All the way, Lin Xuan took the moon shadow step and soon returned to the blood weeping sect.

After returning to his residence at the top of the seventy-two peaks, Lin Xuan took a rest, and then his heart moved. In his palm, he found a low-level medium-grade quenched elixir.

"Before, this level of quench elixir can provide me with 300 experience. I don't know if it will change after upgrading the spirit elixir." Lin xuansi cableway.

But just after Lin Xuan ate the quenched elixir, the system suddenly made a sound.

"Drop! Since you are advanced to the spirit, the immortal Sutra is upgraded to the spirit chapter at the same time. In this chapter, you need to refine and improve your mental power if you want to improve your experience

"Mental power..." Lin Xuan had guessed for a long time that maybe there would be changes after upgrading to the spirit. At this time, he found that the word "experience value" in the system panel had changed from blue to green.

"Well... It seems that I need to find a way to improve my mental strength." Lin xuansi cableway.

"It's time to refine some elixirs to improve mental power."

Lin Xuan had a treasure of medicine God and a white jade heaven and earth tripod. He had the experience of alchemy before, and successfully refined some low-level and middle-level pills.

In the aspect of alchemy, Lin Xuan didn't worry about it. What he lacks now are points and spirit stones.

"It seems that I need to go to the trading hall to get some tasks and earn some points." Lin Xuan said to himself.

"Do you want to find some people to work with?" Lin Xuan thought.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Xuan gave up the idea. For the first time, he decided to go alone.

He then went down the mountain to the trading hall of the third peak.

After arriving at the third peak, Lin Xuan found that there were still a lot of people here. On the stone steps and open space, many people were setting up stalls. He could hardly move under the crowd.

"Let's go! Please step aside Lin Xuan left flash right flash, painstakingly through the stalls and the crowd, came to the trading hall in the mountain gate.

At the beginning, Zhang Sihai once introduced to him that the trading hall is divided into nine levels, with the difficulty level of tasks that can be received on the first to third levels being "simple", the difficulty level of tasks on the fourth to sixth levels being "medium", and the difficulty level of tasks on the seventh to ninth levels being "difficult".

In short, as the number of layers increases, the difficulty of the task increases in turn.

Lin Xuan thought for a while, and thought that with his current strength, he could start from the task of medium difficulty, and then he ascended the fourth level slowly.

On the fourth floor, there is a one meter high rectangular platform built of stone. Behind the platform stands a middle-aged man with a beard. He is the person in charge of this floor.

Behind him, there was a huge smooth yellow wall. On the wall, there were many flashing signs, each with a brief introduction of the task.

If a disciple takes a task, the corresponding task card will be taken off. If the disciple fails to complete the task, hang up the card again.

Lin Xuan looked at the tasks above and found that there were many kinds of tasks, and there were many tasks to choose from.

"Task 1: escort the Jinma chamber of Commerce to deliver a batch of goods, and pass through Heifeng Valley halfway. There are many mountain bandits in the valley, and most of them are spiritual cultivation. After completing the task, the recommended cultivation is: more than three sections of the spirit. Recommended number: 3 or more. Bonus points: 2000 points.".

"Task 2: pick two Ganoderma lucidum. This thing grows in the lake at the edge of the shadow forest, and is guarded by medium level monsters. Suggested accomplishments for completing the task: more than one period of spirit. Suggested number: unlimited bonus points: 500 points.".

The shadow forest is also a spirit beast forest next to qixuezong. It is said that there are high-level monsters in the center.


Lin Xuan watched for a while, and finally locked the target on the seventh task.

"Task 7: get the unicorn of the medium level monster black rhinoceros. This monster is distributed in the northwest of the shadow forest. Most of them live in groups. Their skin is hard and their strength is comparable to that of the spirit 5. Practitioners complete the task. Recommended accomplishments: spirit 5 or more. Recommended number: unlimited bonus points: 3000 points."

He came to the man in charge and said, "I want the No.7 mission to kill the medium level medium grade monster black Lingxi."

The man in charge looked up at Lin Xuan, then turned his mouth and said suspiciously: "you? You only have a period of cultivation of the spirit. This black spirit can fight against the medium level monsters of the spirit. Are you sure? "

Lin Xuan nodded with a smile and said, "sure, I'll take this task."

At this moment, a rude voice came from behind Lin Xuan: "hum, I think your brain is broken."

Lin Xuan looked back and found that he was a strong man who was more than 1.9 meters tall and stood behind him like an iron tower. Judging from the fluctuation of his spiritual power, he had five stages of cultivation.

The big man laughed and said: "you, the scum of the spirit, dare to come to the fourth floor. I'm a good man. I'll remind you that if you are wise, you'll give me the task and go to the first floor to find it."

Lin Xuan turned his mouth and asked, "who are you?"

The big man said, "listen to me, my name is Zhou mang. My strength is probably dozens of times stronger than your waste wood. Don't you let me out of the task as soon as possible?"

Lin Xuan laughs: "is it dozens of times better than me? Then why don't you go to the ninth floor to pick up the assignment? "

Then the man's face changed. He pointed to Lin Xuan with his hand and said, "how dare you say something to me

Lin Xuan didn't care: "why, do you want to fight?"

Although the disciples of Qixue sect are allowed to challenge each other, it is only based on the fact that new people can challenge their predecessors. Moreover, fighting is forbidden inside the temple gate.

For a moment, the great man stopped talking and pointed to Lin Xuan and said, "you... You..."

Lin Xuan did not continue to talk to this person, he and the person in charge said: "hurry up, change the task for me."

Seeing this, the man in charge of the time had to hand over the task to Lin Xuan, who pressed three thousand spirit stones for the task.

Seeing that Lin Xuan ignored him, the big man was very angry. He wanted to teach Lin Xuan a lesson, but he didn't dare to do it inside the hall.

At this time, he had no choice but to yell at Lin Xuan with a black line on his face: "what's your name, you spirit, how dare you look down on me? You wait for me, and I'll have your good fruit. "

Lin Xuan didn't want to pay attention to the man, so he turned around and walked out of the trading hall.

After going out of the trading hall, Lin Xuan wanted to go directly to the shadow forest to do the task, but what he didn't expect was that he met two old acquaintances outside.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, Lin Xuan saw Shen MuQing and Shen Yan walking side by side. He didn't want to meet them. He immediately smeared oil on the soles of his feet and wanted to leave. But at this time, he was found by Shen Yan.

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