As the sun rose, there were more and more people in front of the trading hall. Lin Xuan was thick skinned and didn't care about anything. Then he began to yell out loud: "it's time to sell music notes! Good quality, low price, the lowest price of a ten mile note is only a thousand stone! There are more excellent 20 mile notes. It only needs two thousand spirit stones. Have a look. Don't miss it when you pass by... "

Lin Xuan was deeply poisoned by the sound peddling in the streets and alleys of his previous life. At this moment, he said it without stopping, which surprised many people.

His shouting soon caught the attention of others.

A monk of the third passage of the spirit came and asked, "what's the quality of your notes?"

Lin Xuan immediately picked up one and said, "the quality is very good. It can be used for at least two months. If you don't believe it, you can buy two and have a try."

The friar was dubious. He picked up the note and looked at it. He found that there were some lines in it. So he continued to ask, "how far can you pass this note? You just said that the farthest can be 20 Li?"

Lin Xuan replied with a smile: "my notes can be divided into three types, which are 5 Li, 10 Li and 20 Li. The farther the sound is, the more expensive it is. Which one do you want to buy?

The friar said, "twenty Li, but can it really spread that far?"

Lin Xuan said: "if you don't believe it, you can take this Rune and run more than ten miles away. Let's have a try."

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, the friar said, "OK, just a moment." After that, he quickly engraved his mental imprint in the notes, and then used his dexterity to run more than ten miles away. When he was close to 20 miles away, he stopped and used the notes to shout to Lin Xuan: "can you hear me?"

Lin Xuan replied with a smile in front of many onlookers: "of course, you can hear it. How about it? It can really spread 20 Li."

After the monk returned, he immediately bought three notes, and Lin Xuan immediately got six thousand spirit stones.

Throwing away the cost, he made five thousand spirit stones. He suddenly moved in his heart and exclaimed, "this is a huge profit industry!"

The friar said to Lin Xuan, "brother, the quality of your notes is good, and the price is low. Generally, if you can pass notes for 20 Li, you have to sell at least 2500 spirit stones. You can get 500 spirit stones cheaper. It's really affordable."

After that, several monks visited Lin Xuan's stall. Because of his good quality and low price, many people were willing to pay for it. Throughout the morning, Lin Xuan sold 15 pieces of all kinds of terraces to pass notes, earning more than 20000 spirit stones.

In the afternoon, maybe because of the word of mouth of the people who bought it before, more and more people came to buy it, and even lined up for a period of time. In this way, Lin Xuan soon sold out all the notes he brought, and there was no one left!

Lin Xuan thought: "now my mental strength has improved a lot. I can draw more than 30 pieces of 20li notes a day. Later, I will not sell the low-grade notes. In this way, I can earn 60000 spirit stones every day. In addition to the cost of 500 stalls per day, I only need to spend about 10000 spirit stones on the materials, and I can earn 50000 spirit stones per day, I dare not even think about it. This business must go on. "

As for why it doesn't sell for 50 Li, the main reason is that the success rate of this thing is not as high as that of 20 Li, and the materials need high-quality spiritual jade. The cost of a piece of material alone needs 6000 or 7000 spirit stones. After several failures, all the money earned in one day will be wasted.

It can't be sold until Lin Xuan is familiar with it.

Then he had a decision in his heart and said to the monks who still wanted to buy: "don't worry, I will continue to set up a stall tomorrow. You can still buy what you want tomorrow."

In the next few days, when Lin Xuan was full of mental energy every day, he not only had to refine the concentrate pill, but also made notes. He worked overtime. He only succeeded in passing 20 notes a day, one third lower than he had expected!

But even so, Lin Xuan also made a lot of money. There was an endless stream of people who bought his notes, and often his fu sold out in the morning. After that, Lin xuangen didn't have to wait another day. He could use the afternoon and evening to continue to draw the engraved notes.

In a few days, Lin Xuan soon earned nearly 200000 spirit stones, which was pure profit. His speed was amazing.

"This business is too easy to make money. If I rely on this speed, I can get the resources for the promotion of the second section of lingzhe very soon, and the promotion is just around the corner!"

On the seventh day when Lin Xuan was setting up a stall, he was Hawking as usual. There were a lot of people in front of the stall. All of them talked and talked. Many of them followed the advice of their friends. This place is of high quality and low price.

"Younger martial brother Lin, these two are my best friends. This time I heard that it's so cheap for me to buy younger martial brother Lin's notes. I have to bring them here. Hey, younger martial brother Lin, I'm a regular customer too. You should take care of them more!"

An elder martial brother of the spirit four sections walked up to Lin Xuan and said with a smile.

Lin Xuan naturally heard the implication of this man's words, but he shook his head and said: "this elder martial brother, how can I break the rules here at will? It's not fair to others. I always believe in equal treatment. Moreover, younger martial brother, I just earn a little hard money, so I can't be any cheaper!"

Now it's a seller's market. Although he's not the only one selling musical notes, Lin Xuan is still the only one selling musical symbols at such a low price. He doesn't have to worry about sales.

The elder martial brother's face was stiff and embarrassed.

However, this elder martial brother is not discouraged. After all, bargaining still needs to be done step by step.

Then, he spoke a few times, but Lin Xuan's position never changed, a pair of you want to buy, don't buy away, bargain free expression!

At this moment, the elder martial brother was unable to come down. He didn't expect that he would say that Lin Xuan didn't come in, which made him feel ill.

"Younger martial brother Lin Xuan, we are from the same family. We should support each other. We will take care of your business, and younger martial brother should make more profits for us." Seeing that Lin Xuan didn't want to do what he did, the elder martial brother immediately wanted to take the onlookers with him and let Lin Xuan make a profit.

As soon as he said this, other people around the stall also looked at each other and laughed. Everyone wanted to spend less money. Now some people stand up for their welfare. Even if some people look down on this person's haggling, they can't refute it on the surface. Most of them agree.

"Hahaha, elder martial brother, this is true. Lin Xuan, you and I are all from the same family. Besides, you are not the only one in the business of passing notes. We can take care of your business. Not to say you are grateful, at least we should make it cheaper for us."

"Yes, there's no reason not to bargain in business. Lin Xuan, you see, I don't want to go back empty handed when so many people come here, and we don't want to let you lose money. Well, 1500 spirit stones, everyone sitting here will support you, and it's a good relationship!"

"Yes, Lin Xuan, don't mistake yourself. Many elder martial brothers are here today. They still have to give face."

Lin Xuan sneered at the constant flow of such words. These people are really shameless. They just look at him as helpless and new to the spirit. They look like bullies.

For others there, how can there be such a forced scene!

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