
Lin Xuan's mind suddenly came up with a terrible idea. This kind of trembling feeling was only when he faced Lu Dingtian, the first master of star city!

And those who come are not weak with him!

Luohuang City crouching tiger, hidden dragon, far from star city can be compared!

"What... That's the owner of the Luo family..."

"The master of Lingshi was invited to protect his offspring. How strong is that wood? It's terrible!"

"If not for the master of the Luo family, their twin stars of the Luo family will be killed here today!"

"Haha, that Lin Xuanmu is crazy. He thinks that if he's a child of the great religion, he can be arrogant and kill innocent people indiscriminately. Now the head of the Luo family comes, and he's dead!"

"Yes, no matter how talented he is, he has never grown up. The Lord of the Luo family will never let him live easily!"

At the moment, even Lin Xuan was a little scared. He was not afraid of being fake. No one could be calm to the master of spirit with the interface of spiritual cultivation!

That kind of terrible state made Lin Xuan extremely uncomfortable, and even had the impulse to kneel down!

This is pure spiritual coercion!

Lin Xuan's mental strength was extremely weak. He couldn't bear the terrible oppression and was on the verge of collapse!


With a loud roar, the gold foil paper in the stillness suddenly vibrated in the depth of the platform. Almost instantly, Lin Xuan felt a warm current gushing out from his uncivilized platform, swimming in all kinds of human bodies. The original terrible pressure disappeared in an instant!

"This is... The gold foil paper that records the treasure book of the God of medicine!"

In his heart, Lin Xuan was shocked. He didn't expect that the gold foil paper had such effects and could resist the spiritual pressure of Lingshi masters

Isn't it dead?

Can we say that because of the complete scriptures of the holy steps recorded above, the gold foil paper has become extraordinary?

Lin Xuan couldn't help guessing, but in addition, the gold foil paper was silent again without any change!

At this moment, on the stage of life and death, the old man in the grey robe on the other side was shocked to see that Lin Xuan had no more pain in his eyes. He guessed in his heart: "he is worthy of being the direct disciple of the great religion. I'm afraid that there is a treasure in his body handed down by his elders to protect his life!"

However, the gray robed old man not only had no fear, but also had a trace of greed in his eyes!

He humed coldly and said to Lin Xuan, "kill my grandson, even if you are a disciple of the five elements temple, you have to pay for your life!"

Then, as soon as the old man's sleeve robe was turned, a silver competition like a long dragon swept towards Lin Xuan!

Lin xuanqiang took a breath and stepped on the moon shadow step to escape in an instant!

At the same time, he sighed in his heart. I'm afraid there's no way to be kind today. It's easier for Rao to threaten and intimidate the younger generation. These real big men don't care at all!

Unless they see the real horror!

However, Lin Xuan doesn't regret killing Luo Yan. Since he has chosen such a way, he has to go on with his head firmly!

Step back and fall off the cliff!

Only by going against the wind, can we really walk out an invincible road!

However, what made Lin Xuan feel desperate was that the old man in the grey robe waved a piece of pitching, and he was so close to him that he seemed to be locked!

And Lin Xuan knew in his heart that even if he was hit by the Lingshi master, if he was hit, he would definitely die!

The white pitching was like a brush of dust. In a flash, countless tiny threads were formed, which completely blocked all Lin Xuan's retreat

At this critical moment of life and death, an old man in green, who had been tangled in the stands, finally made a move. He also gently swung up his sleeve robe. Suddenly, it seemed as if there was a gust of wind. The terrible silk thread that attacked Lin Xuan was suddenly intercepted and turned into the afterwave of terror, which made Lin Xuan step back and spit out a mouthful of blood!

This is just the aftereffect of a blow, which has already made Lin Xuan spit blood... He really can't imagine how powerful a real spiritual master should be!

At this moment, Lin Xuan also subconsciously looked up at the familiar figure in green clothes!

"Hum, Mr. Shen, I've lost my grandson. I'll kill him. Do you want to be strong for him?"

The owner of the Luo family gave a sneer, and his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the figure in green!

It's not someone else. It's the first person in Shen Jiazhang's family who taught Shen Yan that he can only watch and not interfere!

Beside the old man in Qingyi, Shen Yan said anxiously, "brother Xuanmu, are you ok?"

Then, he turned his head to suppress his fear and said to the master of the Luo family: "master of the Luo family, you can't kill brother Xuanmu. Now, I don't want to hide it. Brother Xuanmu's ancestor is not an ordinary elder in the five elements temple..."

"It's a supreme elder of the venerable realm..."

As soon as these words were uttered, even Lin Xuan was very confused. When did Lao Tzu's background compare so well

Then, he suddenly remembered when he first entered the city. At that time, he pretended to be mysterious and let Shen Yan guess what cultivation his ancestors were... Did he really believe it?

"What... Elder supreme?"

"The venerable is powerful?"

"Oh, my God, how can this be possible? There are so many people in our Qingzhou government... They can even dominate the imperial court, even the sages that your majesty should respect today..."

"Yes, as far as I know... There are only six supreme elders in the five elements temple, and only one enters the realm of the venerable..."

"It seems that the elder is really surnamed Lin..."

I don't know who said it suddenly. The whole audience was silent, and they all looked at Lin Xuan in shock

If there is only one master among a thousand spirit masters, then ten thousand spirit masters may not be able to give birth to one master!

This seems to be a ravine, blocking the way of countless monks!

When the owner of the Luo family heard this, his face turned black. He looked at Lin Xuan's thin figure in the field!

It seems that a gust of wind can blow him down, but, where they can't see, it seems that there is a towering figure standing behind him, incomparably great

If there is only an elder of the five elements Temple standing behind Lin Xuan, he dares to continue to fight against Lin Xuan!

But if we say that behind Lin Xuan is a venerable man... With his 100 courage, he dare not move Lin Xuan's finger

Death of a grandson, or let the whole Luo family perish, this he still can distinguish!

"Hum, let's go!"

The old man in the grey robe threw his sleeve robe angrily and put Luo Yan's body into the ring. He left with a cold hum!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was relieved at last when he heard the speech. His will was finally lax, and his whole body was extremely weak, which made him nearly fall down

Then he looked at Shen Yan, who jumped down from the stand and came towards him

"... the title of the best assists is yours!"

In his heart, Lin Xuan felt a little lucky for the rest of his life.

But then, Lin Xuan was a little sad. He cheated the Shen family again, although he didn't take the initiative to do it this time... If the truth came out one day, the Shen family might cut him down

At this moment, Lin Xuan made up his mind that Lin Xuanmu's Vest could no longer be used!

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