At this time, Yang Qin was pacing down the mountain, looking at the mountain gate from time to time, waiting anxiously.

Today, she was wearing a long white dress with a graceful figure. In addition to her dusty appearance, she frequently attracted the attention of qixuezong's returning disciples.

"Which beauty is this? Who are you waiting for? "

"Are you waiting for the heavenly pride of the blood weeping sect?"

"It's very likely that this beautiful woman and other people must be a proud man with great accomplishments. After all, a flower can't be put on cow dung."

Yang Qin anxiously waiting, his mouth also muttered: "dead Lin Xuan, stupid Lin Xuan, how not to come."

Just when Yang Qin was impatient, he saw a figure flash out of the mountain gate, and then ran to himself quickly. Lin Xuan finally appeared.

Seeing Lin Xuan come running, Yang Qin is very happy, but she said: "good Lin Xuan, you made Miss Ben wait for you so long."

Knowing that he couldn't talk back to Yang Qin at this time, Lin Xuan said with a smile, "Oh, please forgive me. Don't you think I arrived in time?"

At this time, other people saw that Lin Xuan had only spiritual cultivation, and they even despised him and began to talk about it

"Hum, there are all kinds of strange things in the world. It seems that the flowers are really matched with cow dung. It's ridiculous."

"That is, that man's spiritual cultivation, unexpectedly ascended to a young lady who didn't know which family. It's hard to understand what's wrong with the world."

"If you want me to say, this man is not as good as cow dung."

Just as the two of them whispered and slandered Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan's palm thunder flashed in his hand. A blue light flashed by and blew a deep hole in front of them.

The two men were startled, then angry, immediately ran to Lin Xuan.

One of the fat men pointed to Lin Xuan and said, "you're just a spiritual person. Do you dare to bully me? I'm the spirit of two

Next to the thin man said: "elder martial brother, teach him a lesson."

The fat man snorted coldly, then he pinched his hands and yelled: "eight pole palm!"

I saw a white light emerge, in front of the fat man gradually formed a huge handprint.

The thin man said with a smile, "are you afraid? Rubbish, now kneel down and kowtow to apologize. My elder martial brother can still kill you. "

Lin Xuan curled his mouth. When he lazily returned to the opposite side, he directly used his magic power and used his long arm fist.

At this time, the fat man's palmprint has not yet been condensed successfully. Under the shadow of Lin Xuan's fists, the fat man's face is instantly swollen, flies out directly, falls heavily on the ground and faints.

The skinny man was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. He couldn't figure out how a spiritual man could beat a spiritual man away. His cold sweat came out.

Lin Xuan rubbed his hands and said, "well, now it's your turn."

The thin man immediately knelt down on the ground with his legs soft, and put his hands around Lin Xuan's thighs and begged, "big brother, the villain has eyes and doesn't know Taishan. Please have a large number of adults. Let the villain go. I'll kneel down for you."

"I have 80 old mother, under..." this thin man's gushing, a runny nose, a tear, begged.

Li Qin, who was beside him, couldn't help laughing when he saw that the contrast was so great.

Lin Xuanyi waved his hand and said, "go away. I'm in a good mood today. Remember, don't slander others behind my back."

The skinny man was immediately grateful to Lin Xuan, and then ran out.

But at this time, Lin Xuan roared: "come back!"

Skinny just walked a few steps, immediately came back trembling, heart up and down, afraid of Lin Xuan back to beat him again.

Lin Xuan said, "go to see your elder martial brother and help him up."

The thin man immediately nodded: "OK, OK", and then ran to the fat man.

After that, Lin Xuancai and Yang Qin packed up and rushed to Tianxing city.

But not long after they set out, they met a group of unexpected guests.

Two people just marched to a valley, suddenly Lin Xuan's face became serious. He waved his hand and motioned Yang Qin to stop first.

"What's the matter?" Yang Qin asked

Lin Xuan said in a low voice, "there is an ambush." At this time, I just heard a laugh, and several people swaggered from the front of Lin Xuan. It was Lu Sheng, Lu Yun and Lu Yan who had just lost to Lin Xuan a few days ago.

Next to the three, there was a stranger. He was tall and his accomplishments had reached the fifth paragraph of the spirit.

Lu Sheng laughed and said, "Lin Xuan, Yang Qin, we meet again."

Lin Xuan's face did not change: "why, what advice do you have?"

Lu Yun said: "hum, Lin Xuan, you insulted me again and again, and asked me? This is where you die. "

Knowing that they are not good at it, Yang Qin stepped forward and asked in a loud voice, "are you not afraid of the blame of xueqizong, or are you not afraid of the joint Revenge of the Yang family and the Lin family on your Lu family?"

Lu Sheng's face became more gloomy and said, "hum, do you think I will let you go? After you two die, who will know that it's my Lu family? Ha ha ha... "

Then Lu Sheng pointed at Lin Xuan with his hand and said, "brother Zhao Nu, this man is Lin Xuan. Today we need your help."

Zhao Nu glanced at Lin Xuan for a moment and said with disdain: "this man's cultivation is just the peak of spiritual cultivation. Hum, are you Lu Sheng so timid? Two weak ants, you still want to ask me to do it?"

Lu Sheng was stunned, and then said: "the three of us could have dealt with these two people. We just wanted to find brother Zhao for multi-layer security."

Zhao angrily shook his head: "this Lin xuanxiu is so low, I'm really disappointed. I don't want to deal with such rubbish. Don't waste time if you three go together."

Lu Sheng took a look at Zhao Nu, hesitated and said: "brother Zhao..."

Zhao angrily waved his hand and said, "with me here, this waste can't hurt you. Don't worry about it."

Lu Sheng a bite, and then a wave, hands yellow whip appear, Lu Yun Lu Yan also each step forward.

Yang QinGang wanted to fight, but Lin Xuan stood in front of her and said, "don't worry, I'll deal with these defeated generals."

Then he took a step forward and formed a pair of three with Lu's three brothers.

Lu Sheng looked at Lin Xuan and then began to laugh: "Lin Xuan, I was careless last time. Do you really think you can fight against heaven and fight against three spirits alone? It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. "

Lin Xuan calmly looked at Lu Sheng, as if he didn't care. He waved and said: "ten thousand insects together can't become a dragon, not to mention you three bedbugs."

After hearing this, Lu Sheng was very angry. He waved his hand and yelled, "come on

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