After unlocking the second primitive rune, Lin Xuan began to study it.

At this time, he can draw a complete picture of the rune in the void, and also understand the function of the rune.

It turns out that the second primitive Rune of the towering atlas is used to transmit sound. By drawing this Rune on a special paper, Lin Xuan could also make notes.

At this time, Lin Xuan was very happy, because he knew that this note could not only be used by himself, but also if it was made and sold in batches, it would undoubtedly bring him a lot of Lingshi income.

The notes can be divided into two groups or multiple groups. People who carry the same group of notes can transmit sounds within a certain distance, such as 5 Li, 10 Li, etc. of course, the notes can be used for a certain number of times, so it is impossible to transmit sounds indefinitely.

For people in the clan, the role of this note transmission is very huge. For example, when two people go out to do a task, they can communicate with each other in a long distance, and they can let their teammates know what's going on in the first time. Therefore, this note has always been one of the best-selling products in the clan, and because the number of array pattern masters is very rare, the number of notes sold on the market is not much, and the price is very expensive.

Lin Xuan immediately went out to buy a batch of Rune paper, and then he began to make notes. At the beginning, he was slow in drawing, but as he became more proficient, he was able to draw more than 30 notes a day.

However, in terms of Lin Xuan's present mental strength, drawing more than 30 pieces a day is already his limit.

A few days later, he had drawn 50 or 60 pieces, and then he was ready to go to the trading hall and set up a stall to sell notes.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Xuan started early. He wanted to occupy a good place to set up a stall early. After he came to the trading hall in a hurry, he found that many people had already set up their own stalls.

"These people are so early." Lin Xuan sighed. It seems that his idea of occupying a better position has failed, but Lin Xuan is not worried about it. He thinks it's not difficult to sell his notes, and it's OK to find a similar position.

Lin Xuan looks around and finally decides where to set up his stall. Just as he sets up his stall and is ready to start selling, a middle-aged fat man comes to Lin Xuan.

He said to Lin Xuan, "young man, is this your first time to set up a stall?"

Lin Xuan replied, "yes, I'm here for the first time. What's the matter?"

The fat man said to Lin Xuan, "to set up a stall in the trading hall, you need to pay 500 spirit stones a day. After that, I'll give you a permission to set up a stall here."

Lin Xuan was not surprised, because he knew that the trading hall was unlikely to set up a stall for free, but he said to the fat man, "wait a minute, I'll ask the people next to me."

After that, Lin Xuan ran to ask the people who set up the stall beside him: "brother, do you have to pay 500 spirit stones every day to set up the stall here?"

After getting the man's affirmative answer, Lin Xuan continued to ask: "in addition to the 500 spirit stone, do you need to pay other fees?"

The man said with a smile, "no need."

Lin Xuan thought that his notes should be able to sell a lot, so it's OK to pay 500 spirit stone, so he handed 500 spirit stone to fat man.

This time Lin Xuan brought about 30 pieces of Chuanyin, and the cheapest price was about 1000 Lingshi. He wanted to see the effect of the sale first, and if he sold well, he would go back and draw two more.

As the sun rose, the people in front of the trading hall gradually increased, and Lin Xuan immediately began to shout out: "selling music notes! Good quality and low price, a minimum price of only 1000 stone! The farthest sound transmission can reach 20 miles! "

His shouting soon caught the attention of others.

A monk of the third passage of the spirit came and asked, "what's the quality of your notes?"

Lin Xuan immediately picked up one and said, "the quality is very good. If you don't believe it, you can have a try with this one."

The friar was dubious. He picked up the phonetic symbol and tried it for a while. He found that it could really transmit sound. So he continued to ask, "how far can you pass this note? You just said that the farthest can be 20 Li?"

Lin Xuan replied with a smile: "my notes can be divided into three types, which are 5 Li, 10 Li and 20 Li. The farther the sound is, the more expensive it is. Which one do you want to buy?

The friar said, "twenty Li, but can it really spread that far?"

Lin Xuan said: "if you don't believe it, you can take this Rune and run more than ten miles away. Let's have a try."

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, the friar said, "OK, just a moment." After that, he did his best and ran more than ten miles away. When he was nearly 20 miles away, he stopped and used the note to shout to Lin Xuan: "can you hear me?"

Lin Xuan replied with a smile: "of course, you can hear it. How about it? It's true that the notes can pass 20 Li."

After the monk returned, he immediately bought three notes, and Lin Xuanli made more than 4000 spirit stones.

It's easy to make money!

The friar said to Lin Xuan, "brother, the quality of your notes is good, and the price is low. Generally speaking, if you can pass notes for 20 Li, you have to sell at least two thousand spirit stones. You've got five hundred spirit stones cheaper. It's really affordable."

After that, several monks visited Lin Xuan's stall. Because of his good quality and low price, many people were willing to pay for it. In the whole morning, Lin Xuan sold more than ten notes and made more than ten thousand spirit stones.

In the afternoon, perhaps because of the word of mouth of the people who bought it before, more and more people came to buy the notes, and even lined up for some time, so Lin Xuan soon sold out the 30 notes he had brought.

Lin Xuan thought: "now my mental strength has improved a lot. I can draw more than 30 notes a day. In this way, I can earn more than 30000 spirit stones every day. In addition to 500 stalls, the cost of Rune paper is only about 1000 spirit stones, which is very cost-effective."

After that, he decided to continue selling notes. He said to the monks who still wanted to buy notes, "don't worry. I will continue to set up a stall tomorrow. You can still buy what you want tomorrow."

In the next few days, Lin Xuan continued to take notes to the trading hall to buy them. There was an endless stream of people who bought his notes, and often his fu sold out in the morning. Later, Lin Xuan used the afternoon to buy Rune paper and draw the notes that he needed to sell the next day.

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