After hearing Zhang Sihai's introduction, Lin Xuan immediately said, "brother Sihai, I'm going to yaolu to exchange some pills. How about we go together?"

Zhang Sihai nodded immediately: "OK, brother Lin, what a coincidence. I just want to buy some pills."

After Lin Xuan moved to the top of the mountain, Zhang Sihai and other members of the seventy-two peak no longer called him "younger martial brother Lin", but called him "elder brother Lin", which is enough to show their respect for Lin Xuan's strength, but Lin Xuan didn't care about it.

After they said that, they walked down the mountain and toward the second peak.

Along the way, Zhang Sihai kept talking to Lin Xuan about recent zongmen affairs. Lin Xuan also took the opportunity to ask about some new people of the same class.

It turns out that this year's Tianjiao are also very active after entering the sect. Mo Yuhang, 16, of Tongshan City, just finished a task to kill the medium grade low-level spirit beast, shaking the outer gate. Shen Qingfeng, the first person of the Shen family in Luohuang City, who set a record of 92 steps on the climbing ladder, has already reached the top of the 20th peak, and is now known as the first person of this year's blood weeping sect.

But Lin Xuan was surprised that Shen MuQing, the third sister of the Shen family, had not heard much recently.

As they spoke, they came to the foot of the second peak. Lin Xuan stopped to wait and see. He found that the peak was towering into the clouds, with misty clouds and rich aura. It was really the best place to plant herbs.

Zhang Sihai said with a smile: "brother Lin, the second peak is the highest of the seventy-two peaks. The aura of the top of the mountain is very strong, and the level of herbs planted is the highest."

"As the height decreases, the rank of herbs planted will be slightly lower, and the medicine house in exchange for herbs will be built in the middle of the mountain."

Lin Xuan nodded, and then he and Zhang Sihai began to climb the mountain. When he reached the peak, Lin Xuan found that the second peak was not as lively as the third peak's trading hall, so he asked, "brother Zhang, is this medicine house so sparsely populated all the time?"

Zhang Sihai replied: "it's true that there are many herbs planted here and few disciples living here. It's far less lively than the third peak."

When he came to the hillside, Lin Xuan found a five story wooden building with antique flavor and rich fragrance of medicine.

Zhang Sihai pointed with his hand and said, "brother Lin, this is yaolu."

After Lin Xuan and Zhang Sihai entered, they found that there was an old man with white beard and immortal spirit. Although the old man was kind-hearted, his cultivation had reached the realm of spiritual master.

Lin Xuan could not help sighing that the blood weeping sect had hidden dragon and crouching tiger. An old man who was in charge of the medicine house had spiritual cultivation.

After Lin Xuan came forward, he clasped his hands and asked, "elder, is there a low-level quench elixir here?"

The old man replied: "low level medium quality quenching elixir, 3 points a pill, low level top quality quenching elixir, 5 points a pill."

At present, Lin Xuan is about 200000 experience away from the spirit. He estimates that his 1000 points can be changed to about 100000 experience. So he changed his 1000 points into the low-level best quenching elixir.

Zhang Sihai just ran to the second floor. When he came down, he saw that Lin Xuan had changed so many quenched elixirs. He asked curiously, "brother Lin, why do you want to change so many quenched elixirs? This thing has limited effect on those who attack the spirit. If you eat too much, you will easily lose your foundation."

Of course, Lin Xuan would not say that he was upgrading his experience. He said, "my family is short of pills. I want to send some pills to my people this time."

Zhang Sihai nodded yes and praised Lin Xuan, saying: "brother Lin has just entered the clan and started to think about the family. It's really rare."

After that, Zhang Sihai seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked, "brother Lin, do you want any extra quenched elixirs? I know a disciple who lives in the second peak. He likes to refine medicine on weekdays, so there should be some quenched elixirs. It's estimated that he can buy them with a spirit stone."

Lin Xuan said: "yes, let's go and have a look."

So under the leadership of Zhang Sihai, Lin Xuan came to a cottage at the foot of the mountain.

Zhang Sihai first knocked on the door, then an impatient voice came from inside: "who? Don't bother me if you're OK. "

Zhang Sihai said, "brother Xu, do you have any extra quenching elixir? Some people want to buy some. "

"Why? Quench the spirit pill? Yes, just a moment. I'm refining the pill. "

After waiting outside for a while, they only heard a "bang" in the room, and then a howl came.

When Zhang Sihai heard the wrong voice, he kicked the door and rushed in. After Lin Xuan followed him in, he found a man sitting on the ground in the room, with a dark face and a black tripod in front of him.

He was short and very thin, and did not look like a monk at all. Lin Xuan looked at him and knew that most of the time he had just failed in refining pills and that he had fried the cauldron.

Zhang Sihai said with a smile: "Xu Muzhi, how are you doing with Dan Yao recently?"

The man waved his hand and replied, "the high-grade pill is too hard to refine. I tried my best to blow it up."

After hearing this, Lin Xuan was very surprised that he was refining high-grade pills.

Zhang Sihai said: "brother Lin, don't listen to this man. He is so good that he often fails to refine intermediate pills." Then he said to Xu Muzhi, "do you have a quenching elixir? It's OK to have a low-level one. My friend wants to take it."

Xu Muzhi replied, "yes, I have a low-level elixir." Then he asked Lin Xuan, "how much do you want?"

Lin Xuan replied, "do you have 200 tablets?"

Xu Muzhi shook his head and said, "I only have more than 190 grains. If you want to take them all, thirty thousand spirit stones."

Lin Xuan said, "OK, I'll take it all."

Lin Xuan now has more than 30000 spirit stones left. Basically, after he bought these quenched spirit pills, he spent all the spirit stones.

On the way back, Zhang Sihai and Lin Xuan said, "Xu Muzhi is addicted to alchemy and doesn't like to practice. In fact, if he can practice hard, his accomplishments will be much higher than the current three sections of the spirit."

Lin Xuan nodded, thinking that if he had any pills to refine or problems in alchemy, he might come to find this alchemy maniac. Although his alchemy level is not outstanding, if he continues to study, he may become a alchemy master.

This time I went to yaolu, I can say that I gained a lot. After saying goodbye to Zhang Sihai and returning to his residence, Lin Xuan began to eat the quenched elixir to gain experience. Basically, after eating these quenched elixirs, there was only a few thousand experience gap between him and the spirit people.


One day later, Lin Xuan began to pack up his things and prepare to go down the mountain. Before, he and Yang Qin agreed that when he settled down in zongmen five days later, he would go down the mountain to send Yang Qin home. Now that the day has come, he plans to go down the mountain to meet Yang Qin and return to Tianxing city by the way.

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