"Die for me!"

Qian Shan roared, as if he thought of his seriously injured brother lying in bed. He hated Lin Xuan very much!

However, the next moment, in front of him suddenly appeared a huge white jade tripod, like a hill, blooming with holy light, which also exudes a strong fragrance of medicine!

The white jade heaven and earth tripod was directly smashed by Lin Xuan as a concealed weapon. Although he could not inspire all-round ability, it was also a high-level treasure. It used to shine in the hands of dutianzun. Its defense was amazing!

The blue and silver sword broke into pieces against the white jade heaven and earth cauldron. It turned into countless pieces and scattered all over the world!

If it wasn't for Lin Xuan's sharp sense, the blue and silver sword would stab a hole in his body!

"No way!"

At this moment, Qian Shan was shocked, but the big tripod like a mountain in front of him was too shocking. Even if he couldn't stimulate the whole breath, it made him tremble and want to kneel down!


The huge white jade tripod smashed on Qian Shan's body fiercely. The latter was hit by this terrible blow, and immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood. His body was about to split, overflowing with fine blood.

Even if it is a high-level treasure that has not been activated, it is not something that a little spirit can resist!

This is the object of the venerable. It's terrible!

"Even if it's not a high-level treasure, it can be used as a brick. No one wants to break it

Lin Xuan sneered, just like the God in the world, urging the white jade heaven and earth tripod to shoot the past again. He wanted to shoot Qian Shan alive!

The other two did not expect this scene. They thought that Lin Xuan would die, but at this critical moment, a big white jade tripod was born!

Both of them are sharp eyed people, very discerning. Although they were shocked at how Lin Xuan could have such a treasure, they still swallowed their saliva subconsciously. Their eyes were full of greed and said, "I didn't expect that, Lin Xuan, you still have such a treasure in your hand. It's really surprising!"

"I'll give you another chance now. If you are willing to give me this tripod, I can spare your life!"

One side of the black robed people are silent, eyes staring at the huge medicine tripod, forget to support the white jade tripod ruthlessly hit money mountain!

The latter vomited blood, and a big pit was smashed out of the ground. He climbed out of the pit, angry and yelling: "what are you two waiting for? Do you really want him to break it one by one?"

At this time, Liu Kuan and Liu Kuan seemed to recover from the shock, but the greedy color in their eyes did not fade away!

"This treasure is predestined relationship with me, boy, you'd better hand it in as soon as possible!"

The man in black robe laughs. He takes the lead in fighting against Lin Xuan. Although the big bone stab sword has been broken, it doesn't prevent him from using his magic skills!

"Five poison palms!"

The figure of the black robed man turned into a shadow. He killed Lin Xuan from behind and waved his hand. The black light suddenly appeared. It seemed that there was a smell of decay in it, which made Lin Xuan avoid being like a snake or a scorpion!

The next moment, he left the place, and a stone at his feet was shot by the black light. It was not only torn apart, but also seemed to be corroded. Black water overflowed from the stone!

"It's a very insidious move. It seems that we have to solve you first!"

Lin Xuan's heart is cold. He doesn't want to be attacked by others, which leads to the lack of arms and legs. Even if the elixir can recover and make his body reborn, he doesn't want to endure the pain of being eroded!

"Don't you like to fight against each other? What's the ability of sneak attack behind your back? If you have the ability to fight against Laozi, try it?"

Lin Xuan changed his shape, dodged the meteor hammer in Liu Kuan's hand, came to the man in black robe, and waved directly!

"Good boy, I really have seed. Although my five poison palm can't be on the stage, it's also a medium level and inferior skill. Why not deal with you?"

However, when the black robed man also wanted to wave his hand to Lin Xuan, he didn't expect that there was a dazzling golden light in Lin Xuan's hand at this moment, and there was a big Golden Shadow waving, as if it could smash the mountains and engulf the mountains!

The black robed man was in a panic for no reason. The palm he slowly waved was trembling, and he was shocked by the power.

Black light gushed from his palm, as if trying to cut off the overwhelming virtual shadow, however, the golden hand seemed to fall from the sky, with infinite power, unstoppable!

"Don't put out the palm!"


With the roar of Lin Xuan, the whole earth seemed to shake for a while. There was a big pit where the black robed man was. The dust was flying. The latter was directly patted into the soil by the big hand, and his whole body was about to shatter. He cried in pain!

However, it's not over yet. Lin Xuan is shocked by Liu Kuan's eyes, and Huang long Dao comes back to him again!

"Mountain splitting style!"

This time, the black robed man no longer had a big bone stab sword to stop him, and his whole body was patted into the soil with his back to Lin Xuan, which was hard to escape!

A sharp golden light split, the big pit of a shock, again was split out of a two meter wide ditch!

The black robed man in the center was split into two by Lin Xuan, his clothes were broken, and he could not die again!


Liu Kuan and Qian Shan yelled, looking at Lin Xuan's eyes full of deep fear!

"Brother Liu, now that man is dead, only the two of us are left. Please use the means of pressing the bottom of the box to kill Lin Xuan completely, otherwise, we will be in danger!"

At this moment, Qian Shan understood that the Libra of victory had tilted towards Lin Xuan!

"You don't have to say it!"

However, Liu Kuan snorted coldly. He seemed to think that the helper he got was too useless. He couldn't even kill Lin Xuan, such a spiritual monk. What a shame!

Finally, it's up to him to clean up the mess!

The meteor hammer in Liu Kuan's hand is made of unknown material. The black light is surging and the snake scale like pattern is outlined on it. It looks more and more extraordinary!

However, Lin Xuan did not pay attention to Liu Kuan, but put his goal on Qian Shan, who had been badly hit!

At this moment, he had no mercy in his heart. He was a pain in the neck!

The Yellow Dragon sword is bright and bright. It is waved by Lin Xuan. It avoids Liu Kuan's meteor hammer and turns to kill Qian Shan!

The latter, after all, is the most gifted person in the last Chinese Communist Party. He has made great progress in the past four years. Even though he has been badly hit, he still has the strength of the first World War. He doesn't know where to take out another dark sword!

Although this sword is not as good as the previous one, it is also enough to hold Lin Xuan. They fight each other for several moves in a moment. Lin Xuan cuts down one knife after another, which makes Qian Shan's unstable Qi and blood even more unbearable and spurts out blood again!

But also at this time, Liu Kuan killed to come over, complexion indifference way: "end!"

Lin Xuan can only give up Qian Shan first and fight Liu Kuan again. Wang Tianzhan swings him to the side. It's another flash to leave!

"Indeed, it's over!"

At this moment, the shadow of the moon at the foot of Lin Xuan turned to the extreme. Qian Shan, who had just escaped from the heaven, was entangled by Lin Xuan again. This time, his body was very weak. His spiritual power and spirit all consumed more than half of them. It was hard to fight for a long time!

"Mountain splitting style!"

The golden light that cuts through the eternity sweeps through the sky and the earth, which is unstoppable. Qian Shan's fleeing back suddenly gives a meal. On the back of his neck, there is a thin blood line overflowing, and then, the blood is gurgling!

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