There is no way back

"The three masters of five sections of the spirit, Qi Zhi, work together to deal with me. They really look up to me!"

Lin Xuan's eyes were cold. He didn't look back at the two men who came behind him. Instead, he jumped up, holding the Huanglong sword, and a golden light flashed by. From top to bottom, he cleaved the black robed man!

This blow, with the momentum of splitting heaven and earth, caused the void to shake, and the invisible wind swept wantonly, which was extremely terrifying!

The latter threw out the huge bone spurs in a hurry, and the sound of gold and stone was like thunder, shaking the world!


The next moment, Qian Shan and Liu Kuan came to Lin Xuan with their weapons behind them. A long blue silver sword outlined the silver training under the sky and shot at Lin Xuan's body!

On one side, Liu Kuan is not willing to be outdone. His plump body is like a hill, and his hands don't know when to swing out two black meteor hammers!

Each of these meteor hammers is as huge as a stone mound, with black light flowing on its body surface, which is incomparably extraordinary!

They don't have a single product in their hands. They are all low-level treasures. They are very powerful!

Even if it's the cultivation of the spirit, if you get a blow, you will also suffer a heavy blow!

With his incomparable fighting experience, Lin Xuan found some loopholes between the two men, and broke away from the control of the three men as if he had gone through the natural moat of life and death!

"Hum, Lin Xuan, you still want to run. I'll tell you, don't waste your efforts and ask me to die early. Maybe you can still leave a whole body for you!"

Liu Kuan opened his mouth and gave a cold hum. His strength was boundless. The meteor hammer in his hand, which weighed more than a thousand jin, seemed to be nothing. It didn't affect his speed at all. He chased Lin Xuan!

"Yes, Lin Xuan, if you know the truth, you will put down your weapons. We can keep your whole body!"

Qian Shan echoed, and his body method was also extraordinary. Like a knight errant, he held up his sword and chased after Lin Xuan tightly!

"You can't run away!"

Just now, the man in black robe, who was restrained by Lin Xuan and stepped back a few steps, also stepped forward. The distance between the jumps was tens of meters, and he left behind!

"Bah, you three old Bangzi really treat me as a child of three years old. If you have the ability to fight with me alone, I will kill you all!"

Lin Xuan's moon shadow step has reached the highest level, but because the level of this moon shadow step is not so high, there is an upper limit, so he has no time to get rid of the three!

However, in a short time, the three opponents behind him could only eat ash. Lin Xuan was still in the mood to run and scold!

"I don't know the height of heaven and earth!"

"To die!"

Smell speech, the three people behind are all furious, use all one's strength, the speed is faster than just up many, tightly chase after Lin Xuan's buttocks!

"Fuck you!"

Lin Xuan scolded angrily. He had not been chased like this for a long time. He was angry!

These people are obviously well prepared. All the weapons in their hands are special. They are not ordinary goods, and their realm is higher than that of him. One on one is better. But if they fight one for three, Lin Xuan will suffer a loss!

However, Lin Xuan's figure suddenly stopped, and he turned around and looked back at the moon, and swept out a sword light!

"Horizontal sky chop!"

All of them didn't expect that Lin Xuan would stop abruptly. They were all surprised. They didn't react. They had to escape in a hurry!

Lin Xuan knew that he couldn't walk away and would be chased to death, so he didn't run away at all. His chest was full of fire. Taking advantage of this opportunity, when the three were scattered, he chopped at the black robed man again!

This person was injured by him just now, which is a breakthrough. As long as one person is killed, Lin Xuan's crisis is not so big!

"Old Bangzi, you die for me first!"

Lin Xuan roared. The Yellow Dragon sword was as bright as the scorching sun. It seemed that there was a dragon chant coming out. He waved it and chopped it at the head of the black robed man!

"Mountain splitting style!"

This is the real killing move. Hengduan Dao is a high-level Dao technique with unimaginable power. In addition, Huanglong Dao is extraordinary. The black robed man wanted to win with Lin Xuan, and he also waved his long bone stab sword!

"Smelly boy, I don't kill a man as arrogant as you. Today, you will hate me on the big sword!"

However, under this blow, the eternal golden light that Lin Xuan split seemed to be able to crush everything. The white bone stab sword was shocked by the unparalleled divine light, and even broke a big hole. Then it started from this, inch by inch!

"What, how is that possible?"

That giant force and the edge match, it can be called invincible, shock the black robed man step by step back, the tiger mouth directly cracked, gushing out the murmuring blood!

The voice of the black robed man was very shocking. His only eyes were full of disbelief!

His eyes were full of fear, as if he had made up his mind. He continued: "I'm the fifth paragraph of the spirit, and you can hurt me. I'm surprised. It seems that I really can't keep you. If you can practice for another two years, I'm afraid you don't really want to become my young master's heart trouble!"

In the middle of this, Qian Shan and Liu Kuan also rushed over, and they formed a battle to encircle Lin Xuan!

"Well, I didn't want to do more killing to spare your lives, but I didn't expect you to be so aggressive. In that case, let's fight!"

Lin Xuan made a deep sigh, trying to bluff the three people and look for opportunities.

However, which of these three people is a simple one? Liu Kuan immediately sneered and laughed: "Lin Xuan, you dare to be tough when you are dying. I'll see what kind of war you are going to take!"

"Yes, let's die!"

"Green lotus sword formula!"

Qian Shan waved the blue silver sword, and a green lotus appeared in the sky. Then the petals scattered all over the ground. Under the dancing of the blue silver sword, the petals turned into the most terrible weapon at this moment!

Every petal is like a blade, rushing towards Lin Xuan!

At this moment, Lin Xuan's eyes were deep. He gave a cold drink, and the golden light appeared on his whole body. The immortal golden body was moved to the extreme by him.

Later, he waved the Huanglong sword to open a way of life!

"Well, brother Qian Shan really deserves his reputation. He was able to get the green lotus sword formula. It's a rare high-level sword technique in our sect. There are endless wonderful skills in it!"

"Ha ha, brother Liu Kuan has praised me falsely. How can I get the complete Qinglian sword formula? This method is just a remnant. It's just a secret skill!"

"But even so, it's enough to deal with Lin Xuan!"

Qian Shan sneered, and his figure moved again. It turned out that the overwhelming petals were not a real killing move. The real killing move was to stab out a sword at the moment when the petals were gone!

Sure enough, in the sky, Lin Xuan was blinded by the petals that blocked the sky. When he opened a gap like a crescent moon again, he was faced with a sharp and dangerous sword, which pierced his face!

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