After Lin Xuan defeated Lin Sheng, his spiritual power was exhausted.

But when Lin Xuan was so powerful, all the people who supported Lin Sheng were afraid. For a moment, no one dared to do it.

In fact, Lin Xuan did not expect that Lin Sheng had a medium level spirit skill. Although the spirit skill was incomplete, its power was not affected.

If Lin Sheng used his eagle claws and Lin Xuan's hard power at the beginning, the battle would be more difficult for Lin Xuan. However, Lin Sheng kept it in private. He didn't want to use it as a last resort.

When Lin Sheng decided to use the eagle claw, he was already injured, and his spirit power was far less than Lin Xuan's, so he was broken by Lin Xuan's immortal palm.

Lin Xuan glanced at the crowd and found that Lin Zhong, who had just been there, had already run away. He gave a cold hum and did not choose to catch up with Lin Zhong. Then Lin Xuan took another look at Lin Yumo in the crowd and walked out of the Lin family.

The Lin family got together and was silent for a while. After a while, several people remembered and ran to rescue Lin Sheng and the three elders.

After a big war, Lin Xuan's spiritual power was exhausted and his clothes were in rags. When he came to the Yang family, he looked at the person in charge at the door and went forward.

After he explained his intention, the man in charge at the door immediately said respectfully, "you are Lin Xuan. Our eldest lady has already given orders, please!"

After Lin Xuan entered the Li family, he didn't receive any obstruction because he was led by the steward. He quickly found Li Qin.

Yang Qin is in a daze in front of a potted flower in the room at this time. After hearing the sound, she stands up all of a sudden.

After the person in charge led Lin Xuan in, she asked in surprise: "how did you become like this? Who did you fight with?"

Now Lin Xuan's clothes are in rags, and his hairstyle is also disturbed by the wind because of the speed of the moon shadow step.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and said, "it's OK. I have another fight with the elders of the clan."

Yang Qin said angrily, "you know you're going to cause trouble when you go back to the Lin family."

"Look at your ragged clothes. I'll help you change your clothes first, and then I'll take you to see your little maid. Come on, come on."

Lin Xuan laughed: "thank you, you are considerate."

After changing clothes, Lin Xuan calmly followed Yang Qin to the place where Qingtan lived.

Lin Xuan knocked on the door and asked, "is it Qingtan?"

Inside the door immediately exclaimed: "is it the young master?"

The door was then opened by Qingtan, who called out: "young master!" Immediately rushed up, happily and Lin Xuan hugged together.

Lin Xuan was also very happy. He said with a smile: "Qingtan has grown up and become beautiful."

Then he continued: "cultivation is also gradually growing, you see you are spiritual cultivation 7, Qingtan your cultivation talent is also very high."

Qingtan blushed and said, "thank you, young master. Qingtan has been working hard, but he misses you very much. Young master, how are you recently?"

Lin Xuan laughed: "I am not only good, but also very good. Your young master, I not only broke through the spirit, but also joined the blood weeping sect."

Qingtan said happily: "I knew that young master is the most powerful, ha ha."

After chatting with Qingtan for a while, Qingtan suddenly seemed to think of something and asked: "young master, are you going to leave again soon?"

Lin Xuan said: "well, maybe I'll leave today, but don't worry, Qingtan. I'll come back to see you."

Yang Qin said regretfully beside him: "why don't you stay a little longer, you are leaving today."

Lin Xuan nodded: "well, the three brothers of the Lu family have been killed by me. The master of the Lu family has reached the spiritual master. I can't compete with him. Moreover, I have made such a big noise in the Lin family, so I can't stay here for a long time."

He told Li Qin: "don't worry, I will come back to see you."

Yang Qin also replied: "well, I'll go to join xueqizong after four years, and I'll come to see you then."

Lin Xuan laughed: "OK, but after four years, I don't know if I will be in the blood weeping sect. If I am still there, I hope I can see you."

Qingtan said: "young master, take care." Then she snuffled and started to cry.

Lin Xuan took out a lot of primary and intermediate spirit quenching elixirs for Yang Qin and Qingtan. Then he seemed to think of something again. He rummaged in the storage space, took out some low-level spirit skills for Qingtan, and said to Qingtan, "Qingtan, since your cultivation talent is so high, you should cherish these spirit skills. You can choose some of them for practice on weekdays, Then I have a book about Yirong here. If you want to go out for a walk, you can change your appearance before you start, so that the Lin family won't notice you. "

"Well, you two in star city must pay attention to safety, I'll go."

After that, Lin Xuan didn't stay any longer. He left the Yang family in a flash.


Time has come. At this time, Lin Yumo is quietly looking at the moonlight. He doesn't know what he is thinking. Suddenly, a figure flashed by. Lin Yumo immediately pulled out his sword and yelled, "who?"

But the man easily blocked the sword, and then made a "shush" gesture to Lin Yumo.

Lin Yumo takes a closer look and finds that this person is Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan said: "don't make a noise. I made a lot of noise when I went back to the city this time. I'm going to leave soon."

Lin Yumo said: "well, you come back so suddenly this time. The clan leader Lin Yue is away this time, otherwise he would not let Lin Sheng fight with you."

Lin Xuan nodded: "well, when I was in Tianxing city before, it's not in vain. You remind me everywhere that I have several bottles of quenched elixir here. Take them and use them."

After Lin Yumo accepted it, Lin Xuan continued: "you are making slow progress in the cultivation of the Lin family, but after four years, you should also be promoted to the spirit. At that time, you might as well go to the blood weeping sect. If you join the blood weeping sect, it will help you to improve your cultivation.

Lin Yumo nodded, and Lin Xuan said, "I'm going." Then a flash, disappeared in the vast night.

That night, in addition to Lin Xuan left Tianxing City, there was another figure out of the city. It turned out that this person was Lin Zhong who ran away during the day. After seeing Lin Xuan's great power during the day, Lin Zhong thought to himself: "this Lin Xuan went out for training, his strength can be improved so greatly, and he can defeat my father. Hum, I will go out for training, and I may not be weaker than him in the future!"

Two people out of the city in the opposite direction, both in the vast night left Star City.

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