After getting the horn of the black rhinoceros, Lin Xuan didn't want to delay. He immediately started the moon shadow step and prepared to go back to the blood weeping sect that night.

Just as Lin Xuan was on his way out of the forest, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

"Someone!" Lin Xuan immediately flashed and ran to hide in the nearby trees.

At this time, a figure flashed by and ran forward quickly. Lin Xuan saw the man's face through the moonlight and found that he knew the man. He was Lin Yu, the young master of the Lin family!

At this time, Lin Yu was in a panic. He covered his right arm and ran quickly. It seemed that he was avoiding someone.

And behind him, there were two people running after him. They were carrying swords, as if they were chasing Lin Yu.

Lin Xuan's heart read a move, this Lin Yu had been kind to him, now look at this situation, Lin Yu seems to be in trouble, Lin Xuan immediately urged the moon shadow step, followed up.

The two men behind Lin Yu are one high and one low. The higher one is ready to use his magic skills while chasing. In front of him, a huge icicle is forming. He just shouts "go!" That icicle then hurtles Lin Yu to fiercely fly past!

When Lin Yu saw the icicle, it seemed that he had used some defensive skills. A protective barrier appeared behind him. However, his spiritual power was insufficient, and the barrier could not defend against the icicle,

A little contact, it was icicles hit to pieces.

Seeing the icicle flying in front of him, Lin Yu had to use his sword to stop him. He just heard him shout. He was hit by the icicle and flew out. He hit a tree heavily and groaned in his mouth.

The two men rushed to Lin Yu. The short man pulled out his sword and chopped at Lin Yu fiercely.

At this time, Lin Xuan, who had been following him all the time, made a move. He was like the wind and flashed directly in front of Lin Yu.

The short man was surprised to find that there was one more person in front of Lin Yu, but he still waved his sword.

At this time, Lin Xuanxin read a move, directly took out the yellow dragon knife, aimed at the short man's sword to split in the past.

The swords and swords intersected. Under Lin Xuan's full force, the short man only felt a huge force coming from the opposite side. He stepped back seven or eight steps to stabilize his figure.

Lin Xuan turned around and asked Lin Yu, "are you ok? Who are these two people?"

Seeing Lin Xuan's face, Lin Yu was surprised and asked, "is it Lin Xuan? Why are you here? "

However, he knew that this was not the time for reminiscence, and immediately said: "my companion and I were on a mission. Just after killing the monster, these two men rushed to fight against me. My companion was dead, and I escaped here..."

Lin Xuan had almost understood the situation at this time. It was estimated that the opposite person was a robber and a fierce bandit. He had done a lot of evil in the shadow forest, and now he just hit him.

The two of them looked at Lin Xuan, and the tall man said with a smile: "young man, I think you are so young. You should also be a blood weeping sect. I advise you to leave quickly. Don't ask for trouble. You are just a spiritual man. Don't waste your life."

Lin Xuan didn't answer. He put the Huanglong sword on the ground, and his whole body was full of spirit. He said to them faintly: "don't talk nonsense, you two go together."

The two people looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. One of them said, "well, well, you're a spiritual one. You dare to fight with us two spiritual five. You have backbone and loyalty. But I'm afraid you've chosen the wrong opponent."

Lin Xuan shook his head and sighed.

"What are you sighing for?" one person asked

Lin Xuan said: "I see you two are so poor. I really don't know how you two practice to the fifth section of the spirit!"

The tall man on the opposite side was very angry. He yelled: "don't talk nonsense, boy, look at the move!"

After that, he began to use his dexterity. In front of him, the icicle that he had just shot was condensing, while the short man rushed over with a long sword.

Lin Xuan knew that he had to defeat the man in front of him first, or he would face the dilemma of being attacked on both sides when the tall man used his magic skills.

He roared: "magic power - Juli!" Under the blessing of the supernatural power, he waves the Huanglong sword and rushes forward to fight with the short man. Lin Xuan is stronger than his opponent under the blessing of the supernatural power at this time. When the swords and swords intersect for the first time, the short man is forced to step back by the huge force coming from the opposite side. He just wants to lift the sword again. Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan has already jumped up high at this time and suddenly splits out a cross cutting sword.

The short man held the sword to block, but he was shocked by the light cut, and the long sword got rid of him, and the whole man also flew up.

At this time, the tall icicle had been condensed and flew to Lin Xuan. Lin Yu roared: "be careful!"

At this time, the weapon in Lin Xuan's hand was changed from the Huanglong sword to a purple bow. When the icicle came, he quickly pulled the bow string. A green arrow in the bow formed quickly and ran away at the icicle. After the arrow came out of the bow, it immediately became several feet long. After colliding with the icicle, it made a loud noise, which directly shattered the icicle and killed the green arrow.

Lin Xuangang wants to go up again, but the two people on the other side are already flustered. After they feel Lin Xuan's strength, they feel that they are not sure of winning.

The short man yelled "get out!" Then he ran to the nearby woods, and the tall man quickly backed away.

Lin Xuan wanted to chase him, but Lin Yu was injured here, and they ran away separately. He didn't dare to chase them at will, so he had to bow and shoot another arrow, but he couldn't stop them from running away.

After they ran away, Lin Xuan came to Lin Yu and saw that he was pale and obviously hurt a lot. Then he took out a big returning pill from the storage space and handed it to him. He told Lin Yu, "this pill can cure the injury. You should eat it first."

After swallowing the pill, Lin Yu's complexion improved obviously. He stood up with the help of Lin Xuan. Just as he wanted to speak, Lin Xuan said, "don't talk. Let's get out of the forest first. You can still go."

Lin Yu nodded, then got up and walked out of the forest with Lin Xuan.

Although they were not moving fast, under the protection of Lin Xuan, they finally returned to the blood crying sect. After Lin Xuan inquired, he knew that Lin Yu lived on the fifty peaks. After he sent Lin Yu back to his residence, he asked, "how do you feel now?"

Lin Yu replied: "I'm afraid it will take more than a month to recuperate this time. Alas, it's really a heavy loss this time."

Lin Xuan replied, "don't worry. Although they ran away this time, they won't be so lucky if they meet again next time."

He took out some pills from the storage space and said to Lin Yu, "I live at the top of the 72 peak. You should have a good rest first. After a period of time, you can go to the 72 peak to find me."

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