After seeing Lin Xuan, Shen Yan quickly patted Shen MuQing and said to her, "third sister! You see that Lin Xuan is coming! "

Shen MuQing is wearing a light blue dress today. She is graceful and graceful. She has a beautiful face like a fairy.

After seeing Lin Xuan, she said to Shen Yan with a smile, "let's go and say hello."

Shen Yan smell speech, immediately ran up, toward Lin Xuan Baoquan: "Lin Xuan elder brother."

Lin Xuan stopped and asked suspiciously, "who are you? I don't seem to know you

Shen Yan said, "I'm Shen Yan from the Shen family in Luofeng city. This is my third sister Shen MuQing. On that day, I and I watched you show your skills on the ladder, and your spiritual cultivation actually reached more than 80 levels. I really admire you."

Lin Xuan pretended to suddenly realize: "Oh, it's the two Tianjiao of Shen family in Luofeng city. I've heard so much about them."

Shen Yan continued: "brother Lin Xuan, I once met a young talent in Luofeng city. His behavior is very similar to yours. His name is Xuanmu. I don't know if you've ever heard of him."

Lin Xuan's face was as usual when he heard the words. He immediately denied: "who is Xuanmu? I don't know at all

But at this time, Lin Xuan's eyes were subtle. Although Shen MuQing didn't open her mouth, she just stared at him quietly, which made Lin Xuan feel numb.

She said with a smile: "brother Lin Xuan, don't worry. I just said it casually. By the way, brother Lin Xuan went to the trading hall to get the task?"

When Lin Xuan heard Shen MuQing changing the topic, he was finally relieved and said, "it's true. I just got a task of hunting monsters on the fourth floor."

Shen Yan immediately said with regret: "Alas, it's a pity. I still want to work with brother Lin Xuan."

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "no, no, my accomplishments are low. I'm working with brother Shen. I'm afraid it's going to drag brother Shen down."

Shen Yan politely replied: "how can it be, brother Lin, next time we have a chance to do the task together."

Shen MuQing said at this time: "brother Lin Xuan, let's leave first." Then he bowed to Lin Xuan.

Shen MuQing's natural beauty has attracted many people's attention. As soon as she bowed to Lin Xuan, many people began to talk about it

"This man is just a spirit. Why did the beautiful woman bow to him?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. I know this man. His name is Lin Xuan. Although he is only a spiritual person, he has reached more than 80 levels in the entrance test. He is really a gorgeous and amazing person."

"Hum, no matter how he blows it, it's just a spiritual part. I think he's just pretending here."

After hearing these words, Lin Xuan also had a bitter smile. He didn't want to delay here and left the trading hall quickly.

After saying goodbye to Lin Xuan, Shen Yan said, "when you hear the word 'Xuanmu', Lin Xuan's reaction doesn't seem to have changed. Can't we really recognize the wrong person?"

Shen MuQing said with a smile: "since he doesn't want to admit it, he will do as he wishes. I didn't expose it on the spot, but I can't hide it from my eyes. It must be him."

"Well? Is it really him? This Lin Xuan did me a terrible job at the beginning. It made me face the wall for three months. I'm so angry. "

Shen Yan seems to think of something, said: "three younger sister, Lin Xuan is Xuan wood this matter, we still don't say out.". After all, we are old with him now. If we tell him, Lin Xuan will be in big trouble. The people in Luohuang city won't let him go! "

Shen MuQing nodded: "let's go." They left immediately.

After leaving the trading hall, Lin Xuangang wanted to go straight to the shadow forest, but suddenly stopped. It turned out that he noticed that there was a faint aura of spiritual power behind him. He sneered and ignored it. Then he went to the shadow forest.


The shadow forest is not far from qixuezong, only a few hundred miles away. The forest area is not small, with trees and lakes. There are two volcanoes in the center, but they have not erupted for many years. Outside the forest are mostly low-level and middle-level monsters. It is said that there are higher-level monsters in the forest.

Lin Xuan urged moon shadow step, the wind burst, soon walked dozens of miles, but he suddenly stopped at this time.

After waiting for a while, Lin Xuan suddenly yelled: "don't hide, come out!" Then he shot a cloud palm and smashed a huge stone behind him.

With the sound of "boom", the huge stone fell apart under the palm. As the dust dispersed, a figure appeared behind. It turned out that this person was Zhou mang whom Lin Xuan met in the trading hall.

At this time, Zhou mang was surprised, but he didn't have any panic.

He walked slowly to Lin Xuan and asked, "how do you know I'm here?"

Lin Xuan disdained: "hum, just don't show off in front of me."

At this time, Zhou mang suddenly laughed. Later, he said to Lin Xuan with a proud face: "what if you find me? Son of a bitch, this is no longer a blood weeping sect. You want to be a turtle with a shrunken head. I'm afraid you can't do it any more. "

Lin Xuan spread his hand and said, "how are you going to be?"

Zhou mang said angrily, "please give me your spirit stone and knock your head three times. I'm in a good mood. Maybe I'll let you live. Hum, don't wait for me to do it myself. I'll break your tendon and fracture you. At that time, you won't have a chance to ask my grandfather to sue my grandmother!"

At this time, Lin Xuan suddenly asked, "how many years have you come to qixuezong?"

Zhou mang was stunned for a moment, then said: "four years, what's the matter?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I thought you were new here. Sure enough, you are always a fool. You've been here for several years."

After Zhou mang was teased, he was furious: "well, you little son of a bitch, I'll take care of you!"

After that, Zhou Mang's spirit power surged. He clenched his fist with one hand and roared: "look at my spirit skill - giant spirit fist!"

In front of him, a fist of how big a person is gradually condensed into shape, and the golden light on the fist flows, which is very powerful.

Zhou mang said triumphantly: "to deal with such goods as you, one punch is enough." With his single fist, the golden giant fist also rushed to Lin Xuan!

Lin Xuan laughed and said, "come on!", His palm move, directly issued a palm thunder. A blue thunderbolt, like a dragon, rushed to the giant fist.

Fist thunder intersection, only to see that the blue lightning continued, even the giant fist forced back and forth!

Zhou mang immediately surprised: "how is this possible?"

Lin Xuan roared: "broken!" I saw the lightning in the spirit power blessing, even through the golden giant fist, straight to Zhou mang! At this time, Lin Xuan's palm thunder has been trained to perfection, and his power can be said to be very powerful!

Zhou Mang's face became gloomy gradually. He didn't expect that Lin Xuan could have such strength.

Just listen to him shout: "boy, don't give me rampant!"

Then Zhou mang made a second move. He waved his hands together and roared: "giant bear's paw!"

At this time, Zhou mang finally took out his good skill. There was a huge brown paw print in the air. He slapped it from the top to the bottom. The huge palm was several times bigger than his previous fist. In a moment, he smashed the blue lightning! Then the palmprint kept on beating Lin Xuan!

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