On that day, although he once broke away from Shen MuQing's array, what he represented was not the ultimate power, just because he took advantage of it!

It has to be said that Shen MuQing is really strong, and Shen Qingfeng is also very strong. Although these two people surnamed Shen have nothing to do with each other, they are both peerless geniuses against heaven!

At this moment, Lin Xuancai realized that those people who could break through the 70 levels were really outstanding people, far from the stars City, and even the top one of Luohuang city. They were all the most abnormal talents!

However, Lin Xuan is not easily admit defeat of the character, even if broken, but also to continue to move forward!

If he had Mount Tai on his back before the 70th stage, then he had two Mount Tai on his back at the moment. The pressure has doubled. It's really hard to move beyond the 70th stage!

Even Lin Xuan stopped for a long time in the 70th step. His waist was even bent, as if he might be crushed at any time!

"Seventy steps is the real watershed. I've been hesitating for a long time and I can't take that step. I think it's time to stop at seventy steps."

At this time, there is a real proud person, heard the wind, do not know when to come, dressed in white snow, mouth sigh!

"This man is also one of the sons of a noble family. His record seems to be seventy-five ranks, incomparably powerful!"

Among the onlookers, one with sharp eyes recognized the identity of the onlooker and exclaimed.

At this time, many people noticed that even the peerless fairy, who did not know when, came near the ladder and looked up at Lin Xuan with great interest!

"Shen MuQing! When did she come here? She was interested in this person, too

"Nonsense, it's hard for these people not to pay attention. If they are on the same level, Shen MuQing may not be able to suppress Lin Xuan, right?"

"Alas, it's a pity that Lin Xuan only tested his strength, but he didn't bow to the blood weeping sect. This is really the loss of blood weeping sect!"

"Hey hey, it's hard to say whether it's a loss or not. I can only say that no matter how Lin Xuan chooses, they will fight each other sooner or later, and they can't miss it at that time!"

"Ha ha, it's really funny. I admit that Lin Xuan has great potential, but don't think that those real peerless arrogants are vegetarians. While Lin Xuan is improving, their realm is also improving. If they want to catch up with others, how can they do without ten or eight years?"

"Yes, no matter Shen MuQing or Shen Qingfeng, who is not the one with extremely fast cultivation speed? I think it's very difficult for Lin Xuan to catch up with them!"


However, Lin Xuanxin, who was on the top of the ladder, did not have any energy to look behind him. It seemed that if he looked back tightly, his success would be broken!

After a long silence and standing, Lin Xuan's steps finally slowly lifted up. His feet seemed to be pulled by several cars. He wanted to drag him behind him!

But the spirit power in Lin Xuan's body roared and roared, just like the tide and waves, pouring into the other leg, resisting the despairing oppression!

This slow movement seemed to slow down the speed of time. It took Lin Xuan dozens of breath to climb the seventy-one level!

After seventy levels, each level is like purgatory, which is hard to maintain for a long time!

At his feet, there was a piercing chill, which meant that he would not stay!

Lin Xuan can only bite his teeth, and the immortal Sutra can run to the extreme. His golden body is unparalleled, and his magic power rises at the same time. The extremely fast pace of moon shadow step is also used by him!

But Lin Xuanyuan's ten li escape is just a few breath time, but now, it's ten breath in the past, and he slowly and difficultly ascends the seventy-two level!

One hell at a time, it's not just talking about it!

Lin Xuan's feet after the bitter cold, this time ushered in a blazing burning!

There was invisible pressure on his back, which turned into mountains and hindered his progress. In front of him, the wind was blowing all over the sky, beating his body. At this moment, even his feet were not let go. It was extremely difficult!

"The gap between realms is really like a chasm. Before, I realized that I could win by body and skill, but I was too weak in the face of absolute power!"

Lin Xuan's heart was covered with a layer of haze, which was too cruel for him!

"It's only 200000 experience short. If you give me another half a month, as long as I break through the spirit, my whole strength will increase by five times immediately. If I don't break the highest record, it's absolutely no matter that I'm in the 80th level!"

But there is no if in the world. Lin xuanqiang takes a breath of essence and takes away his tired color. His Qi and blood are boiling. He wants to force his state to be full again at the cost of consuming his Qi and blood!

"Keep burning blood!"

This is the secret skill recorded in the last three volumes taught by dutianzun in the underground mausoleum by Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan once said that these secret skills are more useful than high-level Earth Spirit skills!

In particular, it can even be called Forbidden technique!

At the beginning, it was an unimaginable master who created the immortal xuanjing. This immortal burning blood technique is almost the strongest forbidden technique in the immortal xuanjing. There is no limit to the realm. You can forcibly rely on burning Qi and blood to get a short-term recovery or even full recovery!

But this state is time limited, not always lasting!

When the Qi and blood in the body is completely exhausted, it is the time when the lamp goes out!

In other words, in order to get more attention, Lin Xuan was exchanging his life for his future!

"It's true that the technique of burning blood can't be extinguished. This sutra deserves its name!"

Lin Xuan's recovery ability was abnormal enough when he was practicing the immortal Sutra. As soon as the forbidden skill came out, it would be the key to turning the tables if he met a strong enemy!


With the operation of the immortal burning blood technique, Lin Xuan suddenly gave a cry of pain. The cost of burning blood essence in his body was more terrible than he imagined. The pain of bone erosion made Lin Xuan unable to support himself and nearly fainted in pain!

But fortunately, his willpower was different from that of ordinary people. This kind of inhumane torture made him endure it!

At this moment, even the people under the stage can clearly see the change of Lin Xuan's face, the extreme pain, even though he can resist no longer painful scream, but he can't control the expression on his face, incomparably ferocious and terrible!

Especially Yang Qin, at this moment, she had already understood something. Two lines of tears fell from the corner of her eyes. She angrily yelled to Lin Xuan: "no, no, you've sat enough. You don't have to hurt yourself like this!"

"What is he doing? It is obvious that infinite power has sprung up again in the exhausted and weak body. Is this a secret skill that can't be accomplished? Is it so unpredictable? "

"There is no blood on his face. It takes a lot of effort to perform this skill. He really wants to die. He just wants to come here to test himself. Does he want to destroy his foundation?"

"Yes, if the foundation is damaged, it is not worth the loss!"

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