Lin Xuan didn't say a word, and he didn't care whether what these people said was true or false. Instead, he turned around and went back to other hospitals!

Liu Ruyi is still in the hospital. Originally, when she heard footsteps approaching, she wanted to ask who it was, but her green hand was suddenly held by a powerful hand.

Subconsciously, Liu Ruyi would start to scold, but Lin Xuan's voice was low and solemn: "don't talk, follow me!"

When he realized that something was wrong, Lin Xuan hesitated to take Liu Ruyi with him. But in the end, he decided to take Liu Ruyi with him!

If he left, Liu Ruyi, as a mortal, must bear the anger from all sides!

From the time he brought Liu Ruyi out of the Zuixian building, he had already thought of this day, and was not unprepared!

When Liu Ruyi hears the words, she swallows them back. She lets Lin Xuan hold her tender and boneless hand, and her cheek is a little ruddy, just like a cherry!

No one would stop Lin Xuan, because no one thought that Lin Xuan would dare to pretend to be the son of Da Jiao and pretend to be so high-profile

Subconsciously, many people feel that if they pretend to be the children of Da Jiao, the lower the key, the better, for fear that too many people will know!

But Lin Xuan has been doing the opposite these days, almost making the people in Luohuang City believe in his identity. So Lin Xuan walked to the door of Shen Fu very easily!

With a faint smile on his face, he said to the two young men on duty in front of the Shen family: "it's said that the eldest son of the Shen family is coming back with one of my elder martial brothers. What's the matter?"

Naturally, the two young people on duty knew Lin Xuan. In other words, there were few Shen family members who didn't know him. They all showed great respect to him!

"Mr. Xuanmu, it's true!"

One of the thin men in black nodded to Lin Xuan.

"Oh, I just woke up behind closed doors, but I missed it with brother Shen Yan. I don't know where they came from. I'll meet them now!"

Lin Xuan nodded his head. In fact, there are many holes in his words. Just because of his identity, few disciples in the five elements temple are worthy of being welcomed by him at the gate of the city, unless he is really the master's son!

However, it is obvious that these two young people on duty have not enough brains. After all, in their eyes, it is reasonable for them to go to meet elder martial brother!

The other said hastily: "when master Shen Yan and miss Mu Qing left, they were heading east. They should have come from the east gate."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods, pull a side is not clear what happened Liu Ruyi directly toward the west, to the west gate of Luohuang city!

Behind him, there was something strange in the eyes of the two young men on duty. One of them called out: "ah, Mr. Xuanmu, that's the West. Are you going in the wrong direction?"

However, if Lin Xuan didn't hear it, he still held Liu Ruyi's hand and continued to move forward with great composure.

Liu Ruyi, who is next to her, subconsciously wants to look back at her, but suddenly says, with a painful expression on her face!

Lin Xuan clenched the palm of Liu Ruyi's little hand and suddenly exerted himself. The latter was already intelligent. He immediately understood what Lin Xuan meant and never looked back!

Their figures soon disappeared on the street corner, and the two young people on duty in front of Shen Jiamen behind them were even more confused!

One of them was a little uncertain and said, "do you think Mr. Xuanmu has no sense of direction?"

"Joke, you use your dog's brain, the sun rises in the East, this clear sky, you can see a clear direction, master Xuanmu will not know?"

"I see, it's Mr. Xuanmu's ears are not very good. I think we're talking about Ximen. It's OK. He will come back when he doesn't find anyone!"

"Hush, keep quiet. If you are heard by Mr. Xuanmu, I'm afraid you'll be forced to split..."


On the other hand, Lin Xuan and Liu Ruyi are almost walking like flies. It can even be said that Lin Xuanyi's spiritual power drags Liu Ruyi forward together. They go out of Luohuang city without any reaction!

Then Lin Xuan was no longer bound. He found a place where there was no one. He directly changed his face by relying on the secret method in the immortal xuanjing. He even changed his coat and directly urged a fire of spiritual power from his palm to burn the gorgeous robes and clothes!

Although Liu Ruyi couldn't see things, he was also aware of something bad. He asked Lin Xuan, "where are we going, young master?"

"No hurry. I'm in a hurry. I didn't think about it, young master."

"Well, I know you have doubts, but now is not the time to speak. Come here, I'll carry you on my back. Let's slip away first!"

Without doubt, Lin Xuan carried Liu Ruyi on his back, and then the wind came under his feet, stepped on the shadow of the moon, turned his direction, and ran toward the South with great speed!

Although the latter didn't know what happened, he also knew the benefits. Since he had decided to be Lin Xuan's servant, he could only believe him unconditionally and had no other way!

However, this is the first time that Liu Ruyi has been in such close contact with a masculine man, not only sticking her whole body on Lin Xuan's back, but also being dragged by Lin Xuan's palm.

Liu Ruyi leaned back subconsciously, but even so, her pretty face was as red as blood, biting her teeth, and she didn't know what to think.

Their speed is extremely fast, even if Lin Xuan is carrying a tug bottle, in an instant, he is also dozens of meters behind!

The most incredible thing is that Lin Xuan's steps are extremely steady, and he doesn't make Liu Ruyi feel uncomfortable.

But Liu Ruyi was wearing thin clothes beside her, and she was still a mortal. It seemed that she felt a chill. Her body completely fell on Lin Xuan's back, and she cleverly put her head on Lin Xuan's shoulder, put her hands around Lin Xuan's neck, and made more efforts.

She quietly felt the wind whistling in her ears, with a shy smile on her face. In her dark field of vision, she seemed to feel the vastness of the world.

And Lin Xuan, although he didn't have any expression on his face, just mobilized his whole body's spiritual power to go on his way, but he could feel the warmth from the two soft places behind him.

"It's premature!"

Lin Xuan sighed in his heart, but he was determined and forced to suppress his thoughts. His pace was faster and faster. He ran away for a whole day, two thousand miles. He consumed most of his spiritual power, and his spirit was also a little dispirited!

If Lin Xuan could only travel two thousand li a day and night, he would have to fight for his life this time, for fear that there would be a pursuer behind him!

In the evening, they stop in a small town. Even though Lin Xuan can still hold on, Liu Ruyi, as a mortal, is tired, even though she seems to just let Lin Xuan carry on her back

After a little rest for a night, Lin Xuan took Liu Ruyi on his back and headed south the next day!

It took seven days to get on the road in the daytime and rest at night.

For eight thousand miles, Lin Xuan and his wife stopped in a small town. But after stopping, they lived in the town completely.

"Bai Feng City, this city is similar to the original Yulin city. There are no powerful people. I don't have to worry about the danger."

"Besides, there are many mountains around, which are full of monsters and grass. It's a holy land for upgrading and practicing martial arts!"

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