"Brother Xuanmu, are you ok?"

Shen Yan walked quickly and asked with concern.

Lin Xuan's feet faltered a little, but he still shook his head and said calmly: "it's OK!"

Then he looked at the old man who was standing in the stands and hugged him. He was the old man of the Shen family.

Lin Xuan's face was pale, and he said, "thank you for your help. I'm very grateful. This time I owe the Shen family a favor. I'll repay it in the future."

On the other hand, the old man in the stands was very happy. He stroked his white beard, took out a small fat bottle from his arms, threw it to Lin Xuan, nodded his head with a smile and said: "master Xuanmu doesn't have to be so polite. This is Guyuan pill. It's a treasure pill of the middle and lower grades. The Qi and blood of master Xuanmu are shaken and the meridians are shifted. With this Guyuan pill, you can recover as before!"

Immediately after that, Lin Xuan took the white and transparent Lanzhi jade bottle and opened the cork. When he was inside, he gushed out pure white aura. Just taking a sip, he seemed to emerge as a immortal!

"It's a treasure pill of middle rank and inferior quality... Lying trough, the Shen family is really willing to give up the cost!"

Lin Xuan fixed his eyes and saw that there were five pills in the small fat bottle. It was the first time that Lin Xuan contacted the pills of middle level. Naturally, he was very moved!

And no one knows better than him how difficult it is to refine the medium level pills, and the failure rate is several times higher than that of the low level pills!

Not only that, this Chinese elixir, at least a pharmacist in the realm of spirit, can be refined. Moreover, when refining medium level elixir, only a few pieces of finished elixir can be produced in one furnace, often not more than two hands.

The middle and lower level elixir must be led by a genuine elixir, supplemented by several semi elixirs. Although this elixir is only a lower level elixir, it is also extremely extraordinary. Its efficacy is astonishing, which is several times higher than that of the low-level best quenched elixir refined by semi elixir!

Then, Lin Xuan forced down his excitement and said, "thank you for your gift of Dan!"

Then, the old man of Shen family laughed three times and left without saying a word.

The people of the Luo family had already left, and Lin Xuan had no need to stay. He left the martial arts arena with Shen Yan. All the people he met along the way were extremely afraid of him. In his eyes, there was a touch of flattery!

"The son of the venerable appears in Luohuang city!"

"Shocked! The son of the Reverend one is the second son of the Luo family

"The master of the spirit master came down in person, and the Lord of the Luo family left with a disheartened face!"

All kinds of rumors, like Yang Xu, are flying all over the sky.

It's like a stone breaking the sky, which makes Lin Xuan famous. Even the old people have heard his name!

On the contrary, the protagonist in the storm whirlpool has become extremely low-key. He has exchanged all the spirit stones he earned from Yulong gambling house!

After this battle, Lin Xuan's fortune has nearly doubled to 550000, only 300000 from his goal of 850000!

"It's a fast way to get money, but it's too dangerous. If I do one more job, I'll get out of the way. I can't continue to delay it. Otherwise, I'll be in trouble if I'm tripped by the immortal Luo family."

Lin Xuan is quite clear in his heart. One of the reasons why the Luo family finally left in anger this time might be that he pretended to be so hypocritical that people thought he didn't dare to fight Lin Xuan any more!

However, Lin Xuan didn't know whether he was planning something, but he was careful to sail for ten thousand years. Even if he was confident at the beginning, even if Shen Yan didn't say his "identity" himself, he would say it himself!

At least, no one dares to kill the son of a venerable in public before he knows whether Lin Xuan's identity is true or false!

Great power!

In a sense, it is not only the peak of Qingzhou government, but also the peak of the dynasty!

It's a real giant!

No one dares to disobey!

But although Lin Xuan had an idea in his heart, he couldn't implement it quickly. As the old Shen family said, Lin Xuan was only shocked by the aftershocks of the Lingshi master's battle, and then he injured his internal organs, shifted his meridians, and lost his Qi and blood!

At least two days to recuperate, and then continue to implement the plan!

"Brother Shen, it's so inconvenient for me to shut up for two days. If there's nothing important during this period, you'd better not come here to disturb me!"

"Brother Xuanmu, just rest assured and recuperate. I naturally know that!"

Lin Xuan and Shen Yan go back to Shen's home together, and then directly return to the other courtyard specially reserved for him.

Without even saying hello to Liu Ruyi, he closed the door and adjusted his breath!

The old Shen family is generous enough. In fact, Lin Xuan can't use so many Guyuan pills at all. In the two days of seclusion, he recovered by relying on only one Guyuan pill. The other four pills turned into experience, which provided about 25000 experience value for Lin Xuan!

Although there is only one grade difference between Guyuan pill of middle grade and quenched elixir pill of low grade, it is the difference between heaven and earth. Each Guyuan pill is worth ten quenched elixirs!

With the improvement of the realm, a low-level elixir can only bring Lin Xuan 500 experience points, which is far less than the original.

On the third day of his seclusion, Lin Xuan woke up. The Guyuan pill not only increased his experience, but also strengthened his body and meridians!

He confidently walked out of the door and met Liu Ruyi, who was standing outside the door. He was stunned and asked, "are you always here?"

Liu Ruyi nodded and said respectfully, "Ruyi is here because he doesn't want to be disturbed because he is closed."

"Ha ha, you have a heart. In fact, you don't have to. Next time you don't have to!"

Lin Xuan laughs and shakes his head. He doesn't hear Liu Ruyi when he closes the door.

Then, he left the other courtyard, thinking about going to find Shen Yan and discussing how to direct his last big vote!

However, he just came out of the other hospital, and just heard that several children of the Shen family were chatting with each other.

Every sentence in the sentence was so startling that Lin Xuan was so frightened that he was scared to death!

"It is said that the eldest son has come back, and she has arrived at the gate of Luohuang city. Miss, she has received the feeling of passing notes, and has set out with the second young master to meet her!"

"Yes, it seems that one of his friends came back with the eldest son. It seems that he is also a direct disciple of the five elements view."

"Well? I don't know if the background of this person is as big as that of Mr. Xuanmu! "

"Ha ha, isn't that nonsense? Mr. Xuanmu is the son of the venerable. Who is more noble than him in the five elements? Unless it's the master, the son, the son

"So it is

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