front of him immediately made way for him, with extremely respectful faces.

"Well, even master Xuanmu was shocked."

With a smile on his face, Lin Xuan walked through the crowd and came to Miss Shen, who made all the women in the world pale.

At this time, instead of wearing a big red skirt, she was wearing a pair of purplish blue Ruyi. There were dark flowers on the gorgeous brocade. She was picturesque and graceful like a willow leaf.

There is a faint smile on the beautiful goose's face. The bright eyes are like stars in the sky.

Even though it was not the first time to see Shen MuQing, there were still waves in Lin Xuan's heart, just like a stone thrown down from the calm lake.

"Miss Shen, please!"

Lin Xuan walks to Shen MuQing as if no one else. In Shen Yan's eyes, he smiles at Shen MuQing.

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