Lin Xuan and Yang Qin talked and laughed all the way. After destroying Lu's three brothers, they rushed to Tianxing city.

When resting that night, Lin Xuan also unfolded the system panel.

He found that his current one-stage cultivation of the spirit requires 500000 experience points, which is much more than that of the spiritual cultivation.

At the same time, he also looked at the dexterity and weapons awarded by the system.

"Drop! Medium level top-grade spirit skill immortal palm: this palm was created by ancient great power. Its power is unparalleled. After training, it can be leveled with the spirit Master's cultivation! "

After opening the scroll of indelible palm in the storage space, Lin Xuan heard a systematic voice in his mind: "drop! Do you want to learn the dexterity of "never kill palm"


"Dexterity - immortal palm (Beginner Level - Proficiency 10 / 800)"

"It's worthy of being a medium level top-level LINGJI. It takes 800 to get to Xiaocheng..." Lin Xuan sighed. Before, his low-level medium level LINGJI yueyingbu only needs 200 to get to Xiaocheng.

There is also the weapon that pierces the cloud bow. Lin Xuan's heart moves and turns over the bow and arrow again. He finds that the purple light flows in the dark of the bow. After Lin Xuan injects the spiritual power into the bow, he finds that the light of the bow body gradually becomes bright. As soon as Lin Xuan pulls the bow string, he finds that the spiritual power rushes in, and a blue arrow in the bow is slowly taking shape.

It turns out that the cloud piercing bow can condense into an arrow by itself. The more spiritual power it injects, the longer it takes to prepare, the stronger the arrow will be.

"Well, my immortal xuanjing spirit power recovers quickly. With this bow, it can give a lot of power to long-range attack." Lin Xuan pondered.

However, he also knows that he does not have any magic skills related to bow and arrow, such as the skill of shooting all arrows at once. If he learns it at that time, he will be able to make the bow more powerful.

After that, Lin Xuan and Yang Qin had nothing to do, and soon came to Baifeng City, where Liu Ruyi, Lin Xuan's servant, was practicing.

When he passed by the city, Lin Xuanxin thought about it. He wanted to see how Liu Ruyi, who had the blood of the protoss, was doing. So he said to Yang Qin, "one of my followers lives here. I want to visit him." He and Yang Qin immediately came to the secluded place of Liu Ruyi's practice.

Lin Xuan first knocked on the door, and there came a voice: "who?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "your young master is back!"

I heard a exclamation from inside The door opens immediately, and Liu Ruyi appears in front of Lin Xuan in surprise.

After seeing Lin Xuan, Liu Ruyi was very happy and bowed deeply: "young master, you are back at last."

Lin Xuan looks at Liu Ruyi and finds that she has four stages of spiritual cultivation, which makes him very surprised. After all, he hasn't been away for a long time. In just a few months, he didn't expect Liu Ruyi's cultivation to improve so fast.

Lin Xuan asked with a smile: "how, do you miss your master?"

Liu Ruyi's face turned red: "yes, of course. I'm looking forward to your coming back every day."

After entering the room and sitting down, Lin Xuan asked, "what's your recent practice like? Can you practice the inheritance fragments in your blood now?"

Liu Ruyi said: "young master, I feel that with the improvement of cultivation, I feel closer to my own blood. Just a few days ago, when I felt my blood with divine sense, I found a piece of inheritance with golden light. After I wrapped the piece with divine sense, I could understand the contents of the inside."

Lin Xuan nodded and asked, "what is the content in the fragment?"

Liu Ruyi said: "it's a small spirit skill. After that, she reaches out her hand and calls out a light shield."

I saw the golden light flowing on the light shield, just about the size of a person, suspended in front of Liu Ruyi.

Lin Xuan wanted to try the strength of the light shield, but he thought that he might hurt Liu Ruyi by mistake, so he didn't do it. He thought that the spirit skill of the protoss blood should not be too weak.

So Lin Xuan asked Liu Ruyi to take away the light shield. Then he left Liu Ruyi more than a dozen bottles of low-level quenched elixir, a bottle of medium level quenched elixir and many spirit stones. He told her to continue to practice hard, and left with Yang Qin.

They continued on their way and soon returned to star city.

Looking at the city, Lin Xuan could not help feeling that he had left Tianxing city for a long time, and now he finally came back.

I don't know how the people of the Lin family will feel when they see Lin Xuan.

Yang Qin asked Lin Xuan, "do you want to see your little maid first? After you left, in order not to let other people in the Lin family disturb you, I took her to the Yang family."

Lin Xuan replied, "don't worry about this. I'll go back to Lin's first." After that, the corners of his mouth could not help showing an imperceptible smile.

At the beginning, Lin Zhong, the son of Lin Sheng, the elder of the Tang clan, was severely punished. He made the elder gnash his teeth. When he came back, he thought it was time to meet the elder.

He told Yang Qin: "you go back to the Yang family first. I have something to deal with when I go to the Lin family. I'll go to you later."

Yang Qin Wen Yan nodded, said: "you can not leave without saying goodbye, he ran ah."

Lin Xuan replied, "don't worry, it won't be."

Then he and Li Qin separate. Lin Xuan walks slowly to the door of the Lin family. There are two guards in front of the door. They are strange faces and seem to be new comers. He immediately says to one of them, "open the door. I'm from the Lin family. I want to see the head of the Lin family."

At this time, Lin Xuan deliberately conceals his cultivation. The two guards are new here and have never seen Lin Xuan. When they see that Lin Xuan is dressed in ordinary clothes, they immediately look down on him.

One of them looked at Lin Xuan scornfully and scolded: "what are you, want to see the clan leader?"

The other one also sneered: "hum, another one is pretending to be a member of the Lin family. If you want to cheat us, you don't have to pee and take care of yourself. Get out of here!" Then he flew up and kicked Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan knew that the two guards were also followers of the others. Then his face sank. With a wave of his hand, the strong wind surged. The two guards immediately became unstable and fell backward.

"You two go and tell Lin Sheng that I, Lin Xuan, have come back." At this time, Lin Xuan's spiritual power was surging, and the cultivation of a spiritual person was no doubt revealed.

"What? Are you Lin Xuan The two guards could not help exclaiming.

When they heard Lin Xuan's name, they immediately trembled. Did they know that Lin Xuan had hurt Lin Zhong badly at that time? Thinking of what they had just said and done to Lin Xuan, they immediately smeared oil on their feet and ran to report Lin Sheng. And Lin Xuan is quietly waiting at the door, he knows, Lin Sheng and Lin Zhong, will appear later.

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