"Younger martial brother Lin Xuan, in addition to the first peak, there is a second peak. This second peak is where the medicine house is located. There are many medicine fields on it, which is the important place of the clan."

"See the tower at the top of the peak in the distance? It's the observatory on the third peak, the place to observe stars."

"The third peak is where the trading hall is, where younger martial brother Lin Xuan can take the task issued by the sect in exchange for contribution points."

"And the monthly salary hall we are going to is also on the third peak."

Zhang Sihai takes Lin Xuan to the third peak. The clouds and clouds here are steaming and people come and go. Because of the trading hall and the monthly salary hall, they are the most lively places in the clan!

On the top of Yunfeng, yuyuqionglou is different from the thatched cottage where Lin Xuan lived. This place really has the weather of an immortal family.

"Elder martial brother Zhang, I don't know what the monthly salary of our new disciples is?"

Lin Xuan converged on the idea of gathering Qi hall in his heart, and immediately asked Zhang Sihai.

"Your monthly contribution is 1000 points. This is your monthly salary. If you finish spending it, you need to take over the task to earn it."

"Or if you can achieve extraordinary results at the end of the quarter or the end of the year, then your monthly salary will increase."

"Nowadays, the top three of the external disciples in each end of the season assessment are 30000, 20000 and 10000 monthly salaries, while the others are 8000 in the top ten and 5000 in the top 100."

"Further down, the first thousand people are three thousand."

"For the first ten thousand, it's two thousand."

"The rest, a thousand!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Sihai paused and said with a smile, "if you get the top 100 achievements in the end of the year assessment, it is said that after entering the inner gate, those who get the least monthly salary are 10000, and will be trained by the clan."

"Of course, the end of the year assessment is also the end of the season assessment in winter. It's just that one hundred of the best children will be selected and selected into the inner gate. The rest will still rank second."

"We will receive the corresponding monthly salary in the monthly salary hall according to our achievements!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded, but he still had some unsolved problems. He was curious and said, "elder martial brother Zhang, how do you rank more than 100000 people in this clan at the end of the season? Can you arrange it? "

"Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"Compared with the contribution made to zongmen, it's about to mention the task in the trading hall. In every quarter, the person with the highest contribution points is the first person to be assessed at the end of the quarter, and the assessment at the end of the year is the ranking of contribution points obtained by completing the task in a whole year!"

"All kinds of tasks in the trading hall are real combat. They not only need cultivation, but also need brains. Even if they are careless, they will die. This is much more difficult than the challenge arena!"

"Every year, in addition to the fact that many of the elder martial brothers were still in the same place and were expelled, a large number of people directly fell down!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was also secretly surprised at the cruelty of the clan.

"It seems that there's a reason why qixuezong doesn't accept the weak disciples. It's also for their good. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will die miserably!"

But he suddenly seemed to think of something and asked again: "by the way, elder martial brother Zhang, you just said that the contribution points can be exchanged by the spirit stone. Doesn't that mean..."

However, before Lin Xuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Sihai: "younger martial brother Lin Xuan, you don't have to say it. I already know what you mean. I said that the spirit stone in exchange for contribution points is just for the reasonable use of spirit stone in the door."

"The final contribution ranking is announced by the trading house, which is only the contribution points obtained by completing the task, and will not include other factors."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately nods a way: "so it is."

"Hehe, however, although there is no need to compare the disciples at the end of this season and the end of this year, there is an annual competition every year in Qixue sect."

"The awards of this year's Dabi are very rich. They are usually set at the beginning of spring. Only the outstanding disciples who contribute to the top 1000 at the end of the year can participate in it. We can only watch it if we are secular!"

"Of course, what I'm talking about is that after selecting one hundred of the best children at the end of the year, the remaining Top 1000 people will be qualified to participate in the annual contest at the beginning of spring."

"Hey, hey, you'll understand that later!"

Along the way, even though they didn't deliberately speed up, they still came to the monthly salary hall. Zhang Sihai stopped talking and laughed at Lin Xuan, letting him get his monthly salary.

"The clan will deposit the monthly salary into your identity jade card. You don't have to worry about embezzlement. After the jade card drips blood, it is equivalent to having an identity."

"Unless you personally transfer or trade it to others, there will be no mistake in the monthly salary points, which is more stable than the spiritual contracts that exist in major chambers of Commerce!"

"Well, you go in yourself. I'll wait for you here, and I'll take you to the trading hall later."

Lin Xuan nodded. In fact, the blood weeping sect was a larger family. Except for the Qi gathering hall, he had contacted all these things.

The Yuefeng hall is built in the belly of the peak, supported by dozens of stone pillars surrounded by several people, hollowed out the rocks. It is incomparably large, and most of the people in it are just beginning disciples.

Although it was the first time for Lin Xuan to see such a magnificent scene, he was calm, much better than some new disciples, at least not so excited as to dance.

He easily received his monthly salary, and then followed Zhang Sihai up the huge stone steps around the mountain!

The whole mountain peak is very similar to a huge tube tower. It is hollowed out and stabilized by array and stone pillars. The first floor of the third peak is Yuefeng hall.

On top of it, except for the peak of the observatory, it is divided into ten floors, and the other nine floors are all within the scope of the trading hall!

Each floor has built a hall hollowed out from the bottom of the mountain, narrowing the scope a little bit.

But even so, it still made Lin Xuan amazing!

This place is indeed the most bustling peak. Not only are there missions issued by the clan, but also their children set up stalls along the mountain road and stone steps to sell tens of thousands of things!

More business, also directly in the trading hall built-in counter, specialized in a certain business

And these, zongmen is allowed!

This seems to make Lin Xuan have a kind of funny feeling, and the practitioners can't avoid the vulgarity. The so-called wealth partner law, the first is the need for wealth!

Of course, this wealth does not refer to the soft gold and silver between ordinary people, but the resources of practice!

Without the resources of practice, the road of practice will be difficult!

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