Shen MuQing thought for a long time and finally nodded her head. She coveted the inheritance of "gate" that Lin Xuan had learned. If she used it well, she would hardly be trapped in the battle!

"Well, this basic array pattern catalogue doesn't involve array inheritance, and it doesn't violate family rules. I can agree to childe Lin's request."

Indeed, as Shen MuQing said, she must have the same array pattern album in her family, because the basic array patterns are always circulated, just changing the order, changing several array patterns in each book!

According to Shen Yan, the most commonly used basic array patterns in the Daqian Dynasty are 6000 or 7000, which is equivalent to six or seven volumes of array patterns!

If you want to understand other basic patterns, you need to have the strength to go out of the great Qian Dynasty and have a look at a broader world!

"Ha ha ha, thank you for your generosity

In fact, according to the effect of the "gate" inheritance, Lin Xuan's move is undoubtedly a loss, because there is no repetitive array pattern in a common array pattern atlas, and the most expensive is 100000 spirit stones!

Lin Xuan is equivalent to one hundred thousand spirit stone, so he sold the inheritance!

But now Lin Xuan only has more than 30000 spirit stones. He can't afford to buy the basic array pattern catalogue!

Moreover, Lin Xuan didn't feel that he was at a loss. What he thought was that after he got a book full of 1000 basic patterns, if he could understand all the basic patterns in that book and match some original symbols in his mind, he would be able to understand the corresponding original runes!

If you are lucky, you may be able to directly understand dozens of original runes!

Well, you may make a small profit, but I'll never lose!

In a word, not losing is earning, earning is big earning, big earning can be said to be blood mother earning!

Lin Xuan thought Shen MuQing had to go home to get it, but he didn't expect that the Shen family was so partial to her that he asked her to put the array pattern album on her!

The white jade ring on Shen MuQing's slender jade finger brightens slightly, and an ancient and simple atlas appears in Shen MuQing's hand.

The latter, without any hesitation, handed it to Lin Xuan with a smile and said: "Mr. Lin, this is the array pattern catalogue. My elder brother specially found it for me. There are exactly 1000 congenital array patterns in it, and there is no repetition!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately into the hand, shape if randomly open the atlas, see above dense are all basic array pattern, not one.

At the same time, his mind suddenly sounded the system came to the prompt.

"Drop, a basic array pattern book has been detected. Does the host learn?"


"Congratulations on the host's successful learning of basic pattern catalogue. The current progress of basic pattern is 47 / 1000."

Then, in his mind, Lin Xuan had another basic array pattern catalogue, but this basic array pattern catalogue, like the towering catalogue, had a lot of runes that he had never mastered!

This is because his spiritual power is not enough to carry too many patterns. It needs to wait until Lin xuanjing's divine power is improved to understand and engrave it in his heart!

And the spiritual realm was to cultivate the body. Lin Xuan had almost no spiritual power to cultivate. When he ate the two petals of the king of medicine, he felt that his spiritual power had increased!

But that's all. It doesn't have much effect!

Later, Lin Xuan tried to deduce the original Rune from the 47 basic patterns he had learned, but found that... He was out of luck. Among the 47 basic patterns, he failed to match one original Rune!

"I'm too hard..."

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly felt that he had lost his blood to his grandmother's house!

"In the realm of spiritual cultivation, unless I continue to find the elixir that can improve my mental power, or find the elixir at the level of the king of medicine again, I will not be able to improve my mental power at all!"

At present, he has obtained the follow-up skills of the immortal xuanjing, which include the spiritual realm to refine his spiritual power

But unfortunately, he didn't reach the realm of spirit. He can't use this method to refine his mental power!

"It's really going to be upgraded!"

Once again, Lin Xuan felt the trouble brought about by his low level, and finally made up his mind to carry out his original plan to Luohuang city!

Later, Lin Xuan converged. In fact, he wanted to return the basic atlas to Shen MuQing. He told her that he repented!

He has recorded the basic pattern atlas in his mind, or in the system

Now the basic array pattern catalogue is useless to him. In such a short time, Shen MuQing never thought that he had mastered it

Just wait until the mental strength is enough, you can naturally master those basic patterns.

But... It's really a bit too coquettish to do this. If it's a black hearted business, Lin Xuan can't blame him for doing this. However, Shen MuQing trusted him so much that he gave him the basic array pattern catalogue first. Lin Xuan asked himself, how can he do this?

Therefore, he directly handed this album back to Shen MuQing, his face was not red and his heart did not jump, saying: "unfortunately, what I want is not this album. To be honest, I have this album myself..."

Sure enough, Shen MuQing's eyes turned and looked at Lin Xuan, but he didn't have a good way: "Mr. Lin has finally admitted that what he said before is teasing me?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan didn't expect that women of any age would like to turn over the old scores. He was embarrassed. But then, for the sake of greater benefits, he had to say, "ha ha, Miss Shen, it's me who's bad. In fact, I'm just joking because we don't know each other very well. I want to enliven the atmosphere, But I didn't expect that Miss Shen didn't like my way of joking! "

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Shen MuQing's face eased a little. She could hardly believe Lin Xuan's words, otherwise she couldn't explain it!

Shen MuQing took the atlas in his hand into the white jade ring, and took out a atlas from it. He said: "this atlas is also a thousand patterns, but it's a little repeated with the previous atlas!"

Then he handed it to Lin Xuan again!

At the moment, Lin Xuan was excited, but he pretended to be calm and nodded: "OK, let me have a look!"

Then, a cue came to his mind again!

"Drop, a basic array pattern book has been detected. Does the host learn?"


"Congratulations on the host's successful learning of the second volume of basic array pattern catalogue. The two volumes of basic array pattern catalogue have been merged. The current progress of basic array pattern is 47 / 1860."

When Lin Xuan saw the news from the system in his mind, he was immediately excited and said in his heart: "there are so many repetitions in the second volume of atlas!"

But then, Lin Xuan once again showed a lack of interest. He gave Shen MuQing the basic array pattern catalogue in his hand. He sighed and said, "I have this one too. I don't know if Miss Shen has any other atlas?"

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