At this moment, many people didn't react. They didn't know how Lin Xuan's brain circuit was like this!

Mingming said that he wanted to switch to Zhitian sect, but he turned around and broke into the entry gate set by Qixue sect. Isn't that unnecessary?

"Ha ha, I don't think it's humiliating enough. Even if he ascends the ladder, how many steps can he take? I'm afraid forty steps is the most? "

"Forty steps? You look up to him too much. Don't forget that his realm is only the peak of spiritual cultivation. I think it's not bad if he has 35 levels at most! "

"Ha ha ha, you and so on, I'd like to open a mouth, but I think this young man named Lin Xuan has some ability. How can he step on the 40th level?"

Just when Lin Xuan was defeated by the crowd, his steps had already fallen on the ladder, flying up the sky, as if Kunpeng spread his wings and roamed the sky. His feet did not go step by step, but directly spread out at top speed and leaped several steps!

"What? How is that possible? This man's physical strength is really so strong that he can leap against the wind in the strong wind. Five steps are taken in one step, which is even more shocking than the two steps before! "

"Is it true that I've lost sight of him? This boy's speed is not at all decadent. He's still climbing like walking on the ground!"

"Level 20, my God, it's level 20 in a flash. Is it really necessary to break through level 40?"

"Well, it scared me to death. His speed finally slowed down from level 20. Otherwise, I would have the potential to go up to level 60!"

"Slow? Open your eyes and have a good look. Well, from the five steps that just jumped out one step to the three steps that now leap out one step, if it's too slow, I'm afraid those arrogant figures just now didn't want to kill themselves with a piece of tofu! "

When he was shocked, Lin Xuan's state was promoted to the peak. At this moment, he was no longer afraid of exposure. Instead, he turned the immortal body to the extreme. A touch of golden light appeared on his whole body, just like the Buddha's body. At a glance, he felt extremely extraordinary!

Just like a swan spreading his wings, Lin Xuan roared. Facing the invisible wind, he endured the suppression from the realm of climbing the ladder. Step by step, he broke through the 33 steps and rushed directly to the 40 steps!

"Crouching trough, what kind of monster is it? It's forty steps. The speed has not slowed down yet. It's still soaring up. I take back what I said just now. I underestimated him!"

"Well, forty five steps is a threshold. He can't jump three steps at the moment, but he can jump two steps at the same time, but... Even so, it's too strong!"

"This is really a monk in spiritual realm. I don't think I have a problem. Level 45 is a peak that can't be reached by a monk in the second stage of spiritual cultivation!"

"I have to admit, this son is really a rare talent, if the same level, enough to fight against the top Tianjiao!"

"But, after all, it's still the lack of realm, which limits his play. I'm afraid that the 60th level is the limit!"

Many people have changed their look of scorn and ridicule before. This time, they really see Lin Xuan's rebellious performance in their eyes!

They couldn't even get up to level 33, but Lin Xuan had already reached level 56!

But just as the crowd said just now, his realm is too low. Even though his body is unparalleled, his spiritual power is infinite, and his skill is even the best, it is difficult for him to exert his greater strength before climbing the ladder and other treasures!

Lin Xuan's steps slowed down from the 56th step. It seemed that two mountains were pressing down on his shoulders. The wind was blowing on his face, blowing his clothes and hunting!

Under such adversity, even though Lin Xuan had already unconsciously practiced the moon shadow step to the highest level of mastery, because the level was limited, it was difficult to carry out it again!

However, even so, his steps are still calm, as if he is walking on the mountain, but his feet are extremely slow. It often takes a few breath to take a complete step!

"Sixty one steps, my God, is this guy really a demon? He hasn't stopped walking!"

"Yes, it's amazing. We are challenging our vision every time. When we think that he is going to fail at forty steps, we jump over and easily reach the record!"

"When we thought that he was at most fifty, he went straight to fifty-six. Now he is breaking the curse of sixty. Does this mean that Lin Xuan has been able to fight against the top arrogants?"

"Sixty two steps, he's still carrying a load. It seems that he has taken root under his feet. He can still persist!"

"Sixty five steps, should be the limit of this son!"

A lot of people think it's really incredible. They are surprised and shocked, and they are even more guessing.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, did feel some difficulty, but he was not close to the limit as many people thought, but he still had some strength!

At the next moment, Lin Xuan's magic power was crying. Infinite power was pouring out from his feet, just like a strong man measuring heaven and earth. His feet seemed to weigh 100000 Jin, firmly standing on the ladder!

Then, he moved forward again. Every step he took, a pair of deep footprints would be reflected on the ladder built by the treasure. It was like carrying Mount Tai. It was not only a kind of oppression, but also an anchor to stabilize himself!

Let him deviate from me, I will not move, I will be as strong as a rock!

Although the turbulent wind can bring pressure to Lin Xuan, it can't touch his body. It just blows his long hair, like a waterfall!

"Sixty six steps!"

"Sixty seven steps!"


"Seventy steps!"

The people in the field seemed to be numb. They all held their breath, which was more exciting than witnessing those really advanced masters climbing the ladder!

"Who would have thought that a person with the highest level of spiritual cultivation could have come to this step? If I remember correctly, Wan Renshan, the first day of Yunxiao City, who broke the record, was only seventy-one, and his realm was the third stage of the spirit. Lin Xuan, why did he do that?"

"Yes, if those people were just passers-by, Wanren mountain is not a passer-by, but a real proud man. If Lin xuanruo is higher than him in the same realm, I can still accept it in my heart. But now, if you don't see this incredible scene with your own eyes, who will believe it?"

"I have a premonition that if he grows up, he will be hard to find a rival in the same stage."


Lin Xuan was biting his teeth. At the moment, he was doing everything he could, and his forehead was full of crystal beads of sweat. The wind was not the most unsolvable for him. When he came to the 70th level, it was the most terrible state that was twice as terrible as before!

"I thought that even if I couldn't reach the highest record, I could break into the 80th level, but now it seems that it's a little difficult!"

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