"Lin Xuan, thank you for remembering me. Hum, Yang Qin, since you have chosen him, I will defeat him in front of you today to let you know that waste is waste after all!"

But at this time, Lu Yan suddenly took a step forward, looking at Lin Xuan and Yang Qin in the field, his heart gushed out boundless sorrow!

He is also a seed of infatuation. At the beginning, he pursued Yang Qin. Even if he knew Yang Qin's answer today, he only aimed at Lin Xuan instead of spreading his anger on Yang Qin!

Lu Yan's pace did not stop, even like to start in general!

However, at this moment, Lu Li also gave a cold hum and said to Lin Xuan, "wait, Lin Xuan, I have an account here too. I want to settle it with you!"

On that day, Lu Li was defeated by Lin Xuan, and almost died. It was a great shame for him. He always wanted to get his face back, otherwise he would be born a demon!

He also moved and wanted to fight with Lin Xuan!

At this moment, there are more and more onlookers, and they all listen attentively, which is more interesting than opera!

"Ha ha, I know that Lu Yun. He comes from Tianxing city. His father is a master of spirit Master and a great man. He is also very talented in practice. There is also a elder brother who was born one year earlier than him. He is also very extraordinary. He is one of the two great men!"

"Listen to what they mean, it seems that this young man once defeated them. Ha ha, it's true that people can't judge their appearance and the sea water can't measure. This guy who looks so weak has been so powerful!"

"Haha, there was something wrong with being so powerful at the beginning. The road of practice is not unchangeable. It's not unknown in the book. There were talented people in their youth who were unparalleled in fighting power. They were valued by countless people for their peers."

"But he stopped spiritual cultivation all his life. He was overtaken by his opponent, even far beyond the realm. He could only become a passer-by. I think this young man is probably the same!"

"It's true that he offended too many people at the beginning. Now people are looking for trouble for him. It's cruel to practice."

Many people have expressed their feelings and sighs!

However, as the party concerned, Lin Xuan didn't put the threat of several people in his eyes at all. Today, unlike in the past, Lin Xuan was not a weak mole ant when he just passed through. He was already a young tiger, far from being deceived by ordinary people!

With a cold smile, he seemed to think back to the beginning in his mind and said faintly: "when I was weak in the past, you can still be regarded as my opponent. It's hard to beat you all."

However, at this time, Lin Xuan suddenly changed his words and said to the people: "but today, you are not worthy to be my opponent. Hehe, you'd better go together. I'm in a hurry!"


As soon as this remark came out, not only Lu Yun and others were extremely angry, but even the onlookers also felt shocked and doubted whether they had heard it wrong!

"What was he talking about? Together? I really don't know whether I should praise this man for his courage or for his overconfidence! "

"Ha ha, I have never seen such a crazy person in my life. He is only a spiritual practitioner. How dare he say such a thing? That's killing me? Or do you want to bite your teeth for face? "

"I seem to have heard the best joke in my life. Among the three opponents, the strongest one has already been the spirit of the second paragraph, and the other two have also been the spirit of the first paragraph. The breath is long and the realm is very stable. Ha ha, this person is really arrogant!"

"It's true that if he fought alone, he might have a chance. How dare he talk so much? It's a way to die!"

"If it's me, I can't stand it. I have to kill him!"

"It's too irritating. Even if it's to save face, it shouldn't be so presumptuous!"

All the onlookers were in chaos and had different opinions.

Lu Yun and others were even more unbelievable when they heard this, but they were still angry. They were almost insulted, especially Lu Li, who swore at Lin Xuan's breach: "Lin Xuan, I knew you couldn't say anything good, but I didn't expect you to be arrogant. Well, it's your own death. Don't blame me!"

With that, he rushed to Lin Xuan and wanted to suppress Lin Xuan with absolute strength!

However, Lu Li would be more cautious and not so arrogant if he saw that Lin Xuan had defeated a spirit Master so easily just now!

But it's too late!

Lin Xuan moves without wind. His figure swings like a tumbler, galloping in the field, not only taking Lu Li as an opponent!

He just clapped, and even didn't bother to use his magic power, for fear of directly slapping it to death!

But even this light palm weighs more than one hundred thousand jin. It's like a small hill on the body. It instantly blows him away and spurts out a big mouthful of blood!

The latter fell heavily on a huge rock in the mountains, and all his bones seemed to be broken. This scene made countless people shiver, and infinite fear appeared in his heart!

"I've already said that I'll let you go together, but I won't listen to you!"

Lin Xuan shakes his head. Now these people are no longer his opponents. They are far away from him!

"It's impossible... Lin Xuan, you're just a spiritual practitioner. How can you do that?"

On the boulder, Lu Li wailed bitterly, but he couldn't believe Lin Xuan in his eyes!

"In return, waste is waste. It wasn't my opponent at the beginning, and it's even more so today!"

Lin Xuan sneered, and his figure moved again. He didn't intend to let go of the other two who were completely dull!

"It's your turn!"

One punch, two fists, the power of terror gushed out from his body, the two people's realm seemed to be paper paste in general, in the eyes of the people did not play their due strength, they were seriously injured and fainted by Lin Xuan's understatement, even a complete sentence did not spit out!

This is the real strength!

This time, not only the people who came here to take part in the entrance test were shocked, but also the young genius and a group of elder martial brothers and sisters who came out to watch the excitement from the clan heard that there was excitement!

"Who was the genius of the second paragraph of the spirit just now? Is there something wrong with my sense? "

"In this way, the battle is over before it begins?"

"Is that boy still a man? How could it be so powerful? With the realm of spiritual cultivation, I raised my hand to solve the three masters of spirit. This is unheard of

"Yes, I've heard that there are peerless talents who can fight across the border before. I thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect to see a real person today!"

"Hey, hey, you still don't know. You know, those who climbed the ladder more than 60 steps before, I'm afraid not all of them can fight

"Sb, it's you who don't know. Laozi is talking about fighting across borders, a big realm like a ravine, not a small realm!"

"Ha ha ha, bumpkin, I think it's true. It's really silly!"

"Yes, it's a rare number in a hundred years. It's definitely a genius!"

"Ha ha, you blow too much. I admit this son is very strong, but he is only an ordinary spirit. If he meets the real pride, he is not an opponent!"

At this moment, Lu Yun and others, who used to be called geniuses in Tianxing City, can only become ordinary spirits in places like qixuezong

Many people suddenly wake up like a dream, as if to understand something: "I thought that when I was in my hometown, such a strong man would have been called a genius, but I forget that now in the blood crying sect, such talents are everywhere..."

"Doesn't that mean that this young man is a genius among the geniuses?"

"Ha ha, what genius, these two words are just used in your small place. When you come to qixuezong, you don't deserve to be called genius at all!"

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