The clever use of the upgrade system of bai80

There are more than 100000 disciples in this class of qixuezong. It's really unrealistic for so many people to have a set of exquisite and elegant attics attached to each of them.

A few cottages surrounded by a small courtyard, has been considered a high allocation!

The thatched cottages between the peaks are connected to each other, stretching to the 72 peaks, where thousands of people live.

This is not only the person who came here late today, but also his classmates who passed the entrance test two days ago. Although Lin Xuan didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew that there were more than a dozen outstanding people!

In his present state, he must not be able to make a big fight. He must first take care of himself.

"Don't worry, younger martial brother Lin Xuan. The residence on the top of the mountain is coveted by people. Unless it's a real evil star or a person on the top of the mountain, you can't sleep well. There will be many people going to look for trouble!"

"Those good places can change owners at any time."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan laughed and joked: "it's really interesting."

After he found his temporary residence, he took off the sign with no one hanging in front of his door, which means that the cottage has its owner.

Then, Zhang Sihai continued: "let's go, younger martial brother Lin Xuan. I'll take you to the monthly salary hall to get your monthly salary for this month. Ha ha, this is the point of our school. As long as you get the jade medal and have the identity of a disciple, you will get your monthly salary for that month!"

Lin Xuan nodded and followed Zhang Sihai.

"Well, let's go."

Along the way, he did not forget to introduce, absolutely more professional than many cold senior brothers and sisters!

"There are star watching platform, evil appreciation hall, sutra collection Pavilion, lecture hall, Qi gathering hall, trading hall, medicine room and so on in Qixue sect. Most of them gather on the peak."

"For example, this peak is where the evil hall, the Sutra Pavilion and the Qi gathering hall are located."

"As for the evil appreciation hall and the Sutra Pavilion, as the name suggests, younger martial brother Lin Xuan should also understand their functions. I just want to talk about the hall of gathering Qi for younger martial brother Lin Xuan! "

While walking towards the peaks, Zhang Sihai was also studying the knowledge of Lin Xuanpu and zongmen.

Lin Xuan listened attentively and said thanks to Zhang Sihai again with a smile.

"The so-called Hall of gathering Qi, in fact, younger martial brother Lin Xuan should have guessed from the name, which is the meaning of the hall of gathering spirit."

"Why is the aura so strong in our Qixue sect?"

Zhang Sihai asked with a smile.

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan said subconsciously: "because the whole mountain has carved the spirit gathering array, which can gather and attract the aura around him."

"It's true that our blood weeping sect once had an invincible array master, who spent all his life to carve such a huge spirit gathering array and mountain protection array."

"But in addition, he also set up the hall of gathering Qi. This hall of gathering Qi sounds good. It is to gather aura, but it is to plunder aura directly from the underground Aura!"

"Hey, hey, why do you think Qixue sect has been established in Zhengyang mountain for tens of thousands of years? It's because Zhengyang mountain is a natural treasure house, and the underground is almost inexhaustible spiritual vein!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Sihai continued with a smile: "however, it is said that after so many years of absorption and plunder, the underground spiritual pulse is much weaker than it was at the beginning. It is estimated that this spiritual pulse will be exhausted after thousands of years!"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan immediately said with a smile: "that is not to say that thousands of years later, if qixuezong does not want to perish, he will have to find a new mountain!"

"Yes, that's true, but we don't have to worry about it. It's hard for us to live a thousand years in this life!"

After hearing this, Lin Xuan also said, "it's true. After Lao Tzu's death, he doesn't care about the flood."

"Ha ha ha, younger martial brother Lin Xuan is really a lover. He must have more contacts with my taste in the future."

After this chat, the relationship between the two became closer. Zhang Sihai smoothed his hair and continued: "the hall of gathering Qi is mainly divided into several levels, such as five times as strong, ten times, twenty times, and fifty times as strong as today's Lingqi in the mountain gate!"

"So practicing in this hall of gathering Qi can get twice the result with half the effort, but unfortunately, it's not free here, it needs the contribution points spent in the sect."

"Of course, there are exceptions. For example, you don't need to spend contribution points if you get a reward for how many days you are allowed to practice in Juqi hall!"

"For example, the ten times aura hall requires 100 points in one hour and 1200 points in 12 hours a day."

"And the clan can rely on the spirit stone to exchange contribution points, the exchange ratio is 10:1, converted into spirit stone, is 12000 spirit stone."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan is also some shock: "this kind of place burns money degree unexpectedly so exaggeration, that 50 times spirit spirit temple should have how exaggeration?"

"Haha, the higher this goes, the more favorable it will be in the clan. For example, the 20 times Lingqi hall needs 150 points in one hour, while the 50 times Lingqi hall needs 350 points in one hour!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan suddenly had some changes in his mind. The inner part of the Qixue sect is a blessed place. If you practice here for one day, you can reach the outer part for five days!

The hall of gathering Qi is even more against the heaven. If you practice in the hall of fifty times spirit for one day, it is worth absorbing the spirit from the outside world for 250 days!

However, it's only in theory. After all, the 50 times strong aura hall can't be absorbed and transformed into realm strength by ordinary people.

It's hard for a snake to swallow an elephant.

What's more, other people's practice is not like Lin Xuan's, as long as it can be transformed into experience, but also have some perception and understanding. Therefore, the 50 times aura hall has no effect on low level monks!

However, if the realm was raised in the future, and the speed and threshold of absorbing aura were raised to a certain extent, Lin Xuan would be able to rely on the hall of 50 times aura to practice, and then his terror would be revealed!

Now for him, even most people, five times and ten times aura hall are enough. No matter how much is wasted, it can't absorb so much!

In fact, it is also a kind of supplement and welfare for the disciples. Pure aura does not need to be refined like elixir, let alone absorbed like spirit stone. This is very troublesome and slows down the speed of practice.

Basically, taking the five times aura hall as an example, that is, 25 times the aura of the outside world, we can basically meet the maximum absorption, and Practice for 25 days.

It only costs 6000 spirit stones, which is much more cost-effective than buying pills or absorbing the spirit of spirit stone!

Moreover, because of the upgraded 2.0 system, Lin Xuan added a little experience to his passive practice every minute outside. In the blood weeping sect, the prompt in his mind always showed + 5 + 5

One day is 7200 passive experience value growth, one month is 216000 experience value, Lin Xuan expected to enter the five times aura hall, I'm afraid it's not + 25 per minute, if it's true, this speed is too terrible!

It costs six thousand spirit stones a day. Passivity alone increases 36000 experience!

What about ten times, twenty times, or even fifty times?

This is only passive practice. Lin Xuan has not yet calculated the experience value of self-cultivation!

In this way, as long as there are enough spirit stones, is it difficult to upgrade?

"The original upgrade system is how to use this!"

Lin Xuan finally realized that he was like a bumpkin who had never seen the world before!

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