Two months later, at the foot of Zhengyang mountain, Yunxiao city.

This city is the largest one in Qingzhou Prefecture. It is located at the foot of Zhengyang mountain. It is very prosperous. The top families and families of Qingzhou Prefecture gather here.

On this day, on Zhengyang mountain, the door of Zong was opened and a grand event came.

Yunxiao city is full of people from all over the world.

The blood weeping sect is not only the most transcendent force in Qingzhou Prefecture, but also the top sect in the world even in the reign of nuota!

Therefore, every four years, outstanding disciples from all major families will come to the grand meeting to take part in the entrance test, which attracts the pride of other prefectures from afar and makes Yunxiao city full of people!

The heroes of all walks of life together. They just stay in Yunxiao city for a while, then they rush up the mountain again!

Today is the first day for qixuezong to recruit disciples. On the way up the mountain, it is very busy, and there are even some cases of fighting against each other.

However, most people did not forget the purpose of their trip and did not cause too much disturbance.

And this Zhengyang mountain is also worthy of being a famous mountain in the right way. Its potential is majestic and vast. The peaks are overlapping, towering and towering, straight into the sky!

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking far away, you can see the misty fairy, dense aura, clear spring, flowing water and luxuriant trees. There are cranes flying together, Ganoderma lucidum everywhere, many rare birds and animals in captivity here.

It's the real blessed place and the holy place of practice. This is where the blood weeping sect is!

The ancient Qingshi Mountain Gate is displayed at the middle of the mountain. It is as vast as half a mountain. It is full of traces left by time. It is as ancient as ever and extraordinary.

The sun rises in the East and the morning glow fills the sky.

At the moment, thousands of people have gathered in front of the mountain gate, and the worst are the genius figures with the highest spiritual cultivation. Among them, the outstanding ones even have the peerless pride of the fourth or fifth section of the spirit.

In front of the gate of the mountain, there is a white bearded old man in a green robe. He stands in the sky and overlooks the people.

"After decades of dynasty changes and tens of thousands of years of circulation, my blood weeping sect has always stood and flourished. Do you know why?"

The voice of the old man with white beard is like Huang Zhong Da Lu, as if every word has infinite power, which makes the void tremble.

Outside the mountain gate, tens of thousands of people all talked about it and gave different answers.

But the old man with white beard shook his head with a smile and said, "it's all because my blood weeping sect has a large number of disciples, and they are better than blue."

"Up to now, there are tens of thousands of disciples from the outside and thousands from the inside, all of whom have amazing talent."

"There will only be more in the future!"

"However, what I want to say today is that the resources of practice in the sect are limited. This is not your nursing home. Even if you pass the entrance test today, if you can't meet the standard at the end of the season, you have to quit the sect!"

"Not only that, if you want to get more resources, it will depend on your hands to fight for it. I will never raise waste!"

"What I'm saying today reminds you that when you pass the entrance test, there will be some elders, elder martial sisters and elder martial brothers in the future to tell you the rules of the clan and so on."

The old man in qingpao said something and waved his hand. I don't know when, in front of the big mountain gate, there appeared a ladder made of white jade. I don't know how many steps there are, connecting the sky!

"This is the ladder to the clouds. It's the most precious thing in my blood weeping sect. It's specially prepared for your entrance test!"

"You will step forward and show all your strength. This treasure will change with your strength. Those who want to enter our door must step over 33 steps!"

"At this moment, I officially announce that the entry test starts now!"

Although the old man with white beard looks very old, he is hale and hearty and has a strong voice. After he announced, he did not stay here. Instead, he turned into a rainbow like a flying sword and rushed straight to the highest peak of Zhengyang mountain!

In front of the mountain gate, only the elder and a group of senior brothers and sisters who came here to record and maintain order were left.

At this time, among the tens of thousands of outstanding people, someone finally moved!

"Hum, it's only thirty-three steps. Look at me!"

"I'll come, too!"

"Climb the ladder together, we will be the same door in the future. We should take care of each other!"

"It's not bad. It's 33 steps. What's the big deal?"

"I came for the clan. Today, let alone the steps, I will not move forward even if it is a sea of swords and mountains!"


There are hundreds of people, all of them start together, and step up the ladder that doesn't know the end!

At this moment, on the ladder, a sudden change happened. On the peaceful jade steps, there seemed to be an invisible wind sweeping, hunting, and great momentum.

The first group of people just stepped a few steps, they were blown by the wind of clothes, hair flying!

And with step by step, the wind power from every step of the ladder is increasing. When many people reach more than ten steps, their bodies are tottering and they can only move forward with difficulty!

Among them, the worst realm of cultivation is the peak of spiritual cultivation, but in the face of this miraculous climbing ladder, they are greatly oppressed, and their faces are full of horror!

As the first group of people stepped up the 20th step, it was like a watershed. A group of monks at the peak of spiritual cultivation could no longer move forward. They were pushed down the ladder by an invisible auspicious spirit!

This is not enough, the next step, the invisible wind becomes more violent, almost every step up, there will be more than ten or twenty fellow travelers were pushed down, the elimination rate is very terrible!

When the first person stepped on the 33rd step, there were only less than 20 people left behind him!

Among these 20 people, another 10 people stopped at level 32, and finally hundreds of people participated in the entrance test, but only 11 people passed!

However, these left behind are almost the talents of Tianzong. The young man in Huafu, who is the leader, is the second stage of lingzhe. He keeps on walking, takes the lead, and continues to move forward!

When he reached the 45th step, he finally couldn't bear it. However, unlike his predecessors who were pushed down the ladder by auspicious spirit, a jade ladder appeared in front of him, which was going down the mountain gate!

At this time, the elder martial brothers and sisters at the mountain gate, who are responsible for guiding and maintaining order, also look strange in their eyes and say, "younger martial brother is gifted and has great potential in the future. You can come here to announce your name and get the waist token!"

"This waist token can be activated by dripping blood. One of the functions of the waist token is to distinguish one's identity and prevent people who have bad intentions from pretending to be disciples of our blood weeping sect!"

"Second, it can be used to accumulate contribution points. Contribution points can be freely traded in the clan. According to the clan's ranking, you can go to the monthly salary hall to get the corresponding monthly salary for practice."

"In addition, you can also receive tasks to earn contribution points."

Although most of the children from big families know the function of waist token, the elder martial brothers and sisters explain it carefully according to their orders.

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