After the transaction, Shen MuQing said goodbye to Lin Xuan and closed the door in a hurry, as if intending to understand the meaning of the "gate" array.

Shen Yan invites Lin Xuan to stay in Shen's house for the time being, especially to make room for him and Liu Ruyi. Lin Xuan has no place to live anyway, so he simply follows Shen Yan's meaning.

However, this night, something happened that was neither funny nor sad.

Lin Xuan didn't expect that he was just talking casually in the Zuixian building that day, but he didn't expect that at night, Liu Ruyi was so naive that she really wanted to warm up Lin Xuan's bed

I don't know what kind of entanglement the latter has gone through. Lin Xuan's face is strange. He laughs: "you don't have to be like this. Those are just casual words. You just need to be a servant in the future."

After hearing this, Liu Ruyi's face became ruddy and bright. She didn't know what to say. Finally, she nodded shyly and was arranged by Lin Xuan to be in a side room of another hospital.

But before he left, Lin Xuan told him, "you will live in the Shen family these days. I have something important in the daytime. You don't have to follow me. If you leave, I will take you with me."

The latter slightly jaw head, seems to be afraid of Lin Xuan will leave her, mouth respectfully way: "yes, young master, Ruyi will be here waiting for young master."

In this way, Lin Xuan can really let go, while the news of Luohuang city has not yet spread to Luming mountain, he plans to do something big!

"I came here to grab the spirit stone for practice in the name of the disciple of the five elements view."

Now he has a huge amount of experience to fill, which needs a stone, enough to millions!

So I want to challenge the younger generation of Luohuang city.

If he is just an ordinary person, those real experts will not pay any attention to him at all. To put it bluntly, they just look down on him

But if Lin Xuan challenges as a disciple of Da Jiao, it will be different. If he can defeat Lin Xuan, he will defeat the direct disciple of Da Jiao. Many people will be interested in this reputation.

Based on this, Lin Xuancai wanted to continue pretending to be a disciple of the great religion.

The next day, when it was bright, Lin Xuan was ready to make up his time. He calmly found Shen Yan and asked him to release the news on his behalf.

"What? Lin Xuan can't do it... Although I admit elder brother Lin's talent, if you are promoted to spirit, none of my younger generation in luohuangcheng is your opponent! "

"But now you are only nine steps of spiritual cultivation!"

"Although brother Xuanmu easily defeated an Zihao at the beginning, he was only the ninth one in the list. Any one of them was a hero in Luohuang city!"

"Even the first one in the list said that even my three younger sisters could not beat him in the first battle of the same level!"

"Moreover, these are just the outstanding people on the list of a, and there are some real children of ancient families who don't lack the cultivation resources at all. Naturally, they don't want to play in the list of a..."

"These people are no longer a few, and they are all powerful, absolutely stronger than the original an Zihao!"

"Although it sounds like I'm in the 13th place in Luohuang city and can be ranked in the top 15 of the younger generation, only I know that it's very reluctant to be ranked in the top 30!"

"Brother Xuanmu, you can't underestimate these people!"

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, Shen Yan was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Xuan to have such an idea. He wanted to be the enemy of the younger generation of Luohuang city. It's arrogant

Just he said more euphemistic, not good to lose Lin Xuan's face!

If Lin Xuan was also a spiritual man at this time, he really had such arrogant capital. With his talent, he should not be afraid of anyone!

After all, the ceiling of the younger generation in Luohuang city is the cultivation of the third section of the spirit!

"Ha ha, brother Shen, don't worry about me, and help me spread the news. I just want to make it known all over the city!"

Lin Xuan laughs, without too much explanation, but asks Shen Yan to spread the news on his behalf, so that everyone in Luohuang city can know!

The reason why he is so urgent is that there is not much time left for Lin Xuan. He must change his face and run away before the five elements view can react!

As for whether the Shen family will be reconciled at that time, although there will be some influence, Lin Xuan's thinking and Shen family's inside information, even the five elements view can't say that killing the family means killing the family!

At most, they would blame them for not knowing people and helping the tyrant. The Shen family could bear it!

And He Lin Xuan, who can recognize him?

Although this was not kind to the Shen family, Lin Xuan kept in mind the Shen family's kindness and would repay it in the future!

At the moment, seeing that Lin Xuan had made up his mind, Shen Yan couldn't continue to persuade him, but he didn't agree with Lin Xuan's move!

As the same young people in Luohuang City, it's like beating them in the face. Even he feels that Lin Xuan is extremely arrogant and has something strange in his heart. He wants to see that the real peerless genius in Luohuang city will teach Lin Xuan

So, with this idea in mind, Shen Yan immediately tells all directions that Lin Xuan wants to challenge the younger generation of Luohuang city!

Just a morning of fermentation, the news suddenly like a bomb, spread all over the city to know!

The first sentence that many nobles met in the streets and alleys was: "Hey, have you heard that the great disciple who came to Luohuang city two days ago was so arrogant that he wanted to challenge the whole young generation of Luohuang city. It's arrogant!"

And Lin Xuan also achieved his goal, not only known to all, but also hated him to the bone, aroused public anger!

"Ha ha, how can I not know such news? Even according to the grapevine, the disciple of the great cult was more arrogant than we thought. He said that the younger generation of luohuangcheng was just like anzihao. It's not enough to mention that he could raise his hand to suppress and despise the arrogance of my peers in luohuangcheng!"

"What, dare you?"

"Yes, I've heard that Da Jiao's son is really arrogant. He also said that he has a noble status. Even if he sets up the challenge arena, it's not a cat and dog that can fight against him. At least fifty thousand spirit stones must be taken out as the color head!"

"Hum... I'm so angry!"

"Hehe, it's said that Chu Qing, the second son of the Chu family, was also angry when he heard that. He said that even though Lin Xuanmu was a disciple of the great sect, he could not despise me so much. He wanted to teach him a lesson in person!"

"Ha ha ha, the second son of Chu is the seventh in the list of Jia. He has a prominent family. His elder brother has been practicing in qixuezong four years ago. It's strange that he has to be afraid of the disciple of Da Jiao!"

"Hum, this time that big sect disciple really committed public anger. It's too much. It's said that except Chuqing, Han Yu, the eldest young master of the Han family, put down his words and wanted to fight him!"

"What, he even startled Han Yu. He was the fifth in the list, stronger than Chu Qing!"

"Hey, it's said that I know more than that. It's said that there are real Tianzong people who don't like it and want to suppress it in person!"


Lin Xuan walked in the street, listening to the news of the market, not only did not have any worry, but also a happy face!

Those people didn't see his real face and didn't know that he was actually here, so they ridiculed and despised him. They said that Han Yu would lose miserably once he made a move

"Haha, it's Lin Xuanmu, the five element Taoist temple, who makes people angry. It's none of my business. When I grab enough spirit stones, I'll fly away and leave it to the five element Taoist temple for a headache."

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