"It's unexpected that Tianxing city and other border cities can produce such talents as this one!"

"Yes, it's too terrible. If we fight at the same level, we can be called invincible. I'm afraid we can fight against those real peerless arrogants!"

"Hey, hey, don't hold it too high. It's just a small respect. When you come to qixuezong, you don't know how many peers can hold him down!"

"What the young master said is that if he defeated a few passers-by a, he would dare to call himself invincible. What a joke!"

In front of the mountain gate, there are more and more onlookers. Although some people think that Lin Xuan's talent is outstanding and hard to say, some people think that he is just so.

Yang Qin's eyes are full of pride and happiness.

"See, I said, they are nothing to me now."

Lin Xuan light a smile, calmly turn around, no longer tube Luyun and other people's life and death!

"Well, I know you're good."

Yang Qin's eyes could not hide joy, but on her face, it was still a proud expression.

Then, the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth went up, and he said softly, "the people who are in the way are solved. Let's go. I'll take you to the mountain gate!"

"May I?"

There are some tangles and worries in Yang Qin's eyes. She knows her own strength. If there is no external force, there is no way to pass the entrance test!

"Of course!"

Lin Xuan is very confident. He grabs the latter's wrist, and then takes Yang Qin to climb the cloud ladder.

The next moment, his feet step by step lotus, as if there is a halo flash, do not hesitate to step on the sky, holding Yang Qin's slender hands, against the wind!

However, just after stepping out of the two steps, at this moment, suddenly there was an invisible wave on the ladder, which shook away Lin Xuan's arm. Even the great power pushed them both to the bottom of the ladder!

Lin Xuan's heart suddenly sank. These changes mean that he can't rely on his own strength to send Yang Qin to the 33rd level!

Sure enough, the onlookers who saw this scene in front of the Mountain Gate burst into laughter and said sarcastically and contemptuously: "ha ha ha, if they were really local bumpkins from the countryside, if they could rely on other people's help to climb the ladder, they would have stepped over thirty-three steps, and so many of their peers would not have been stopped outside the mountain gate!"

"Yes, this climbing ladder is the most precious treasure of Qixue sect, which is specially made for the entrance test. No external help is allowed. It can only be passed by relying on its own strength!"

"Stupid as hell!"

At this moment, Yang Qin's bright eyes were dim. She whispered: "Lin Xuan, forget it, you'd better go to the gate alone!"

This is the first step to get started. It's like a ravine in the sky. It's hard to see hope because it keeps most people away!

At this moment, Yang Qin is also sentimental. After all, she has worked hard for a long time. If she can't enter the blood weeping sect this time, the next time will be four years later!

However, Lin Xuan did not agree. He looked at a leader who was sitting in front of the Mountain Gate like an old monk and said, "dare to ask the elder, what can I do?"

The elder is different from the other elders. His breath is not only more powerful and unfathomable, but also more indifferent to the outside world, like a peerless master.

Although he has been paying attention to the movement in the field, there is no expression fluctuation on his face. Gujing has no wave and is more and more unpredictable.

At this time, hearing Lin Xuan's words, the old man seemed to come back and shake his head calmly: "since the beginning of our sect, only those who have passed the entrance test can enter the sect to practice. There is no other way!"

His temperament was very good. It seemed that he also saw that Lin Xuan had boundless potential. His heart was full of love for talent. After a pause, the old man continued: "the way of cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Don't be hesitant, young man. Convenience is your main road. Only when you step on it can you see the light! "

No matter how easy it is to understand the meaning of this statement, it is just to let Lin Xuan give up his naive idea, so that he can safely climb the ladder and test his own strength.

However, Lin Xuan's face was very silent. Just now, he vowed to take Yang Qin to climb the cloud ladder, but reality slapped him heavily!

"It doesn't matter, Lin Xuan. It's not your reason. It's forbidden by the clan. It's the most precious rule. There's no way."

At this moment, Yang Qin, who was still a little sad, seemed to have changed his temper. He seemed to open his eyes. With a smile on his face, he continued to say to Lin Xuan, "you wait for me in the first clan. In four years, I will come as promised."

Yang Qin knew in his heart how bumpy Lin Xuan's path of practice was. He needed to obtain the resources of qixuezong's practice. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to make progress.

She didn't want to influence Lin Xuan's future because of herself.

At this time, the irony in the field did not converge.

"Hehe, who does he think he is? The rules of qixuezong over the years, which he wants to break, are just a fool's dream!"

"I don't know how arrogant I am!"

"Ha ha ha, just now I was thinking of climbing the ladder with the beauty and telling a good story, but I was beaten in the face. I'm so happy!"

"Haha, I have to say that these two people are talented and beautiful, but it's a pity that heaven is not beautiful, so they have to be separated."

However, Lin Xuan suddenly turned his head and looked around at those sarcastic voices. He said in a low voice: "no matter what, you can't worry about it."

Then, Lin Xuan turned around and had some thoughts in his heart.

If you want to pay attention to qixuezong, the battle just now is nothing but further.

He wants to make an unprecedented feat and let the people in the blood weeping sect realize that he has boundless potential.

The next moment, Lin Xuan's eyes were soft, and he said with a smile to Yang Qin, "it's nothing if the blood weeping sect can't get in. Zhitian sect next door opens the Mountain Gate once every three years. Many young experts have never come here, but they are waiting for Zhitian sect to open the mountain gate."

"And as far as I know, it's less than three months before the opening of Zhitian sect."

"Then you and I can join the Zhitian sect."

Lin Xuan's words are half true and half false, which makes Yang Qin a little confused. Although Zhitian sect is also a first-class sect, it is far from being comparable with Qixue sect.

That's why many people would rather wait another four years to join the blood weeping sect.

As soon as Lin Xuan's words came out, they immediately drew another round of ridicule. Although they didn't dare to say how to teach heaven, they didn't ask Lin Xuan to go away!

However, they did not know that what Lin Xuan wanted at the moment was this kind of effect.

At the next moment, he pretended to be casual and said to Yang Qin, "but now that he's here, I'm still going to make a breakthrough. I don't want to break any record. I can't do it in vain."

Then, Lin Xuan did not wait for Yang Qin to respond, but suddenly turned around again. This time, his face was extremely calm, his eyes were calm, steady as green pine, and he came step by step to the cloud climbing ladder that went straight into the sky!

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