"This master's temper is too unpredictable. He was smiling just now. How can he kick people down in a twinkling of an eye?"

Some onlookers are still in a state of shock. Just now they threatened Lin Xuan and others.

However, it was impossible for Lin Xuan to do so, let alone not have so much hatred. These people are actually his God of wealth. Just give them money.

With Lin Xuan back to the booth, several people who were still bargaining did not dare to say more. They obediently bought a few notes according to the price of two thousand spirit stones.

As for why they didn't leave, in the final analysis, it was because Lin Xuan sold more cheaply. There was nothing more cost-effective than buying from him.

"Three notes, six thousand spirit stones."

Lin Xuan sat on a wooden stool, with his legs up, and walked leisurely.

This style, not only does not make people feel that it is arrogant, but also makes people fear.

Smell speech, that comes here to buy to pass notes of the man busily from the pocket to take out a few spirit deed, pass to Lin Xuan in front of.

This spiritual contract is not the spiritual contract of the major chambers of Commerce he met in the outside world, but comes from the blood weeping sect.

All disciples of the sect can exchange the spirit stone in the spirit stone hall with this spirit deed.

After checking that there was no problem, Lin Xuan nodded, indicating that the other party could take away the notes.

However, at this time, not far away from the stone steps, suddenly came a fat man, he was surrounded by people, walking down from the mountain.

He laughed and said, "Oh, who am I to peddle here? It turns out that I am younger martial brother Lin xuanlin, who has been in the limelight recently."

He has a strong breath and a strong voice.

When many people saw the comer, they were in an uproar again. They were extremely afraid to make way for him. Even some people did not dare to stay in front of Lin Xuan's booth and ran to the distance in a hurry, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

Such an accident makes Lin Xuan subconsciously look at him and stare at the people.

He asked, "who are you? It seems that there is no grudge between us? "

"Ha ha, what younger martial brother Lin Xuan said, you and I are all from the same family. I just came here four years earlier than you, and I didn't have much hatred before."

The elder martial brother with fat head and big ears was dressed in a blue robe with a smile on his face.

"Since there is no grudge, please move to another place. Don't delay my business."

Lin Xuan said not humbly or haughtily.

"Ah, younger martial brother Lin, I don't know. I'm here today to talk business with younger martial brother Lin."

Although the elder martial brother looks a little puffy, he is just like a hill standing there, giving people great pressure.

"Ha ha, I don't even know what my elder martial brother's name is or what his purpose is. I'm not interested in any business. Forget it."

Lin Xuan chuckled and showed no mercy.

According to his observation, the strength is not difficult to do, but the spirit of the five, he is not afraid.

"Hum, younger martial brother Lin, your elders haven't taught you, so you should respect them. I'm also a elder martial brother who started four years earlier than you. Do you think it's appropriate for you to talk to me like this?"

The puffy man snorted coldly and stood up in front of Lin Xuan's booth.

"Oh? What should I say? Do I have to kneel down to please you? "

Lin Xuan sneered and said coldly.

As the saying goes, there are many right and wrong people. In fact, Lin Xuan had this kind of consciousness early on. He sold notes here at a super low price. In fact, he didn't need Qian Yu's previous warning, and knew that he would cause trouble sooner or later.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. It's also necessary to cultivate immortals.

"Hum, you have a smooth voice, Lin Xuan. I'm here today, and I don't want to talk more nonsense with you."

"I think you are also a hero. My master allows you to sell notes on this mountain. He doesn't care, but you should know the rules."

"Well, let's divide the net profit of the notes you sell every day into 80% and 20%. My master needs to manage many places, at least 70% of them. And my elder martial brother, of course, can't go home empty handed, as long as you have 10%."

"As for the rest, it's all yours!"

Elder martial brother qingpao is generous and confident.

"Oh? This elder martial brother is really a good tool. In just a few words, he wants to share 80% of my profits and make me feel grateful. Ha ha, it's really ironic

When Lin Xuan heard the speech, he was also angry and laughed by this man.

He wanted to knock this guy's head open to see if there were too many blisters inside.

At this time, more and more onlookers gathered. Many people just heard that there was a lot of excitement to watch, but they didn't think that what they wanted to see had already been solved. What's happening now is new excitement!

"It's not elder martial brother Liu Kuan of forty two peak. Why is he here?"

"Haha, what else can we do? It's all because Lin Xuan robbed them of their business. It should be noted that our elder martial brother Liu Kuan is also an array pattern master, and even set up a booth on the third peak."

"I see, but it seems that Lin Xuan is not easy to be provoked. Can he submit easily?"

"Haha, what if you don't obey? You should know how many people who want to do this business have been run away. No matter how talented Lin Xuan is, he's still too weak to help himself. I think he's hanging up!"

At this time, the elder martial brother Liu Kuan saw Lin Xuan with a look of sneer. He looked at him with disdain in his eyes. He suddenly became angry and said harshly, "hmm? Why, younger martial brother Lin is not willing to say this? "

"Don't dare, elder martial brother Liu Kuan is a master of five sections of the spirit. I'm just a waste of one section of the spirit. How dare I fight against you?"

Lin Xuan shook his head with a smile.

"Hum, yes, it's rare for you to have self-knowledge. I thought it would take a lot of effort and means before you would submit."

"Ha ha ha, but it's also good to avoid some skin and flesh pain."

"It's the so-called Junjie who knows current affairs. Younger martial brother Lin Xuan really understands people."

Liu Kuan didn't see the scene that Lin Xuan started to deal with Qian Yu just now. When he heard that his followers reported that someone was robbing them of business, he didn't take Lin Xuan as one thing at all.

Over the years, he has seen a lot of gifted talents, but isn't he a good dog, genius? ha-ha.

These two words are rotten in qixuezong. When he started, he was also called genius.

But at this moment, some of the onlookers couldn't figure out what medicine Lin Xuan was selling in the gourd.

"How could it be that he was so simple and willing to hand over 80% of the profits?"

"That's right. Where did Lin Xuan go when he was cleaning up his opponent just now? Why is he so weak now?"

"Hey, hey, you don't understand. Lin Xuan is really smart. Elder martial brother Liu Kuan is the master of lingzhe wuduan, and you know who he is?"

"Whose people? Just now I heard what he said. There was something wrong with what he said. Isn't it huge? "

"It's not just huge. The people behind Liu Kuan are all famous in this outer gate. It's said that if there is no accident, at least next year, that person will enter the inner gate to practice!"

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