The rules

"Ha ha, Lin Xuan, don't be so surprised. It's just the aura of the outer gate. If you have a chance to practice in the inner gate in the future, it's the real Holy Land!"

The elder martial brother with a pretty face laughed and explained to Lin Xuan.

"The inner door?"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan subconsciously ask one.

Then, the elder martial brother continued: "yes, the conditions of the inner gate and the outer gate are different from each other

"The natural flowing aura is five times stronger than that of the outer disciples, and the monthly salary of the inner disciples is at least ten times higher than that of the outer disciples. Those are the real elites."

At this time, Lin Xuan suddenly some curiosity way: "that this inside door is how to enter?"

"Ha ha, Lin Xuan, I admit that you are gifted. You will become an inner disciple in the future, but now you don't have to think about it. There's no chance!"

Just, this elder martial brother seems to see through Lin Xuan's mind, mercilessly blow way.

"Elder martial brother, I also know that I have just entered the sect. I must have no chance. I'm just curious. Tell me about it!"

Fortunately, Lin Xuan's attitude is not too aloof and grounded. He doesn't feel superior because he is a genius!

Seeing this, the elder martial brother said with a smile: "this is the end of every year assessment, take the top 100 people, enter the inner door to practice."

"That is to say, in four years, only 400 people were selected. You should know that every four years when the mountain gate is opened, at least more than 20000 disciples must be included! "

"It's not easy to stand out from the 20000 plus disciples. We have to face the remaining senior brothers from the outside. Even the most talented one who is now a beginner needs at least one or two years of precipitation before he can enter the inner door to practice!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that there are at least more than 80000 of our brothers and sisters outside, not counting your younger martial brothers. This is the accumulation of many years, and even many of them are expelled from the sect because of their slow progress and waste of resources."

"And there are only a few thousand inner disciples in all these years!"

"It's only four months before the end of this year's assessment. As far as I know, many of the disciples are already seven or even eight stages of spiritual cultivation. Four months later, I'm afraid that nine section elder martial brothers will be born, which is far from what we can participate in!"

In the following chat, Lin Xuan finally learned that this elder martial brother's name was Zhang Sihai. He was the elder martial brother of the last term.

This elder martial brother can see clearly. When he came here four years ago, he was only a spiritual person. Now four years later, he can be promoted to a spiritual person. The speed of practice seems very slow!

But you should know that when Lin Xuan was in Tianxing City, all the poor people of your clan were able to practice this all their lives, and their practice speed was even slower than that of elder martial brother Zhang Sihai.

It may even break through the realm of spiritual master in the future.

"Elder martial brother Zhang, are there any talents like Shen Qingfeng in your class?"

Lin Xuan asked curiously.

"Ha ha, there must be no such genius as Shen Qingfeng. You don't know what happened this time. There are too many demons to compete with!"

"Our session was much simpler. A genius with three sections of spirit finally reached the 73rd level. This was the most powerful one. He defeated hundreds of competitors at the end of the year when he joined the sect and got the qualification to enter the inner gate. He was an absolute man of the year at the beginning!"

"Now it's more than two years ago. It's said that practicing in the inner gate is getting deeper and deeper. It's very terrible. It's only one step away from the realm of spiritual master!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods, this person is really terrible, four years time, from the spirit of three, promoted to the spirit of the peak, even just one step short can enter the spirit of the realm, absolute genius!

From this elder martial brother Zhang Sihai's mouth, Lin Xuan also got a lot of news, and he also had a good impression on him.

"Younger martial brother Lin Xuan, the former convenience is where bulaofeng is. This is the residence of our children from other countries."

At this time, the two men who had been walking in the sect for a long time finally heard it. Elder martial brother Zhang Sihai pointed to the cloud and mist mountain ahead and explained.

Along the way, Lin Xuan had already seen the beautiful scenery of clear spring, flowing water and glossy ganoderma everywhere. At this moment, he was not too surprised to see the misty mountains in front of him.

"It's not just a single peak, but a collective name of these peaks. There are 72 peaks in total, which are connected with each other."

"And younger martial brother Lin Xuan, now there are only 72 peaks left, so we have to arrange younger martial brother Lin Xuan to this peak."

"However, there is no detailed arrangement for the numerous residences on the 72 peaks. Basically, they are the ones who are highly cultivated and who occupy the highest place on the peak."

"Well, younger martial brother Lin Xuan probably doesn't know very well. The highest part of the mountain is condensed with aura, which is twice as strong as the lower part. It's a precious place for practice!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately a Leng, this double increase, but not small ah.

"Oh? I don't know that now the top of the 72 peaks has been occupied by people? "

After hearing this, elder martial brother Zhang Sihai nodded and continued with encouragement: "however, private fighting is not prohibited in this clan. Hey, younger martial brother Lin Xuan, if you have enough confidence in your own strength, you can make room for someone for you!"

At this time, Zhang Sihai seemed to be afraid of Lin Xuan's disbelief, and said: "in fact, this is also the hidden rule over the years. The best resources, of course, are reserved for the strongest people. The reason why the clan does not intervene in the arrangements in person is to let the disciples of the clan have disputes!"

"Our blood weeping sect is different from the family. It not only does not prohibit private fighting, but also encourages private fighting. This is for the sake of the growth of the disciples in the sect, rather than raising a group of greenhouse flowers."

"Of course, there is also a premise for this private fight, that is, we can only fight with our peers, and we are not allowed to bully the new younger martial brother. Without the protection of this order, I'm afraid the new younger martial brother will never come out."

"However, if there is a new younger martial brother who wants to challenge the previous elder martial brother, the clan will not be in charge of it."

At this moment, Lin Xuan finally began to understand why they all said that practice was cruel. Sure enough, he didn't feel much about it when he was in the Lin family. Even if people around him were dissatisfied with it, they were all his own people with the blood of the Lin family, so he was not allowed to fight privately!

But after entering the sect, only the strong can survive, and the weak can only be eliminated!

"Since it's a hidden rule, it's also a kind of rule. Since I'm here, I can't ignore this rule. Ha ha, I'll go to the peak to have a look when I adjust my interest for two days!"

Lin Xuan is not full at the moment, so he will not ask for trouble. Anyway, he is not in a hurry. Under the leadership of Zhang Sihai, he finds a place where no one lives at the foot of the mountain with the rarest Aura!

Of course, the so-called aura is thin, which is only compared with the peak.

And this residence, not out of Lin Xuan's expectation, is not luxurious pavilions. It's just a few thatched cottages. Everything is close to nature.

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