Lu Sheng was stunned by Lin Xuan's words. He didn't know where Lin Xuan's self-confidence came from.

At this time, the people around also talked: "this Lin Xuan is so bold, he really doesn't know how much he weighs."

"That is, it's ridiculous that a mere spiritual practitioner should dare to clamor with a spiritual person."

"Hum, when Lin Xuan kneels down to beg for mercy, the scene must be very wonderful!"

At this time, some people began to gloat.

"Ha ha ha..." hearing Lin Xuan's reply, Lu Sheng first burst out laughing, and then his face suddenly became gloomy. He said coldly, "well, you Lin Xuan, it seems that I have to beat you to your knees to beg for mercy before you are willing to give up."

Lu Yun said: "brother, you're welcome with this boy. Let's go together!"

Lu Sheng waved his hand: "let me teach this thing a lesson for myself."

After that, Lu Sheng had a long whip in his hand.

I saw the whip in the injection of spiritual power, whip body yellow light flashing, waving, issued a hissing sound.

Lu Shenglian waved a few whips, and saw several yellow dragons several meters long, flashing in the shadow of the whips, roaring, flying towards Lin Xuanfei!

Lin Xuan stepped on the shadow of the moon step, the speed, with a shadow! Huang Long and Lin Xuan brush by and blow up several deep pits in the open space behind them!

Lin Xuanxin read a move, magic power - under the blessing of great power, he quickly close to Lu Sheng, and then a punch, strength just fierce!

Lu Sheng left hand, and Lin Xuan hard to shake a record!

The fists and palms intersected, and the roar broke out a surprising wave. The strong wind scattered everywhere, blowing sand and rocks.

Lu Sheng only felt a huge force coming from the other side, his body was out of control, he flew upside down and fell to the ground!

The onlookers were silent and shocked by Lin Xuan's powerful power!

Lu Yun was even more stupefied at this time. He did not expect that Lin Xuan would crush his brother!

Lu Sheng, who has not yet fallen to the ground, gets up and sees Lin Xuan's figure flash by. A set of long arm fists come one after another!

Lu Sheng only feels the shadow of fists all over the sky. Every fist can break his tendon and fracture!

He went back and forth, and finally he was blown away by Lin Xuan's fist, hit the wall, spread to the ground, and vomited blood!

The onlookers were in an uproar: "Wow, Lin Xuan is so spiritual. He is so tough."

"It's a demon who has climbed more than 80 steps on the ladder! Lin Xuan's talent is really terrible

"When I see Lin Xuan in this peak, I will be respectful and careful! Don't offend this evil spirit

Lu Yun was stunned at this time. After a long time, he remembered that he ran to help Lu Sheng. However, seeing that his brother lost so miserably, he did not dare to fight against Lin Xuan himself even if he was given 10000 courage!

At this time, one of the disciples suddenly flashed out. His name was Li Yu. He was the third cultivation of the spirit. He had always been at odds with the Lu brothers.

He said with a smile: "Lu Sheng, you lost to Lin Xuan, the position of the top of the seventy-two peak, do you want to excuse me and give way to Lin Xuan?"

On hearing this, Lin Xuan was overjoyed. He had heard Zhang Sihai say before: "the spirit at the top of the peak is strong, which is twice as strong as that at the bottom of the peak. Unexpectedly, Lu Sheng happens to live at the top of the 72 peak. It can be said that the position at the top of the peak takes no effort."

Lu Sheng was shocked when he heard the speech, but at this time he was just injured and his words were incoherent. He could only point at Li Yu: "good! Good! You... "

Li Yu immediately turned cold and yelled, "why, don't you want to violate the rules?"

Lu Yun at this time quickly picked up Lu Sheng, advised: "brother, stay in the Castle Peak, not afraid of no firewood, let's go first."

At this time, he looked at Lin Xuan, his eyes no longer had the previous momentum, but full of fear!

At this time, Lin Xuan snorted coldly and said, "Lu Sheng, Lu Yun, I don't want to see you two in the 72 peaks."

Lu Yun heard a shock in his back, but he didn't dare to say much in the face of the powerful Lin Xuan. He helped Lu Sheng and ran away like a lost dog.

Lin Xuan looks at Lu brothers, but he doesn't chase them any more.

Within the clan, although disciples are allowed to fight each other, they should not hurt their lives.

Moreover, at present, he is about to advance to the spiritual level, and he does not pay attention to the Lu brothers.

After the end of the battle, the onlookers came forward to congratulate one after another. Among them, Zhao Yu took the lead and said, "Congratulations, brother Lin, he is a man of extraordinary strength. He is worthy of being the pride of the day. The position of the top of the 72 peaks will be yours in the future!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "where, where, Lin is only the first to come to zongmen at the beginning of the year. In the future, he will have to rely on your elder martial brothers to take care of him."

When they heard this, Lin Xuan was so powerful that he didn't put on airs at all. For a moment, he became more and more fond of him and praised him. For a moment, Lin Xuan seemed to be the elder brother of the seventy-two peaks.

After being polite to all the people, Lin Xuan said goodbye. Then he packed up and went to live at the top of the seventy-two peak.


A few days later, Lin Xuan was meditating on his knees at the top of the mountain. Because of the strong aura at the top of the mountain and the strong recovery ability of the immortal xuanjing in his body, Lin Xuan's injury on the ladder has been basically healed. However, he is still a little weak because he has used the immortal burning blood technique several times.

Just as he was about to get up and walk down the peak and go to yaolu to exchange some pills, a friend came to visit him. He was Zhang Sihai who had led Lin Xuan to visit zongmen before.

Zhang Sihai, dressed in a white robe, seemed to be in a good mood. As soon as he entered the door, he said with a smile, "Congratulations, Lin Xuan. I can't find anyone in your original residence. After inquiring about it, I know that you have run to the peak to resist."

Lin Xuan also said with a smile: "I didn't want to grab the position of the peak, but I didn't expect that person to take the initiative to send me to the door. I can only accept the position of the peak."

After making a pot of tea, he and Zhang Sihai began to sit down and talk.

Lin Xuan first asked: "brother Sihai, can you buy the pills, Lingshi and points in the medicine room?"

Zhang Sihai said: "ordinary elixir Lingshi and points can be changed, but higher grade elixir can only be changed by points."

"Some really extraordinary pills need so many points. It's appalling. I may not be able to save so many points in my whole life." Zhang Sihai took a sip of tea and then said with a bitter smile.

Lin Xuan also nodded his head when he heard the words. After all, this kind of elixir can't be found. Even in the Qixue sect, there is not much that can be refined.

At the moment, Lin Xuan's experience is not much different from the one he needs to be promoted to the spirit. He hopes to exchange some elixirs as soon as possible and find a chance to quickly advance to the spirit!

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