"Ha ha, where's the wild boy? He's making a lot of comments here, which makes people laugh!"

"Yes, you are just in the realm of spiritual cultivation and dare to be so rampant. It should be noted that some young talents who have just been promoted to spiritual cultivation are all blocked before the entrance test!"

"I'm not old, but I'm not young. I'm really out of my capacity!"

In front of the huge mountain gate, there are thousands of people who have not left. Some of them, like Yang Qin, are unwilling. If they want to work hard on the last day of opening the mountain gate, they may be able to cross the barrier!

They were already depressed. Now a young man in Lin Xuan's realm is similar to theirs. He talks so much. Doesn't he say that they are useless waste?

As a result, Lin Xuan's words immediately attracted innumerable people's criticism and ridicule.

However, Lin Xuan was still calm and calm, and had no time to pay attention to them.

At this time, Yang qincan, who was holding the jade hand by him, was still mixed with a little crystal in his starry eyes, but after seeing Lin Xuan, his face was embarrassed!

"Lin Xuan... You should really laugh at me again. Hum, I will never talk to you again!"

Said, Yang Qin also broke away from Lin Xuan's gentle palm, pretended to be angry with both hands to hold the chest, support the arm, let her already proud body, look more and more attractive!

Lin Xuan had to smile bitterly, shake his head and say: "you blame me for this. I just arrived here. Seven days ago, I woke up from the closed pass. I traveled day and night, rain or shine. I just managed to get here on the last day."

What he said was true, and his eyes were sincere. Even though he practiced the holy level, it would take him two months to refine such huge resources in the realm of spiritual cultivation.

And it is the highest efficiency of refining pills in the realm of spiritual cultivation. For ordinary people, with such a huge amount of resources, it will take two years or even more to practice day and night!

And these resources are absolutely enough for anyone to promote the realm of the spirit!

But because of Lin Xuan's persistent practice of xuanjing and his systematic experience threshold, every small realm has almost reached the highest level in history and has a solid foundation.

Then he came here from Baifeng City, a journey of 30000 Li, day and night, at least 4000 Li a day.

Almost across half of Qingzhou Prefecture, this is the longest road Lin Xuan has ever taken.

As for Liu Ruyi, he didn't take him with him. Instead, he left some remaining pills for him to continue to practice in Baifeng city. If he didn't, he would take another oil bottle. Lin Xuan was afraid that he would really miss the once-in-a-four-year grand meeting!

"Well, I don't care. You did it on purpose!"

However, Yang Qin is a bit of truth, a stubborn face.

"I haven't seen you for half a year. You've lost a lot of weight."

Well, seeing that Yang Qin doesn't eat this at all, Lin Xuan has to change his strategy. His previous life is not Xiaobai without love history. Of course, he knows how to coax girls!

Even a friar is a woman in the first place!

Sure enough, when he heard Lin Xuan's words, Yang Qin suddenly spat out his tongue, hummed coldly, and said, "I don't know who is so heartless. I've been away for half a year without any news. I thought you were dead outside!"

"In fact, my brother and I came here two days earlier, but I never saw you. I'm afraid you can't catch up with the time..."

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan's heart suddenly warmed. Although they didn't spend a long time together, they were more sincere with each other.

At last, when Lin Xuan was forced to leave Tianxing City, the girl dressed in red as she does today to see him off.

Lin Xuan still remembers the situation of that day. There will be boundless warmth in his heart. This is one of the few people in this world who will care about him.

At the beginning, the girl gave her a brocade bag. Lin Xuan thought it was a token of love, but later found that there were two spiritual deeds of five thousand spirit stones in it!

For Yang Qin, the ten thousand spirit stones are definitely not a small number. Even now Lin Xuan doesn't put ten thousand spirit stones in his eyes, but he can remember them for a lifetime!

This is the continuous affection, the value is boundless.

Lin Xuan recalled the old days, with a soft smile on his face. He looked at the proud girl in front of him, shook his head and said, "but your proud lady's temper has not changed."

"Even just just stubborn, but also no change."

When he thought of the first encounter in the abyss forest, although Yang Qinna's fighting ability was real, he did not admit defeat at all, which made Lin Xuan laugh.

"Hum, what are you laughing at? My girl is so funny. I'm so angry!"

Yang Qin fork waist, hum, a face of angry meaning.

"But you didn't make any progress at all. You still laugh at me. It's still a spiritual realm after such a long time. I thought you were promoted to a spiritual realm. I'm afraid you can't even beat my brother in such a realm. How can you protect me in the future?"

It seems that the estrangement between the two people has gradually melted like ice and snow since half a year ago, when the women sent each other in red and the brocade bag made love.

What I said is quite bold!

But after hearing the speech, Lin Xuan laughed and said, "it's very fast to be promoted to a spiritual person. It won't take long, but it's you. Six months ago, there were nine stages of spiritual cultivation. After such a long time, isn't it also the peak of spiritual cultivation?"

"Bah! It's hard to say that they are half walkers! "

"To put it mildly, it's a half step spirit. It's actually the peak of spiritual cultivation!"

But Lin Xuan is straight to the end, deliberately joking.

"Hum, what do you compare with me? I'm not a genius. You were the first person in our star city, and now you are still spiritual. Do you deserve this title?"

Yang Qin is not willing to be outdone, humming.

"Lu Yun is already in the second stage of the spirit. You can't protect me. Anyway, there is my brother. But if you can't even protect yourself, do you want me to protect you?"

However, at this time, Yang Qin finally said what she thought. It turned out that she was so strange to Lin Xuan that she was just worried that he would meet Lu Yun. At the beginning, Lu Yun once said that she wanted to fight Lin Xuan in the realm of spirit to recover the face she had lost in the past!

"I don't think much of Lu Yun. Half a year ago, he was not my opponent. Now half a year later, he is even less!"

Lin Xuan shook his head and laughed.

"Bah, I will brag. Anyway, I remind you that Lu Yun has entered the blood weeping sect two days ago, and he will definitely trouble you at that time!"

Yang Qin a face don't believe, hum a way.

"Lu Yun is a hammer. Believe it or not, I can suppress it by raising my hand!"

In fact, Lin Xuan didn't lie. Half a year ago, he was still struggling with Lu Yun, but today, he only needs one punch to send him back to the West!

But at this time, the act of spreading dog food between them finally caused a stir in the field, and both of them sarcastically said: "you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big, but also raise your hand to suppress the genius of the second paragraph of the spirit of others. Hum, you are a waste who can't even pass the entrance test. It's almost the same when they raise their hand to suppress you!"

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