"No! I'm not willing to

"The patriarch didn't say there was only one chance. I don't agree. Come again!"

"I'm just a few steps away. Come again!"

However, some people are happy, and others are sad. Those who have not passed the entrance test all seem to be crazy. They rush up the ladder again!

However, this lack of strength is insufficient, far from perseverance, you can get on, most of them end up in failure and end up in a hurry!

After that, tens of thousands of outstanding people also went to attack and ascend the ladder. Some of them even broke through 60 steps to show their invincible demeanor, which attracted countless exclamations and tremors!

"That's young master li of Yunxiao city. It's so terrible. It's said that he is only in his twenties this year, and he has already been the cultivation of the third section of the spirit. He has broken the record and reached the sixty first level!"

"There are outstanding people in Yunxiao City, and it's reasonable to have such talent as Master Li!"

"This man is really terrible. He can even rank in the top three among his peers in Yunxiao city!"

"What? Mr. Li is so strong that he only ranks in the top three in Yunxiao city? What kind of heroes should the first two be? "

Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air came from the field, and a figure in purple came rushing from the foot of the mountain. Without saying much, he jumped straight up the ladder and went straight away, moving like a cunning rabbit, very fast!

"Lying trough... Who is this man? How can it be so powerful that it can jump several steps in one step, and even cross two steps in one step... "

"This man's speed didn't decrease. In a short moment, he had already reached the 33rd level. My God... He was still walking, and he was not affected by the strong wind. His feet seemed to be rooted and steady!"

"Is it to break the record again?"

"Let him be separated and perverted, let him be turned upside down and out of the way. I've never moved since the eight winds. My heart is like a rock. It's really powerful to the top. It's so shocking!"

"It's no pity to be able to meet such outstanding people today."

Many people outside the gate of the mountain are people who have failed to break through the barrier. Seeing this, they are very excited, as if they were on the scene!

"I know. This man comes from Fufeng city. He is the first master among the young generation in Fufeng city. He is called the devil king after losing all his peers!"

"It's him! Yan Lingtian

"I've heard about this man for a long time, but he's a real peerless conceit. No wonder that's the way to explain it!"

"Oh, my God, Yan Lingtian really broke the record. He didn't stop until he reached seventy steps. It's terrible!"

"Mr. Li has enemies!"

Some people sigh to each other. Although they have never entered the clan, they have never been in it. Maybe they will come back in four years!

But in any case, since we have come, we have to witness the world's outstanding people!

During the first day, more than 10000 people came, only a few hundred of them passed the entrance test, and the rest of them were brushed down. It was extremely terrifying!

According to the rules of qixuezong, there is a seven day time limit for this grand opening, and some powerful Tianjiao Junjie have not come yet.

On the first day, with the edge of Yan Lingtian, more than ten thousand people were covered, as brilliant as the stars in the sky!

As soon as I entered the blood weeping sect, I was scared by many of my peers, and attracted a lot of flattery and friendship. For a while, I was in the limelight!

Then, as time flies, the next day came as scheduled. There were not as many people on this day as on the first day, but there were more than 6000 people who came all the way!

What's more, an interesting discovery is that the quality of the people who came here to participate in the introductory test on the second day is much higher than that on the first day!

Among the 6000 people, there are some genius who have broken through the 60 terraces, and more than 800 people have passed the test and entered the blood weeping sect!

However, the record of 70 ranks kept by Yan Lingtian is that no one can break it for a while and a half!

In this way, Yan Lingtian's prestige is even more terrible, and some people even shout the slogan that he is the first person of the same generation!

However, this title was only hot for less than half a day, and was pulled down from the altar!

On the third day, no one expected that although less than 4000 people took part in the entrance test on that day, a number of outstanding talents emerged, all of them broke the record of level 70, and even set a new record of almost no solution!

So terrible!

Among them, Wan Renshan, the first of the younger generation in Yunxiao City, broke the record and crossed the seventy-one level, which is still within the psychological tolerance of the public!

But the next three people, it is to make them have to shudder!

"Mo Yuhang in Tongshan city was not well-known before, but he must be famous all over the world from now on. He is like a comet that cuts through the sky and is born in the sky. He has reached the 76th level with a section of spiritual cultivation. It's a miracle!"

"Yes, even Wanren mountain is good at the realm, so it can break the record. He is a spiritual person for a period of time. Why?"

"Tongshan city is just a small city. It's incredible that Mo Yuhang and other outstanding people can be born in it."

"It's said that an elder in the clan took a fancy to Mo Yuhang and wanted to accept Qi as his own disciple!"

"Crouching trough, there is such a good thing. I'm afraid it will have a bright future in the future."

In addition, the other two are from Luohuang city. Although this city is not as prosperous as Yunxiao City, its ancient heritage is far more than Yunxiao City, and many aristocratic families are dormant!

These two are the heirs of the family!

"I've long heard that Luohuang city has a thousand year old family. It's mysterious and has a long history. Now I see it. It really deserves its reputation!"

"It's true that although these two people have never shown their fame before, it's reasonable for them to have such achievements because they come from a noble family!"

One before the other, both of them stopped at the 72nd level to let the world see the details of Luohuang city!

However, this day's limelight is destined to be snatched by the young man named Mo Yuhang. It is said that he is just 16 years old!

On the fourth day, Luohuang city once again attracted the world's attention. There were three outstanding people coming out of the secluded family. They all broke the record of level 70, the highest one even reached level 75!

In this way, many people even envy the outstanding people here!

"These people are all the heirs of the aristocratic family. It's really terrible. I don't know how deep the hidden family in the rumor is!"

"Luohuang city has existed for thousands of years. It is said that those secluded aristocratic families are not from the Daqian Dynasty. They come from outside the Daqian Dynasty and have a good background!"

"Ten thousand years ago, there were ancient ethnic descendants in the forbidden area. They lived in the world. Luohuang city used to be a place where the wind and cloud gathered. There was a bloody battle, which attracted a lot of big people. In the end, even when they withdrew, they didn't remove them completely, leaving their blood and inheritance..."

"The families that can't be separated from the world are the branches left by these great people."

"I see. This Luohuang city is so secret!"

"Not only that, it's said that there are some Tianjiao people who haven't come to Luohuang city. I wonder if someone can break the record of 76 terraces?"

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