Lin Xuanyi's position seemed to be the only one in the world. He stood with his hands down, his face without waves, and said calmly, "how about brother Chu? Can we fight again? "

This is just like a heartrending remark. Many people feel resentful. It's too much to win. They even want to humiliate their opponents

However, Lin Xuan did all this on purpose. He was afraid that because of his strong hand, many people were afraid of him and didn't dare to fight him, so he had to change his ways to pull hatred

"You... Cough... You're deceiving me too much... I'll kill you..." Chu Qing coughed violently, and his throat again gushed blood stasis. Lin Xuan's fist was so powerful that it hurt his internal organs. Without a month's cultivation, it was absolutely difficult to recover!

But at this moment, Rao Shi Chuqing knew that he was not Lin Xuan's opponent, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill Lin Xuan to vent his hatred

However, just then, a dignified old man on the grandstand said angrily: "stop... If you lose, you will lose. Our Chu family can't afford to lose... But you have to work harder to practice in the future..."

"Mr. Xuanmu is the first disciple of the great religion, and he is also a once-in-a-hundred-year prodigy. You are not wronged to be defeated by him, and you will not retreat!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately fell to the ground and said, "sure enough, as long as the identity of my great disciple is not exposed, there will be no elder to deal with me!"

It was precisely because of this that Lin Xuan chose this way to grab the spirit stone!

He said with a smile: "thank you for your praise. In the face of you, I'd like to remind you that Mr. Chu's internal organs have been injured. If you don't use good pills to recuperate now, I'm afraid there will be hidden diseases in your body in the future. It's useless to practice!"

This seems to be a kind reminder, but in fact it is also a mockery of Chuqing's excessive efforts, for Dora's hatred!

Sure enough, even the old man in the grandstand turned black when he heard that, but he didn't dare to let Chu Qing play around any more. If he had a hidden disease, he would never be able to practice in the future!

He comforted: "Qing'er, you don't have to bear any burden. There are many people in the world who are more talented than Mr. Xuanmu. Don't worry!"

"You are still one of the top ten talents among the young people in Luohuang city. In less than 50 years, you will be able to break through the realm of Lingshi. In Luohuang City, you are already among the top ones!"

Sure enough, Chu Qing's face looked better after hearing him. He didn't know the existence of this kind of genius, but he just couldn't pass the barrier in his heart. After all, there was a real genius in Luohuang City, who was on the head of all of them, and no one could shake his position!

However, seeing that Chu Qing's face was getting better and he was about to retreat, Lin Xuan said with a smile, "hey hey, although I respect my predecessors, I don't dare to agree with them. I haven't seen anyone better than me in the same class!"

"I'm not flattering myself. It's really hard for me to find a rival among my peers, so I'm going down the mountain to experience. Chu Qingchang is in a small place like Luohuang City, so it's hard for him to compare with my lucky place like Luming mountain. He has too much bad information. It's normal for me to lose!"

"You... Poof..."

This words a, originally very not easy to forcibly restrain the body injury of Chu Qing was gas again ejected a mouthful of black blood, the whole person completely fainted in the past!

The old man beside him went to help him. His face was as black as charcoal, and he looked at Lin Xuan coldly. But in the end, he still didn't dare to fight Lin Xuan

Behind Lin Xuan's fear, there stood the five elements view, the fifth transcendent force of Qingzhou Prefecture!

"Hum, I hope you can win all the time. I'm here to wish you a bright future!"

The old man gave a cold hum and gritted his teeth.

"Hahaha, OK, I'll be invincible by the good words of the elder. I'll defeat the pride of my peers in Huangcheng!"

However, Lin Xuan is still not willing to let go of Luohuang City, once again pull hate way!

At this time, if the old man didn't practice the method of calming Qi, I'm afraid he would have vomited blood directly from Lin Xuan

I saw the old man flick his sleeve and sneer. He said nothing more and left with Chuqing!

At this time, Lin Xuan knew that there was no old man on his face who dared to fight against him, and he was completely relieved. Just now, in fact, he had been testing the old man's bottom line

Who knows that the old man has no bottom line at all. He is too afraid of the five elements behind Lin Xuan!

Then, he swaggered around the crowd in the stands and said with a laugh, "what about the man named Han Yu? Stop the ink. I'm going home to have dinner! "

As soon as this remark came out, all the people in the field had to work hard. At the moment, they couldn't help but scold each other. This is too arrogant and despises people!



"How hateful

"I wish I could kill this man myself. I'm so angry..."

"Is there really no one in Luohuang city to control this person? I don't believe it? Young master Han Yu, hurry up and teach me a lesson to defend the dignity of Luohuang city! "

"Keke, as for Mr. Han Yu, he can't run away. It seems that I saw him sitting in the stands just now. How could he disappear in the blink of an eye?"


However, no matter how indignant the audience was, the young master named Han Yu still did not appear on the stage!

"What about people? If you don't fight, you'll lose. The 50000 spirit stone won't go back! "

Lin Xuan deliberately pretends to be arrogant, and the angry people yell at him again!

"Damn it... I can't stand it. I'm blind to such a good family background as a great teacher's disciple because I look like a little man has achieved his ambition..."

"Uncle... I want to hit him..."

"Don't make a fuss. Just like you, people can kill you by sneezing!"

"Ah... How angry!"

Just then, Lin Xuan pointed to a young boy in the stands and said, "what did you say just now? If you want to hit me, come on, come on down, I'll give you a discount, and you can bet 20000 spirit stones! "

"No, no, no... Mr. Xuanmu heard wrong. I didn't say that. I must have heard wrong..."

Smell speech, that childe Ge Dun time difference a little scared urine, he also just mouth scold two, let him really and Lin Xuan fight, frighten to death him!

I'm kidding. Even Han Yu, who is the fifth in the list of first class, has disappeared now. He has become a turtle with a shrunken head. Give him a hundred courage and dare not fight Lin Xuan!

At this time, someone in the stands said, "Mr. Xuanmu, don't wait. I saw Mr. Han Yu run away just now..."

Run away?

Lin Xuan was speechless when he heard the words. What kind of goods are these? He ran away before he hit. It's still the fifth in the list. It's too fake. It's not as good as Chuqing!

"That's it? It's too encouraging. Are you all cowards in Luohuang city? Come on, I'm only nine steps of spiritual cultivation. I don't even dare to fight? "

Lin Xuan continued to sneer: "forget it, it's not his fault to admit defeat. Who let me be so powerful? Alas, I'm not aiming at one of the younger generation in Luohuang City, but I want to say... Except Miss Shen MuQing, it's all rubbish!"

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