At this time, Lin Sheng was tasting tea in the reward and punishment hall. After hearing the news of Lin Xuan's return, he was stunned and overjoyed: "good, you Lin Xuan! I wanted to find you, but you came to me by yourself. What a trap

At this time, the patriarch Lin Yuegang was going out. Lin Sheng waved his hand and said, "everyone in the reward and punishment hall, follow me! Let's go and catch the thief Lin Xuan“ The three elders and disciples of the reward and punishment hall immediately followed Lin Sheng out.

At this time, the news of Lin Xuan's return spread ten times, and soon almost all the people of the whole family knew about Lin Xuan's return.

"Lin Xuan? Is that the one who defeated the spirit with all his spiritual cultivation at the beginning? "

"Yes, he beat Lin Zhong violently at that time. Lin Zhong was the son of Lin Sheng, the elder of the reward and punishment hall. At that time, Lin Sheng was furious. Fortunately, Lin Xuan ran away."

"How dare he come back now? Do you really want to die? "

"Hum, now that the clan leader is not here, the elder of the Linsheng clan can't spare Lin Xuan. I'm afraid Lin Xuan can't escape this misfortune."

"Come on, let's go and have a look!" At the call of one person, all the Lin family members followed Lin Sheng's reward and punishment hall and ran out to watch the excitement. Lin Yumo was also mixed in the crowd. At the moment, she was full of worry. She couldn't understand why Lin Xuan ran back by herself.

At this time, Lin Xuan was waiting at the gate of the Lin family with a cool face.

Lin Sheng led three elders of reward and punishment hall, and a group of children stormed out from the door, and then a large number of Lin family's children came out from the door. Most people were in the mood of watching a play to see how Lin Sheng would punish Lin Xuan.

Lin Sheng roared at Lin Xuan: "well, you are Lin Xuan. It's natural that you seriously injured your classmates and violated the clan rules! If you don't do it yourself, don't wait for me to do it myself and make you suffer! "

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "I don't know why the clan elder is so angry when he comes up? We have something to say. "

The onlookers of the Lin family laughed at Lin Xuan's words

"Isn't Lin Xuan confused? Do you think the clan elders can spare him? "

"Ha ha, even if he has spiritual cultivation, it's only one period. We Linsheng people are the top experts in the seventh period of spiritual cultivation!"

"For him, Lin Xuan is like an ant at the foot of an elephant. He is extremely fragile."

Lin Sheng had a gloomy face, but now he showed a smile: "do you have something to say? After you've been taken down, it's not too late for you to say anything

After that, he waved: "give it to me!" The three elders of the spiritual cultivation behind him jumped out and immediately prepared to take Lin Xuan.

The elder of the third section of one of the spirits waved his palm with one hand to release the spirit skill.

In front of him, a palm seal gradually condensed, which was exactly the falling cloud palm that Lin Xuan had learned!

I just heard the eldest brother drink "disease!", A few Zhang high handprint rushed to Lin Xuan and exploded directly in front of him!

The shockwave of palmprint stirred up bursts of dust, and people couldn't see Lin Xuan's condition for a moment.

"Can't Lin Xuan be killed by this palm?" The onlookers whispered.

"Hum, even if Lin Xuan doesn't die, he will be seriously injured. He can't even hide for a while. He's a real waste!"

At this time, even Lin Sheng's face is also showing the color of satisfaction. He did not expect that Lin Xuan was waiting to die, and he did not resist.

After the roar, the smoke dispersed, and everyone found that Lin Xuan was still standing there, undamaged!

"What? How can it be The elder who made the move was shocked.

Want to know this falls cloud palm, he has already practiced to great success, urge with all one's strength, this Lin Xuan unexpectedly does not send damage!

At this time, Lin Xuan showed a smile and looked at the elder teasingly, as if to say: "this level?"

"My God! Lin Xuan resisted the spirit skill of the elder

"How can there be a golden light in front of him? Is it a trick? "

It turned out that Lin Xuan was just relying on the body protection barrier of immortal Xuan Scripture to connect the three sections of elder's spiritual skills.

Lin Sheng's old face darkened at once. He ordered out loud: "you three, let's go together!"

Among the three elders, one is the third section of the spirit, and the other is the second section of the two spirits. All three of them began to release their spirit skills. One elder waved his palms, and a blue flame swept away at Lin Xuan. In front of another elder, he condensed countless ice cream. He waved his sleeves together, and the ice cream flashed cold light and sped away. The Third Elder took out a long gun and jumped up to stab Lin Xuan.

Among the onlookers at this time was Lin Zhong. Seeing the three men release their magic skills and rush to Lin Xuan, he can't help but feel elated: "the three elders are so powerful that Lin Xuan is doomed!" He began to laugh at the thought.

At this time, Lin Xuan finally moved. He saw the light flashing at his feet and the shadow step unfolding. The whole person was as fast as lightning and turned into a shadow. At the same time, his palm turned and a Purple Bow suddenly appeared. Lin Xuan pulled three bows in a flash. He saw the power surging and he roared "open!" The three arrows, like thunder, galloped towards the three elders.

After leaving the bow, the arrow suddenly changed from more than one foot wide to several feet long, like a meteor catching up with the moon. The three elders were surprised and rushed to defend. However, only three loud noises were heard. The earth moved and the mountains shook. They spat blood one after another and flew backward. They fell to the ground fiercely. Their life and death were unknown.

When the onlookers saw the scene, it was like a frying pan.

"Is Lin Xuan so strong? Is this still human? "

"My God, this man is really a pervert! Three moves to beat elder Fei. I've never heard or seen such a crush in the same stage! "

And Lin Zhong held his head in both hands: "how could it be... How could it be... How could Lin Xuan defeat the three elders alone..."

However, thinking that Lin Sheng in the sixth paragraph of the spirit has not yet made a move, Lin Zhong immediately calms down: "hum, even if Lin Xuan pretends again, the gap between the first paragraph and the sixth paragraph of the spirit is huge, he will not be my father's opponent in any case!"

Lin Sheng's face was gloomy at this time, as if it were rolling black clouds before the rain. After a while, he finally spoke again.

"Good! Good! Good! Lin Xuan, you really have some strength, but today, let me tell you personally, how worthless your strength is in front of me! I'll step on your face with my feet and tell you, rubbish can only be rubbish forever

Lin Xuan laughed contemptuously: "you old dog, you really won't repent. I'll fight with you. I'm afraid others will say I'm bullying an old trash. That's all. If you want to fight, just come here! "

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