Lin Xuanxin read a move, and the Yellow Dragon Sword appeared in an instant. He held the knife in both hands and waved a light chop across the wind. It was the first style of the cross cutting sword technique - horizontal sky chop!

The light is golden and sharp, whistling at the bear's paw.

At this time, Zhou mang saw the light chop, and he laughed with no care: "you're such a rubbish trick, in front of my giant bear's paw, it's just..."

Before Zhou Mang's words were heard, the light chop had already compared with the palm print. The light chop instantly cut the bear's paw print into two parts, and then flew to Zhou mang.

Zhou mang was shocked and looked at the light chopper coming. He yelled, "earth wall technique!"

In front of Zhou Mang, a yellow wall rose in a flash, but Lin Xuan's light cut was extremely powerful. After he cut the wall, he sent out a roar and cut it apart.

Zhou mang was also hit by the debris of a wall. He spat blood at his mouth, flew away and fell to the ground.

Lin Xuan walked over with a smile and asked, "you won't be at this level, will you?"

At this time, Zhou mang no longer had the original momentum. He supported the ground with one hand, pointed to Lin Xuan and said: "this, how can this be, you..."

Lin Xuan didn't want to talk nonsense with Zhou mang at this time, so he repeated what Zhou mang had just said to him, and said, "please hand over your spirit stone treasure. Maybe I'm in a good mood..."

Zhou mang was very angry at this time, but he had no choice but to say: "good boy, a spirit is so powerful. It's really like playing a pig and eating a tiger. I've got 50000 spirit stones, a little primary pill and a bottle of intermediate pill. I've given them all to you!"

With a wave of his hand, a storage bag flew into Lin Xuan's hands.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "I'm in a good mood. Go away." Zhou mang got up quickly, patted his ass and ran away.

However, after running far away, Zhou mang suddenly turned back and said with a smile: "hum, good boy, do you really think my spirit stone is so easy to take? Hum, wait for me. It's not over

Zhou mang was afraid that Lin Xuan would catch up with him and left in a hurry.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan laughs. He doesn't care about it and doesn't want to chase him. He murmurs: "ha ha, my favorite is a man with courage. I hope you can bring a good spirit stone next time and make me rich again."

Then, Lin Xuan turned to enter the shadow forest.

Lin Xuan found that the trees in the forest were luxuriant, many of them were more than ten meters high, and they were very strong, so it took two people to hold them down. There are monkey jumping from tree to tree, and some small animals can be seen occasionally on the ground.

With the gradual deepening, Lin Xuan gradually found the figure of some low-level monsters, but he did not delay, quickly ran to the northwest corner where the black rhinoceros was.

Originally, it was very difficult to find a kind of monster in the forest, but in the northwest of the shadow forest, there was a huge lake. Many herbivores would go to the lake to drink water, which also provided an opportunity for Lin Xuan to find the black rhinoceros.

At the moment, he was sitting on a big tree beside the lake, quietly watching the monsters who came to drink water by the lake.

"Why? There is even a middle-level monster chasing the wind horse in the forest. It is said that this horse runs with all its strength and is as fast as Yukong. It's the best choice for monks to mount it. " Lin Xuan looked at a group of white horses and sighed.

But just as the horses were drinking, a black shadow rushed out of the grass like lightning and rushed to the horses!

Lin Xuan was surprised. He had never seen such a fast monster!

The horses were so frightened by the monster that they ran around and raised up the dust. At this time, Lin Xuancai saw clearly that the black shadow was a demon leopard.

Looking at the extremely fast demon leopard, Lin Xuan couldn't help thinking:

"It seems that the speed of the demon leopard is faster than that of the wind chasing horse. Do you want to make one to be used as a mount?"

But soon he gave up the idea, because looking at the thin leopard, Lin Xuan estimated that if he used it as a mount, he would be bumped up and down. And although the demon leopard is fast, its endurance is far less than that of the wind chasing horse.

Moreover, at this time, black rhinoceros has not appeared, he does not want to act rashly.

In the afternoon, Lin Xuan finally saw the first batch of black rhinoceros. They were about eight or nine heads. They were all black. They were not small and looked rough and fleshy.

Lin Xuan hesitated for a moment, but he didn't do it, because the quantity of these rhinoceros is too much, so it is very likely that he will fail to do it rashly.

After waiting for a while, Lin Xuan finally saw a black rhinoceros appear alone and ran to the lake to drink water.

He immediately overjoyed, immediately turned down the tree, and slowly approached the black rhinoceros.

However, the monster was very alert when he drank water. When Lin Xuan came near, he turned his ear, then suddenly raised his head to look at Lin Xuan and roared in his mouth.

After he was found, Lin Xuan was very embarrassed. He didn't have time to say hello to the monster. He saw that the palm of his hand was turned, and the huanglongdao was in his hand. The immortal xuanjing in his body was running at full speed, and he directly and fiercely cleaved to the rhinoceros.

The black rhinoceros's spirit power was surging. He lowered his head and pointed at Lin Xuan with his one horn. Like a heavy tank, he launched a sprint.

Lin Xuan's yellow dragon knife fiercely cleaved to the black rhinoceros's horn, but the monster's horn was very hard, and its impact was very huge, so Lin Xuan's whole body was directly pushed away.

"Boom" of a, two people collide of time sent out a burst of loud noise, other drink water of monster all surprised raised a head, look toward Lin Xuan this side.

Lin Xuan suddenly fell back in the past, although there is immortal gold body protection, but also was thrown to show his teeth, very painful.

Lin Xuan, who got up again, decided to make a quick decision. Holding the Huanglong sword, he jumped up and directly used the second style of the cross cutting sword technique, the soul breaking style. A huge light chop flew by.

The black rhinoceros didn't know how to use his magic skills, so he continued to charge Lin Xuan. However, in front of the powerful medium level magic skills, the black rhinoceros directly flew up and fell heavily on the ground. There were bursts of roars in his mouth, which obviously hurt him.

However, this also surprised Lin Xuan. The method of horizontal cutting didn't kill this monster, which was enough to show his strong defense.

It seems that the monster's frontal impact and defense are good. The weakness should be in the side. Lin xuansi cableway.

At this time, he burst out all his spiritual power, and at the same time, he performed the moon shadow step, and came to the side of the black rhinoceros. Then he roared: "supernatural power - giant power", and his spiritual power suddenly soared. Then he directly performed the third move of the cross cutting sword technique - Mountain splitting move! The strength of this chopping is more than twice as strong as that of the last time. With a huge sound, the black rhinoceros was directly killed!

However, Lin Xuan's task was only half finished. He had to find a way to cut off the horn of the monster. He came to the black rhinoceros, and the immortal Sutra in his body ran at a high speed, and he cut off the horn with the yellow dragon knife.

However, the beast's horn was very strong. Lin Xuanyun made every effort to chop several swords, and finally cut a little crack.

He sighed: "this horn is too hard. I can't stand it. I wish I had a smaller weapon."

After working hard on the horn for a long time, Lin Xuan finally cut it off. After receiving it into the storage space, he was ready to go back to qixuezong.

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