Just these people, I'm afraid they've come to the wrong place!

Lin Xuan had never seen a big scene. He had no fear of the hidden threat of these people. He had a calm face and bright eyes.

Dressed in white and spotless, he chuckled: "you guys, it's because you and I are in the same family that I've reduced the price to such a low price. Besides, everyone who has used it knows that the quality of the notes I made is absolutely first-class, and the material is also a good choice of jade!"

"But today, you are so aggressive, as if I have taken advantage of something. Hehe, if you think I'm still expensive, you'd better turn around and go to other places. I won't accompany you here!"

"Hum, if you want to go, go. Don't delay my business!"

Lin Xuan is not used to these people's bad habits. He bullies people and bullies Lao Tzu. Do you really think he is a bully?

Sure enough, all the people who spoke just now changed color when they heard Lin Xuan's merciless words. The first elder martial brother of lingzhe Shiduan even blackened his whole face!

"What does younger martial brother Lin mean by that? I've come to take care of your business with good intentions. I didn't expect that younger martial brother Lin is so ungrateful. Hum, don't you think you are really a person? "

The atmosphere in the field was in a state of uproar. All of them felt incredible. Why is this elder martial brother so angry?

Don't you want to do it?

"Who is this elder martial brother? I've never heard of him before, and judging from his strength, he's only a spirit. He's not afraid of Lin Xuan at all!"

"Yes, this man has a big background. Otherwise, it would be unwise for younger martial brother Lin Xuan, who is now in the limelight."

Some people even snickered and said, "Hey, we're just watching. It's good to reduce the price. Even if we can't, we won't lose anything!"

They wish someone could fight with Lin Xuan and frustrate his spirit. Since Lin Xuan's entrance, it's a great feat.

It's no more than the shock of everyone. After he started, he taught his senior brothers a lesson. Not only were he scared by his peers, but even some of them didn't want to be provoked!

"Ha ha, you don't understand. This man's name is Qian Yu. He is the elder martial brother of the last term. Although he is not well-known in ordinary times, he has a brother of a mother, who is also a disciple of the blood weeping sect. He is gifted. Now he is the cultivation of the five sections of the spirit. He is extremely difficult to deal with in the same term. He is a ruthless role!"

"It's true that Qian Yu's brother is a hero of my class. When he first took the entrance test, he surprised everyone. After he entered the blood weeping sect, he made many breakthroughs, which was extraordinary."

However, when Lin Xuan heard all kinds of words in the crowd, he directly sneered at this man's complacent face: "get out of here!"


This remark, like breaking through the sky, caused bursts of exclamations. Many young disciples who had never seen Lin Xuan's hand and were quite suspicious of his "prestige" surrounded him. Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan was so powerful that he dared to be so disrespectful to his elder martial brother!


Qian Yu was very angry. Although he didn't say that he was superior, because of his brother, who didn't give him a little thin face when he saw him. Now Lin Xuan let him down in public, and his face was black!

"Lin Xuan, I've said all the good things. If you don't know how to praise yourself, don't blame me for being merciless!"

"Ha ha, why, elder martial brother Qian, don't you want to do it?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan laughs with great interest. At present, his strength is greatly increased, and he has already ignored people of this realm.

"Well, do it? Younger martial brother Lin, I'm afraid you think it's easy. In the future, I'm afraid you can't do this business! "

Qian Yu gave a cold hum, which meant a long time to spit out a few words.

"Oh? I don't know what method elder martial brother Qian has come up with to prevent me from doing this business? "

Hearing this, Lin Xuan didn't get angry. He was still smiling and said coldly.

"Well, it's all over. I don't want to play riddles with you. I might as well tell you."

Qian Yu snorted and suddenly turned angry into happy, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Lin Xuan, do you think I'm going to do something to you? Hehe, where can I use it? Some people don't need me to deal with you at all! "

"In fact, it's also your fault. The tree is big and attracts the wind. What kind of good place do you really regard qixuezong as? If you want to get a foot in the business of note passing, do you know that you are not far away from death! "

This time, Lin Xuan finally serious, but his face is still calm, not half afraid, calm way: "would like to hear its detailed!"

"Ha ha ha, it's stupid. I can't see through this!"

"Do you know why there are only a few companies selling notes in my blood weeping sect, while no one else dares to step in?"

"It's all because the business of note passing has its own owner. Unless the owner's permission is obtained, other people who want to sell notes are challenging him!"

"You, I've noticed you for robbing this master's business these days. In my opinion, you'll be found in three days. Hey, younger martial brother Lin, please help yourself!"

Qian Yu laughed. He felt that the depression in his chest had disappeared in an instant, and the shame just now had been swept away.

"Younger martial brother Lin, I'll leave first. Ha ha, don't worry. When the good play starts, I will come to see younger martial brother Lin off."

However, as soon as he said this, Lin Xuan immediately laughed. His smile was very bright. He shook his head and said with a smile: "brother Qian, don't mention it. I'll give you a ride!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Xuan's figure suddenly disappeared from the original place. The whole person seemed to cut through the void and suddenly appeared in front of Qian Yu!

No one thought that he would go straight to the third peak!

At the next moment, Lin Xuan grabbed Qian Yu's shoulder. After counting his breath, he broke his arms and legs lightly, and then formed a ball like ball. Ignoring the sad cry, he raised his foot, just like kicking a ball, and lifted Qian Yu from the stone steps of the third peak!

Although he is only on the second floor, he is hundreds of meters high from the bottom of the peak. If ordinary people fall down, their bones will be broken. But Qian Yu is a practitioner of the fourth section of the spirit. His body is strong. If he falls down from this height, he will not die. At most, he will suffer some skin injuries!

But because Lin Xuan's previous methods were too tyrannical, elder martial brother Qian was afraid that he would not see any good play. At least he had to lie in bed for half a year and use good medicine to heal his wounds.

"You're welcome!"

Lin Xuan stroked his forehead with his hand and looked at the misty bottom of the peak with an impolite look on his face.

Then he turned around and looked at the people who had been completely stunned in front of the booth, as if nothing had happened. He said with a smile, "two thousand spirit stones, or two hundred school points, are not negotiable, let alone on credit."

After a long time, the crowd reacted and burst into a tsunami like exclamation. They were shocked. Some people subconsciously swallowed their saliva and did not dare to put the channel: "is this man... The devil?"

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