On the fifth day, most of the people who want to come here to take part in the test are almost there, so that there are only less than 1000 people!

But the later, the higher the quality of the people who come here. Among the 1000 people, there are several terrible people again!

And the vast majority, are prepared to break through the 33 levels!

"Is that beautiful woman from Luohuang city? It was so strong that it broke Mo Yuhang's record

"This man comes from the Shen family in Luohuang city. His name is Shen MuQing. He has a peerless face. Even in the blood weeping sect, I'm afraid he can be the first beauty?"

"You all pay attention to her beauty, but not her strength. You know, Mo Yuhang's record is broken by Miss Shen. She's just a fairy reincarnated on the eighty third level. It's too strong!"

In addition, the other two heirs from Luohuang city also broke the record of 76 terraces. Although they were not as abnormal as Shen MuQing, they also set the record of 79 terraces!

"What is Luohuang city? What's the matter? There are many descendants in the aristocratic family. In previous years, I've never seen so many people born together! "

"Yes, this time the aristocratic family's action is definitely sending out some kind of signal. Is there any change in the forbidden area? Will the ancient race be born

"It's impossible. If those ancient races are born, we can't use them at all. It's a contest between the most powerful. It will turn the world upside down."

"I don't know!"


Sunset, rosy clouds all over the sky, stars turn, sunrise in the East!

On the sixth day, there were only 500 people participating in the test, but 400 of them passed the entrance test. Among them, the strongest ever was born, breaking a new record!

This day is still the day when Luohuang City dominates the screen!

In addition to two children of the aristocratic family who broke into the 80th level, another one created a miracle that could not be broken!

At the beginning, the first person in Luohuang city was called the devil by Shen Yan. Even Shen MuQing said that the first battle of the same level might not be his opponent!

Shen Qingfeng!

This name from this day on, such as nine sky god thunder, shaking nine days, no one knows, no one knows!

He may not be the highest level in participating in the test, but he must be the most abnormal and powerful!

With the four steps of cultivation of the spirit, he stepped out of ninety-two steps. The more he went up, the more difficult and dangerous it was. However, he was like a man in no man's land. He didn't stop until he stepped into ninety-two steps. He didn't move on. He turned around and walked along the falling steps to enter the blood weeping sect!

"It seems that he has not been affected by his leisurely walk. I think he can at least walk a few more steps, but he has stopped by force. This is hiding his clumsiness!"

"Bah! It's so strong, it's history. Is it necessary to hide? You know, in the history of qixuezong, there is only one person who has reached the ninety second level with the cultivation of the four sections of the spirit! "

"I can't see through the demons from Luohuang city any more. Damn, it's too terrible!"

"Haha, this Shen Qingfeng is not a descendant of the aristocratic family. If you say that, you can probably understand how extraordinary Luohuang city is?"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid."


On the seventh day, this is the last day of the great opening of qixuezong. According to the previous rules, if anyone fails to catch up with this last opportunity, he will have to wait for another four years!

This day, the number of people warmer than before, more than 2000 people came!

Even the audience is much more than a few days ago. Everyone knows that after today, the grand event of every four years will come to an end!

No one is sure whether there will be more powerful people. They all came to the gate early, opened their eyes and watched carefully.

Among them are Shen Yan and Shen MuQing. Shen Yan's appearance is still a little boring. She reads: "third sister, are you sure that brother Xuanmu will come here today, but it's been waiting for half noon, but I haven't seen anyone at all!"

"Surely he will come."

Shen MuQing cherishes words like gold, even in the face of his second brother. His face is indifferent, like an immortal flower left behind from the world!


The entrance test is still going on. A steady stream of talents are all struggling to climb the ladder, but they are as small as ants. They are often unable to walk at the 30th level, and their bodies can't stop shaking.

Most of them are not willing to fail, but they still have no way to change their fate!

One of the most thrilling is a woman in red. She was beautiful and delicate, but now she has tears in her eyes.

She only has the cultivation of a half step spirit. She has failed again and again, and has been impacted again and again. Every time, she was pushed down the ladder by Ruiqi before the thirty first step. She can only start again!

However, the failure again and again, fell to the ground, almost exhausted all the spiritual power and spirit in her body, let her collapse and cry!

At this time, a young man finally couldn't see her. He gently lifted her up from the ground and comforted her: "qin'er, forget it. Your natural capital is average. Even though the family has refined many pills for you these days, it can't make you break through the realm successfully. You still don't want to humble yourself like this. Come back in four years, I'll wait for you!"

"Bah, who wants you to wait, brother? If you go away, I won't believe it. I can do it!"

Yang Qin wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and continued to walk towards the climbing ladder!

After half Zhu Xiang, she finally stopped at the thirty first step. No matter how hard it was to enter, she turned into a broken kite again and fell to the ground!

Many onlookers who witnessed this scene also talked about everything!

Some kind-hearted people will be relieved, but most of the people who are also blocked by this gully are sneering!

"Hey, if crying worked, I would have broken the record!"

"Yes, this girl, don't feel too much pressure. After all, the cultivation of you who are half stepping spirit is really nothing. If you don't reach the spirit, you can't pass the entrance test at all!"

"Hum, it's just a realm of spiritual cultivation. I want to be a disciple of the blood weeping sect. It's really beyond my ability!"


At this moment, Yang Qin was very sad. When he was ridiculed by so many people, he collapsed completely. He said in a trembling voice: "dead Lin Xuan, smelly Lin Xuan, if you don't come out, you are just watching my joke!"

People around don't know what Yang Qin said, but no one knows the name better than the young people around him.

Yang Yu sighed, just wanted to say something, but suddenly came a familiar voice behind him!

"Who said that the spiritual realm could not pass the entrance test? Have you asked me?"

Lin Xuan, dressed in a black suit, gently raised the corner of his mouth and naturally went to Yang Qin. He took her little hand and walked towards the ladder leisurely!

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