"If you can't remember it, you can't use it..."

Lin Xuan recalled in his heart that no matter how he looked at the towering atlas, he could not see the reason. He even wanted to write down the original runes, but he could not remember them!

"Is that because of the lack of spirit?"

When he tried to remember the original runes, he felt dizzy. When he opened the sky high atlas, he could see it, but when he covered it, he would forget all the outlines of the original runes!

"However, because of my system, I am not the same as ordinary people. If ordinary people want to memorize the array patterns, they need to rely on huge mental power to help memorize them. It seems that I was able to directly understand the first primitive Rune just because my mental power reached the condition of memorizing!"

At that time, Lin Xuan had a sense of natural success, and did not spend much mental energy, so he had such a guess!

"This congenital rune is born from the nature. It can understand the laws of heaven and earth from the ancient times, and the congenital veins engraved can have a sympathetic relationship with heaven and earth. Through arrangement and combination, it can play a role of some rules."

"When you fall into an array, you will be eroded by the forces triggered by those innate patterns in the array. These forces do not come from the person who arranges the array, but from heaven and earth!"

"Just like what brother Xuanmu and I said at the beginning, the more top-level divine materials, the more congenital patterns burned can arouse the greater power in heaven and earth!"

Shen Yan told Lin Xuan all he knew about the array pattern, and explained to him: "brother Xuanmu was born in the five elements view, and he was always associated with refining medicine. He had never heard of the array pattern. After going down the mountain to practice, he knew the existence of the array pattern, and became interested in the array pattern."

That's great!

Lin Xuan would like to give Shen Yan a thumbs up secretly, and take Shen Yanguo with him. It's true that he didn't have the wrong answer!

Sure enough, Shen MuQing's face lightened when she heard about the speech, but after this incident, she no longer expected to seek a breakthrough in communication

In the heart, Shen MuQing is a little annoyed... She was cheated by Lin Xuan!

What about the good array pattern communication?

As a result, you are a layman!

At this time, Lin Xuan still had some thoughts in his mind and continued to ask with embarrassment: "as brother Shen said, I'm also very interested in the way of pattern. I dare to ask Miss Shen if she can teach me the method of pattern... Don't worry, I won't let Miss Shen teach me in vain..."

However, after hearing this, Shen MuQing shook her head and said, "you don't have to say much, young master. This array of patterns is the inheritance of an old ancestor of the Shen family. Except for the people of the Shen family, it won't be passed on to outsiders!"

Lin Xuan's face sank when he heard that. He didn't think of this possibility, even if it was very big. Even if he had the title of disciple of the five elements, it was impossible for everyone to buy it!

"Miss Shen, is there really no room for negotiation?"

Lin Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"The young master comes from a noble family. Even if he doesn't major in array, he should inherit the array patterns. When the young master comes back, he can practice it himself."

Shen MuQing still shakes his head and takes the inheritance of array pattern seriously!

"Listen to me, Miss Shen. Don't rush to make a conclusion. I naturally know that there is array pattern in the view, but I will not return for a while and a half. Besides, I don't know nothing about array pattern!"

"Ha ha, Miss Shen is not curious about how I broke through the battle. Please have a look!"

With that, Lin Xuan stood up and drew the first primitive Rune in his mind with spiritual power!

This primitive rune is really like oracle bone inscriptions. Even if there is only one primitive rune, there are seven strokes!

With each stroke of Lin Xuan's writing, the void trembled, as if something would happen!

When the complete "gate" primitive rune is perfectly outlined, the void revealed by the primitive Rune suddenly seems to open a gap, the size of a bowl. It's extremely dark inside, and there's chaos coming out of it!

At the same time, there is a strong suction coming from the bowl sized black hole. All the delicacies originally placed on the eight immortals table are sucked into it by the seemingly small black hole

Lin Xuan didn't expect this kind of change. He reacted very quickly. He took a few steps to avoid it. At the same time, the Shen brothers and sisters were far away from the deep black hole.

At this time, the original runes interwoven in the empty space are still flashing, even if they are wrapped by black holes, supporting the empty gap of the size of a bowl

Finally, it even engulfed the whole eight immortals table... The black hole, which seemed to be only the size of the bowl mouth, turned out to be as huge as the eight immortals table, but the suction and chaotic gas from it did not increase, and then returned to the size of the bowl mouth!

Just when Lin Xuan thought that was the end, he saw that Liu Ruyi, who had been waiting in the corner, was also absorbed by the black hole, making her fly up and suck into the black hole

Lin Xuan is quick enough to step on the shadow of the moon and rescue Liu Ruyi in an instant

And the suction from the black hole is not too big. Of course, for Lin Xuan, at least from the moment he just touched, even if he was standing in front of the black hole, he would still be like a mountain!

And Shen MuQing was also surprised by this change. Daimei frowned and stared at the strange Rune in the void depicted by Lin Xuan!

As the vase and wooden chair in the room were sucked into the black hole, the rune that originally twinkled in the void seemed to have exhausted its power and disappeared in the void in a flash!

The original black hole also faded like a tide, and finally disappeared without a trace, as if it had never happened!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was deeply puzzled. He didn't understand why the gap he had seen in the array was not a black hole

It's Merlin in reality

"I understand, because I am in the array, the array has its own boundary. I depict the original Rune in it, and the gap opened is the gap to the real world, and the gap opened in the real world is also chaotic..."

What's more, the gap he depicts in the array is only the size of an eye, and there is not only no suction to suck him out, but also no chaotic force to emerge

Only the whole array can automatically repair that gap, but Lin Xuan needs constant bombardment. If he stops, that gap will be automatically repaired!

Bombard and expand that gap continuously, and then the array will collapse!

Lin Xuan used this method that day!

Today, it's different from what he saw!

"It seems that the original Rune which means" gate "is really not simple!"

In his heart, Lin Xuan has a clear understanding. He subconsciously looks at Shen MuQing, and the latter's eyes also fall on him!

"Mr. Lin... you have such means, why tease us..."

Shen MuQing's face was not happy. Just now Lin Xuan acted like an idiot, but even she was shocked when she was attacked!

The strange Rune depicted by Lin Xuan just now, even if she wanted to keep it in mind, she could not

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