The combination of the strange runes is extremely obscure. Among the seven strokes, Shen MuQing finds that he doesn't even know one!

Shen MuQing didn't know that what Lin Xuan portrayed was the original runes. He thought that he used the basic array patterns to arrange them!

After all, those seven strokes are very like seven congenital array symbols, but these seven congenital array symbols are seven of the tens of thousands of array symbols she has never understood!

"The combination of these seven patterns is such an effect that it can break the void..."

Shen MuQing whispered and thought.

But after hearing this, Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Miss Shen, you don't know. The combination of these seven congenital patterns is not to create a powerful force to break the void, but to open a door or a gap!"

"And I can easily crack the array that day because as long as the void depicts these seven patterns and arranges them together, I can open a gap in the array. I just need to take that gap as a point and force it open, then I can crack the array!"

Lin Xuan didn't reveal the original runes. At the moment, he already understood that the tens of thousands of basic patterns were the divided versions of 3000 original runes. Each stroke was a congenital pattern!

"I see. No wonder..."

Shen MuQing's head is slightly gnawed. She seems to have some insight. She is smart. In fact, even if Lin Xuan doesn't say it, she will be able to figure it out after a while!

"Mr. Lin cheated us so miserably. This is my second brother's way of fighting Wen. I don't know anything about it?"

At this time, Shen MuQing is more sure that Lin Xuan doesn't know anything. On the contrary, he has a deep understanding of Xiang Wen all the way, just deliberately teasing them!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was also speechless. In fact, he really didn't understand anything, just relying on the system!

Seeing Lin Xuan's bitter smile, Shen MuQing was not good enough to continue to blame him. Instead, he sighed: "Mr. Lin is really extraordinary. He can understand the array pattern arrangement. If there is this method, I don't think there will be any array that can trap Mr. Lin in the future!"

"This method only uses spiritual power as the source of strength, and has such an effect. If it is engraved on divine material, the effect will be even more extraordinary!"

"I'm really ashamed to think about it. Mu Qing has been studying the way of array pattern for many years, and he has always thought about how to arrange the array, but he never thought that there was such a simple way to break the array..."

"Like young master Lin, you can eat all over the world. If you understand this method, you can break any array as long as you have enough strength in the future!"

Shen MuQing had a more thorough understanding of the Tao of Duwen. Even before Lin Xuan, he didn't know that his "gate" was so important

When Lin Xuan saw that Shen MuQing seemed to be very interested in this "gate", he suddenly showed some hope in his heart. He laughed and said: "Miss Shen, if you want to learn, I can pass this method to you, but there is one condition!"

"Don't worry, I don't covet the inheritance of the Shen family's array. I just want to ask Miss Shen to take a basic array pattern catalogue and ask for a non repetitive version!"

It's only the first step to understand and remember the congenital array patterns. If you want to exert the various powers of array patterns, you need to arrange and combine them, move heaven and earth, and make them feel each other!

And this array pattern arrangement and combination method is array inheritance!

These array inheritance are all groped out by the sages and have different effects. That's why Shen MuQing is such a treasure!

The basic array pattern atlas is different. It's not worth money, or relative to array inheritance, it's not worth money. In fact, you can buy it from the chamber of Commerce!

The price of the most common array pattern atlas ranges from 50000 to 100000 spirit stones per volume!

According to Lin Xuan's understanding, if we can arrange each other and combine them into primitive runes, that is, dozens of primitive symbols!

The reason why this thing is not so expensive is that even if you understand hundreds of congenital array symbols, you don't have the corresponding combination and arrangement method, which is equivalent to guarding Baoshan, but you can't take the same!

If you want to arrange the array by yourself... It's almost impossible. If you arrange it randomly, you may be in danger at any time and be attacked by heaven and earth!

It is almost the way to seek death unless one's own cultivation reaches the state of veneration and can understand the laws of heaven and earth!

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Xuan's words, Shen MuQing's eyes changed, and didn't refuse at the first time!

Among the Shen family, there should be only one or two volumes of the array pattern catalogue, and there will be a lot of repeated congenital array patterns in the two volumes!

Even in the great religion of Qingzhou Prefecture, there are no more than five volumes of array patterns. All of these five volumes are the most popular in the market, and there must be many repeated array patterns in them!

It's almost impossible to really collect tens of thousands of congenital patterns. If the time is too long and many of them are not commonly used or obscure, they will be covered in the history!

Lin Xuan didn't understand these at first, so that he made a joke. But thanks to Shen Yan's explanation, otherwise he couldn't tell the difference between the basic patterns. There were so many crooked paths in the pattern!

But when Lin Xuan understood these secrets, he suddenly found that he might be the only one who mastered the complete array pattern

"If the 3000 original runes in the towering atlas were taken apart, there should be more than 30000 basic patterns. Hehe, according to legend, there are 36000 basic patterns in total. By comparison, they are almost the same. They should all be derived from the differentiation of original runes..."

"It's just a pity that those runes are too obscure to understand, and they are the original runes of the complete body. Even if I want to divide them to remember them, I can't do it..."

This is because of the system, there are gains and losses, he can not spend time to understand anything, just need enough mental strength to bear the original Rune can be remembered.

But because every primitive Rune in the Sky Atlas is a whole, if he wants to understand it, he needs to have enough mental strength to carry the whole primitive Rune!

Want to be like ordinary people, first understand the result of a stroke is - system: sorry, no!

Therefore, Lin Xuan had to change his strategy and create another ingenious path. First, he began to learn the basic patterns. According to his guess, if he could learn the corresponding basic patterns, he would understand the undifferentiated primitive runes in his mind!

"It doesn't matter if I don't have array inheritance, I don't need it!"

Because Lin Xuan felt that if he had not guessed wrong, every primitive Rune would be an array inheritance

For example, the inheritance of "door" is to open the gap and the door

Because every time he understands a primitive rune, he will get a systematic explanation. At that time, as long as he understands what these primitive runes are for, he can combine and arrange them with each other, without worrying about the world's backfire caused by random arrangement!

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