Lin Xuan went directly to the Yulong chamber of Commerce, where they were the witnesses and handed over the 100000 spirit stones to the chamber of Commerce for safekeeping. Both Chu Qing and Han Yu sent their own people here to pay 50000 spirit stones as security.

And the Yulong chamber of commerce is also very close to the victory and defeat between them, and almost all of them are not optimistic about Lin Xuan, after all, his realm is too low, winning an Zihao is nothing!

Therefore, the odds of Lin Xuan's victory is as high as 3.0. Lin Xuan did not hesitate to bet all his remaining 30000 spirit stones on himself, which is also a means for him to earn spirit stones!

Lin Xuan was in a hurry to earn Lingshi. He didn't want to wait until tomorrow. Instead, he went to the stage of life and death and told Chu Qing and Han Yu to wait for them on the stage of life and death!

This word spread, immediately triggered riots, almost empty, gathered in the arena, to witness the war!

"The disciple of Da Jiao is arrogant and arrogant. When Mr. Han and Mr. Chu come to the scene, he will be convinced to lose!"

"Hum, what about the disciples of the great cult? If they dare to deceive me that there is no one in Luohuang City, they will pay the price!"

"Yes, I'd like to see that this son is just a spiritual realm. He's not even a spiritual person. How can he fight against Tianjiao in Luohuang city?"

"Do you really think that if you win an Zihao, you will feel invincible?"

"Don't think too much of yourself!"

Lin Xuan, dressed in black, had been waiting on the stage of life and death. He turned a deaf ear to the taunt and disdain from the stand. Instead, he was smiling and watched the crowd gather more and more in the martial arts arena!

It's all up to these people to secretly arrange and draw hatred for him. Otherwise, how could Lin Xuan lead those contemporaries to the end so easily? It's too late for him to thank him!

"Look, that's... The second son of Chu is coming..."

At this time, there was a commotion outside the martial arts arena. On the stand, someone suddenly exclaimed!

"It's really the second son of Chu. Ha ha ha, I see how arrogant the disciples are!"

"The second son of Chu must win the battle and teach that arrogant man a lesson to let him know that Luohuang city is not so easy to bully!"

"That's right. Please do your best to let this man know how powerful I am in Luohuang city!"

On the grandstand, many people yelled and resented Lin Xuan!

However, Lin Xuan's smile was more intense, and his voice moved for nine days. He said with a laugh: "ha ha ha, since Mr. Chu is here, don't delay your time. Hurry up and fight with Mr. Han when you are finished..."


With this remark, the whole martial arts arena was shocked, and even a lot of people's faces turned red. They all scolded Lin Xuan for his arrogance!

"How can this disciple be so arrogant? I don't think I'm proud of Luohuang city. I'm so angry..."

They wish they were the best of their peers and could deal with Lin Xuan in person. Lin Xuan is really irritating!

At this moment, no one will be afraid of his identity. Even if he is a great disciple, he will pay the price!

"Hum, I heard your name earlier. I wanted to make friends with you, but I didn't expect you to be so arrogant and humiliate us. I'm Chu Qing, so I have to come here to see if you are as strong as the rumor!"

Suddenly, I saw an elegant figure fall on the stage of life and death, standing opposite Lin Xuan!

This man is dignified, sword eyebrow star, his face shows the color of sneer!

Smell speech, Lin Xuan is also up and down looked at the person, with his induction, this person is also the spirit of the second paragraph, but different from an Zihao just break through, the foundation is not stable, the breath of Chu Qing is very long, I think it has been in the spirit of the second paragraph for a long time!

But even so, Lin Xuan was fearless, pretending to be arrogant and said, "well, well, I don't like long speeches. Chuqing, right? Just come here and get beaten!"

This words fall, the opposite Chu Qing even the breath is a little disordered, obviously is by Lin Xuan to gas to, this also too arrogant?

"Hum, it's arrogant. You asked for it. Don't blame me for bullying the weak!"

Calm a moment, Chu Qing cold hum a, complexion a cold, eyes cold incomparable!

In a flash, Chu Qing jumped up, rolled up a strong wind and attacked Lin Xuan!

"Even if you are a disciple of Da Jiao, today I want you to understand the price of belittling me in Luohuang city!"

"Hum, chop the mountain palm!"

Chu Qing's body was full of rainbow light, and his spirit power was surging out. He took a great cold light and used his palm as a knife to attack Lin Xuanli!

Like a giant axe, the huge pressure hit heavily. All of them held their breath in the field, and looked at the huge blow in disbelief!

"It's such a powerful trick. It seems that Chu Qing was completely infuriated by the disciple of the great cult!"

"This is... Chu's unique skill of mountain splitting palm. I didn't expect that it had been practiced to this level by Chu Qing. It had already been completed!"

"It's a terrible fluctuation. Even the experts at the same level can't resist it. Hum, the disciples of Da Jiao are only nine sections of spiritual cultivation. Even if they don't die, they have to be disabled!"

But if there was no news beside Lin Xuan, his face was like a flat lake, and there was no waves. Seeing the powerful cold light, he was about to split him. He finally moved under his feet!

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's figure flashed and stepped on the shadow step of the moon, like a shadow following the shape, leaping up!

With a wave of his arm, he felt as if a God had come down to earth. The terrible spiritual power gushed out of his body, making his fist seem to turn into divine iron, invincible!

Heart roars: "long arm boxing!"

The power of Lin Xuan's fist is more than ten thousand jin. Even the monster, which is famous for its defense, should be punished by his fist!

Lin Xuan didn't want to waste his time. He just used his absolute strength to defeat the heroes in the world!


The huge roar is like nine sky thunder. A huge afterwave comes from the place where they fight, shaking the platform of life and death, and rolling up gusts of wind

Break ten thousand methods with one force!

Chu Qing, who used to be extremely arrogant and wanted to solve Lin Xuan's problem, suddenly turned into a dark shadow. He was shocked by the huge impact force and flew out. His mouth spewed out scarlet blood, his face was as white as snow, and his eyes were full of shock and loss!

"How is that possible? I don't accept... "

At this time, Chu Qing was confused in his mind. He could not tell whether he was the spirit or Lin Xuan was the spirit?

He was absolutely suppressed and confronted head-on, but he was not an opponent of spiritual waste?

What's the reason for this?

I thought that I could defeat Lin Xuan with absolute strength, but I didn't expect to hit the muzzle of the gun. Lin Xuan's strongest strength is his strength!

Why does he have such a great power as a waste of spiritual cultivation?

This is totally not in line with the common sense of practice?

At this moment, not only Chu Qing doubted life, but also the audience in the stands were suddenly quiet. Everyone's eyes were filled with the same look of disbelief

What about the expected war?

Just started, then ended?

I don't know who it was. Finally, I recovered from the shock and let out a cry of surprise. Then, the whole martial arts arena was boiling, and many people felt cold at the bottom of their hearts

"What? Is Chu Qing defeated? How is that possible? "

"My God... What kind of abnormal person is this disciple of the five elements view... He who fights against the spirit with the realm of spiritual cultivation will win or lose with just one punch?"

"Yes... If I didn't see it with my own eyes today, who would dare to believe it?"

"No wonder this son is so rebellious... People are not pretending to be better than others, they are really better than others..."

"Why do I have a premonition... Even if Han Yu himself did it, I'm afraid he's not the opponent of this person. This great disciple is so terrible. He's absolutely a rare genius in a hundred years!"

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