Lin Xuan and Zhang Sihai stopped to wait and see, and saw the third peak full of people's voices, exquisite weapons cultivation skills, everything. On the stone steps, the children of all sects peddled along the steps, just like the market.

Lin Xuan couldn't help sighing that the third peak of qixuezong was prosperous, and it was the first peak of Qingzhou Prefecture.

Seeing that Lin Xuan was very interested, Zhang Sihai coughed and said, "although younger martial brother Lin is watching the market, there are many good and bad people in it. Some people will sell fake goods here. Younger martial brother must pay attention to it when buying."

Lin Xuan asked suspiciously, "can't zongmen control the sale of fake goods?"

Zhang Sihai shook his head: "business is voluntary, zongmen will not interfere in this matter." Then he sighed and said, "I had suffered losses in those years. I once bought some elixirs that can improve my cultivation here. Unexpectedly, I bought some fake medicines. After taking them, instead of increasing my cultivation, I lost all my hair and baldness for several months. I didn't dare to go out all the time. Alas... Let's not mention it."

Then Zhang Sihai said to Lin Xuan, "brother Lin, let's go to the trading hall in the peak, where we can get the task issued by the sect."

Lin Xuanwen then followed Zhang Sihai slowly into the mountain gate and came to the trading hall.

Zhang Sihai said: "all the first to ninth floors of the trading hall have tasks to release. The higher the number of floors, the more difficult the task to release."

Sure enough, on each floor, Lin Xuan found a jade plaque with the words "receiving task office".

Zhang Sihai said: "there are all kinds of tasks here, such as picking elixirs, hunting monsters and escorting motorcades. Some tasks have a deadline. If brother Lin wants to accept any task, give your jade card to the person in charge and tell him what task you want to take."

However, speaking of this, Zhang Sihai changed his words: "but when you accept a task, you should press your points up. The higher the level of the task, the more points you need to press. If the task is not completed, your points will be deducted."

Lin Xuan was not surprised by this, because the task was not completed. After all, there must be some punishment measures to prevent the disciples of the sect from taking on the task without knowing the superiority of heaven and earth.

Zhang Sihai said: "it's OK for younger martial brother Lin to form a team with others to take over the task, but at that time, he will get less points."

Lin Xuan replied with a smile: "you can take the task with brother Zhang at that time."

Zhang Sihai sighed and said, "younger martial brother Lin's talent and accomplishments will surpass ours sooner or later. If we go to work together at that time, I'm afraid we will drag brother Lin down."

Lin Xuanwen waved his hand: "no harm.".

After visiting the third peak, Zhang Sihai and Lin Xuan said, "younger martial brother Lin, the fourth peak of bulaofeng is where the lecture hall is located. There are sect elders who give lectures for their disciples. If there are any problems in their cultivation, they can go to the fourth peak to ask questions, but it also costs a lot of money."

After that, Zhang Sihai continued to ask, "does younger martial brother Lin want to go to the fourth peak for a stroll?"

Lin Xuan is tired of using the technique of burning blood for many times today, but thinking that Zhang Sihai can help him explain it today, he might as well continue to visit the fourth peak. So he said to Zhang Sihai, "OK, please brother Zhang."

After that, they climbed the mountain again and came to the lecture palace of the fourth peak. This place is ethereal and misty, and there are fewer disciples. It really seems to be a place for teaching and cultivating.

Zhang Sihai said to a medium-sized building with green bricks and white tiles on the top of the peak: "this lecture hall is divided into five floors. The first one to three floors correspond to spiritual cultivation, spiritual person and spiritual master respectively. The top two floors open irregularly, and there will be great talents to preach at that time. "

Lin Xuan was just about to go in and have a look, but he was stopped by the guard in front of the door. It turned out that the entrance to the Academy required certain points. He thought that the points would not come easily, so he gave up. Two people strolled in the fourth peak for a while, then went down the mountain.

Lin Xuan was a little tired now. Now he wanted to go back to his residence and have a rest.

So he said, "elder martial brother Zhang, I am exhausted from climbing the ladder today. I'd like to go back to my residence and take care of myself."

Zhang Sihai said to Lin Xuan, "well, it's getting late. I'll show you around here first. Younger martial brother Lin, you'd better go back to your residence and have a good rest. I live on the 69th peak. You can come here when you're free. We'll have a chat and have a good tea."

Lin Xuan nodded his head and said yes, thinking: Although Zhang Sihai is not outstanding in practice, he is also an open-minded man. If he makes this friend, he should not suffer losses.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Sihai, Lin Xuan also returned to his 72nd peak. In the next two days, he closed the door to repair. The immortal xuanjing in his body was running at full speed, recovering his Qi, blood and strength.

But on the third day, his retreat was interrupted by an uninvited guest.

"Where is Lin Xuan? Come out and see me Only one person was shouting outside Lin Xuan's residence.

This man is Lu Yun's brother, Lu Sheng!

Lu Sheng is also practicing in the waimen sect of Qixue sect, and his cultivation has reached the fourth stage of the spirit. At that time, Lin Xuan made a name on the ladder, and his name soon spread to Lu Sheng's ears. Thinking that this man dared to bully his younger brother, Lu Sheng was furious and brought his younger brother to the door.

After he came to Lin Xuan's residence, he immediately attracted many people's attention.

"This person is not Lu Sheng, and who is the person beside him? Well, I think, the person beside Lu Sheng seems to be one of the people who was swept by Lin Xuan that day."

"Elder martial brother Lu Sheng is a spiritual person with four stages of cultivation. It seems that he is not good at what he comes from. It seems that Lin Xuan will suffer."

"Well, if Lin Xuan hadn't made a name on the ladder, Lu Sheng wouldn't have come to us so soon. There's a good play today. Ha ha."

While others were whispering, a figure flashed out. This man was Lin Xuan!

Lu Yun was already impatient: "brother, he is Lin Xuan. You must take revenge for me."

Lin Xuan said, "yes, what can you do for me?"

Lu Sheng laughs: "well, it's rare for a little spiritual cultivation to come out and meet each other. I'm Lu Sheng, the elder brother of Lu Yun

"You hurt my brother that day. It's very simple for me to come here. As long as you kneel down and beg for mercy for my brother in front of everyone, I'll let you go. Otherwise, I'll let you go!"

After that, the spiritual power around him is surging, and there is no doubt that the four accomplishments of a spiritual person are revealed.

Lin Xuanwen said with a scornful smile: "kneel down and beg for mercy? You kneel down to me today and I'll let you go! "

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