A hundred robberies

On the Zhengyang mountain, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, thousands of birds take off, dense clouds, and the nature of heaven and earth. Every time you travel, you can make the disciples of qixuezong feel the towering mountain and feel the emotion.

The same is true of Lin Xuan. Zhengyang mountain can almost be regarded as one of the most famous mountains and rivers in Qingzhou Prefecture. The blood weeping sect here existed in the world ten thousand years ago, and the blood weeping sect's disciples are rooted in Miao Hong.

The great cloud city of Nuo arose from the blood weeping clan.

Therefore, in Yunxiao City, the identity of qixuezong's disciple is quite useful.

Lin Xuan was careful all the way down the mountain, but he didn't meet his imaginary opponent. He came to Yunxiao City safely.

He came to the Yulong chamber of commerce where he had previously traded and wanted to buy some materials.

Yunxiao city is the headquarters of Yulong chamber of Commerce. He has everything in the world. Lin Xuan doesn't have to worry that he won't be able to buy it.

And it's not the first time he's been here. He's already familiar with it.

"Give me 500 pieces of low-grade and medium-grade jade of the same size, then 100 pieces of top-grade and 10 pieces of top-grade jade."

These things cost him four hundred thousand spirit stones, which is all the spirit stones he has earned these days.

However, when Lin Xuan thought that he could earn at least 1.5 million spirit stones after all these jade stones were made into musical notes and sold, he couldn't stop his mind!

At this time, if anyone keeps Lin Xuan away from making Lingshi, it's definitely a big feud between life and death.

These profits are enough for Lin Xuan to leave everything behind and bear any consequences.

After bringing all the jade he bought into his personal space, Lin Xuan changed all the more than 100000 spirit stones he had looted into the elixir for refining the spirit pill.

In exchange for the elixir, he can refine five heats of spirit pills, draw inscriptions and pass notes, which is a great consumption of mental energy. Moreover, when he earns the spirit stone, he will not forget to improve his cultivation!

After all, only cultivation is the foundation of everything!

Over the past few days, Lin Xuan has raised his experience to 400000, leaving only two-thirds of his 1.2 million experience upgrade.

After this batch of notes sold out, at most two months, he will be promoted again.

But even so, Lin Xuan sighed: "it's still rising too slowly."

If his words are known, I'm afraid they will be scolded. The promotion of SHENTE is too slow!

Other people work hard to get promoted to a small level in a year or even several years. It only takes them less than three months to get promoted again. If it's still slow, then other people don't have to live!

However, this shocking words, doomed to no one will know.

Lin Xuan put all the elixirs in place, and then went up the mountain again instead of staying in Yunxiao city.

Just this time, Lin Xuancai had just left the city when he found that someone was following him.

At this time, Lin Xuanling was very sensitive. Although he found that he was being followed, he didn't make any noise. He pretended that he didn't know. He wanted to see what he was going to do.

As soon as I stepped into the hinterland of Zhengyang mountain, I suddenly saw several figures coming from high places, like hawks and falcons.

"Ha ha ha, younger martial brother Lin Xuan, what a coincidence! Let me catch you!"

At the moment, the leader's long hair is blown by the wind, and the iconic puffy figure, who else can there be besides Liu Kuan?

However, in addition to Liu Kuan, there are two same masters on his side, all of them are five sections of the spirit.

"Hum, Lin Xuan, do you know who I am?"

One of them stepped forward, sneered and hummed to Lin Xuan, forcing him to ask.

"Who? I don't care who you are. I'm in a hurry. Please give way! "

Lin Xuan sneered and scorned.

"Hum, presumptuous, Lin Xuan, I've heard that you are arrogant for a long time. Today I saw you, you are really arrogant!"

"I'm Qian Yu's elder brother, Qian Shan. It's unreasonable that you beat my younger brother seriously, but you don't care. I have to find him today!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods, still Hun don't care of smile way: "Oh, I remember, you originally is that fool's elder brother, ah, your family gene is not good, brothers both quite stupid."

With this remark, Qian Shan almost vomited blood. He was so big that no one dared to speak to him like this!

"Hum, Lin Xuan, you are really sharp mouthed, but it's a pity that today is the day of your death, and you will be defeated!"

Qian Shan snorted coldly. His eyes were slightly cold. I don't know when he had a blue silver sword in his hand.

If Lin Xuan didn't hear about it, he looked at the last one and said curiously, "the two of you just now have some grudges against me, but I'm curious. Who are you? Are there any grudges between us? "

The man was dressed in a black robe with a black scarf on his head. It seemed that he didn't want to be seen.

"My young master wants to kill you. That's the reason."

The voice of the black robed man is a little hoarse, but he is very indifferent, just like a robot without emotion!

"I don't know. Who is your young master? I asked myself, "I haven't offended anyone else these days?"

Lin Xuan a face of don't understand a way.

"Hum, don't delay. Lin Xuan, this is your burial place. Ha ha, it's a pity. If you had agreed to my terms, you wouldn't have come to this situation."

"However, there is no regret medicine in this world!"

Liu Kuan snorted coldly, as if he had seen through Lin Xuan's mind.

"When I'm dying, let me be an understanding ghost. Please tell me when I offended your young master?"

Lin Xuan laughed and continued to ask the black robed man.

"You don't have to know the name of my young master."

The black robed man shook his head and then sneered, as if it came from Jiuyou. He said coldly, "it's you. Please take care of yourself."

"What are you still doing? Since you and I have the same goal, if we don't join hands to capture and kill him, when should we wait?"

With that, the man in black robe took the lead to kill Lin Xuan with a bone spur. It was like the spine of some fierce beast. It was extremely hard and sharp!

"Well, since you won't say it, I'll call you and say it!"

As soon as Lin Xuan's figure flashed, he stepped on the moon shadow step, just like the immortal shadow in the sky. In the blink of an eye, he came tens of meters away.

He said calmly, with both hands on his back.

"Cut the crap and take your life!"

The black robed man roared, carrying the huge bone stab sword, and then came to Lin Xuan again!

This time Lin Xuan just smile, he did not avoid, I do not know when, his hands more than a yellow orange sword!


The sword and the dagger were opposite, and the sparks were everywhere. The ivory bone stab sword was as hard as gold and stone. Even if Lin Xuan was holding the Huanglong sword, he could not tell the outcome for a moment!

At this time, Qian Shan and Liu Kuan, who were originally standing on both sides, also moved. They all took out their strongest weapons and killed Lin Xuan!

This is to make it clear that Lin Xuan's intention is to kill him!

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